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Master of Public Health in Environmental Health Sciences
UAB School of Public Health
Bachelor of Science in Biology/Chemistry
UAB – University of Alabama at Birmingham
Professional Experience
State of tennessee, TDEC
Solid Waste Management
Environment Specialist IV
March 2006-Present
Supervises staff in the enforcement of the Solid Waste Act (TCA 68-211). The supervisor in this section oversees the
solid waste planning and waste reduction efforts of each of the 95 counties in the State of Tennessee. This position is
charged with reviewing the solid waste plans and updates detailing the region's efforts and progress towards meeting the
25% waste diversion goal and related activities. This position also conducts qualitative assessments of the solid waste
regions failing to meet the 25% waste reduction and diversion goals and establishes a plan to address this deficiency.
Other areas of interest are waste diversion efforts, technical workshops, and technical assistance to these solid waste
planning regions.
Supervises staff in the enforcement of the Solid Waste Act (TCA 68-211).
Provides technical assistance to staff & all 95 counties in the best environmental practices to
aid in keeping compliance with the Solid Waste Act.
Supervises the review & validation of the Annual Progress Report from all counties in the
state. 25%
Responsible for conducting Qualitative Assessments, which are special evaluation studies, to
determine if counties who fail to meet statistical requirements of the SW Act were able to
meet its intent.
Designs & conducts workshops & seminars to educate the counties & public on solid waste
Develops the Solid Waste Assistance program for the Annual Solid Waste Conference.
Communicates verbally & in writing with the public and government agencies with regard to
complaints, information requests, recycling practices and source reduction strategies
Oversees the $500,000 annual grant to the 9 Development Districts. Annually negotiates
each District's contract with the State. Reviews each District's Quarterly Report to determine
if payment is justified.
Conducts frequent meetings with the District's to inform them of environmental situations that
need their attention.
state of Tennessee, Tdec
Air Pollution Control
Environmental Specialist I & III
June 2001 – March 2006
An individual in this position is directed to maintain the purity of the air resources of a 12 county area in the State of
Tennessee. Duties include conducting source visits and compliance inspections, developing enforcement cases on
violations of the regulations, maintaining surveillance of the state's ambient air sampling stations, performing and
observing stack tests, and collecting and disseminating information relative to the control of air pollution.
Phone: 615-***-**** Page 2
Conduct onsite inspections of companies with air contaminant sources and their records to
verify compliance with air pollution permits.
Performs Visible Emissions Evaluations of facility's emissions (smoke) to determine
compliance with State and Federal regulations.
Communicates findings of these inspections, both orally & in written reports, to the supervisor
and other relevant parties. If issues of non-compliance are found, works with the facility & the
enforcement section to ensure a return to compliance quickly
Communicates verbally & in writing with citizens & government agencies with regard to open
burning, dust, odor & other air pollution complaints.
Initiates enforcement action by writing formal Notices of Violations to companies who fail to
comply with conditions of their permit or individuals who violate open burning regulations.
Monitoring & collecting air samples in accordance with National Ambient Air Quality
Standards. This includes maintenance and calibration of ozone, lead, toxics and particulate
matter monitors.
Supervised one employee in the work described above.
Reviewed & provided feedback on all of employees’ reports and Notices of Violations.
Program Manager Mark Brown documented this responsibility in a letter to HR at the time.
Alabama power – a southern company
Environmental Field Technician (Graduate Internship)
June 2000-October 2000
This position assisted in the relicensing project for 9 hydroelectric dams on the Coosa & Warrior Rivers. Responsibilities
also included support for Gorgas Plant Constructed Wetland Study as well as a cooling water study at the Farley Nuclear
Conduct onsite inspections of companies with air contaminant sources and their records to
verify compliance with air pollution permits.
Monitored fish kills in the Coosa and Warrior river systems as an indicator of water quality
The Gorgas Wetland Study was a project to treat the highly acidic coal pile runoff water with a
man-made wetland instead of expensive control equipment. Tested water samples to
determine conductivity, ph & dissolved oxygen in each cell.
Monitored & calculated the volume of water and the flow rate through each cell of the wetland
before being discharged to the Warrior River.
Participated in setup of water laboratory designed to monitor fouling of cooling water pipes at
Farley Nuclear Plant.
Conducted cleaning, drying & weighing of the samples collected.
Assisted in control of algal blooms on Coosa River and Christmas tree recycling project
providing habitats for game fish.
southern research institute
Toxicology Technician
June 1997 – May 2000
Conduct National Toxicology Program (NTP) studies using rats, mice, dogs, cats, monkeys, and rabbits in order to
determine cancer causing ability of chemicals.
Participated in planning sessions for National Toxicology Program study protocols.
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Conducted technical procedures including oral gavage, IV, IM, IP orbital bleeding, Vena Cava
terminal bleed, dosed feed, dosed water, clinical observation & Sperm Mortality Vaginal
Cytosis Evaluations on study animals.
Professional References
Larry Christley
Solid Waste Assistance Program Manager
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor, Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Email: *****.*********@**.***
Phone: 615-***-****
Bill McCabe
APC Environmental Field Office Manager
711 R. S. Gass Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37216
Email: ****.******@**.***
Phone: 615-***-****
Joyce Dunlap
Solid Waste Assistance Program Manager
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor, Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Email: *****.******@**.***
Phone: 615-***-****
Glen Pugh
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor, Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Email: ****.****@**.***
Phone: 615-***-****