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Manager Management

New Caney, TX
April 09, 2014

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*************@*******.*** Linked In Profile

*** ******* ****** ***** 832-***-**** office

New Caney, TX 77357 281-***-**** cell


Consummate resourcing, development and change agent with over 20 years of generalist staffing, systems and process experience in the Oil and Gas,

Retail and Manufacturing Industries. Seeking a role in Recruitment for a progressive organization that offers upwardly mobile opportunities.

Recruiting Technical Disciplines

• • • Mechanical Engineering •

Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering

• • Technical Technology Degrees • Chemistry •

Environmental Engineering Biology

• • • Physics •

Geology Geophysics Math and Statistics

Recruiting Commercial Disciplines

• • • Information Technology •

MBA Finance/Accounting Marketing

• • • Supply Chain Management •

Business Administration Law/Juris Doctorate Political Science

Human Resources Software Tools and Back End Administration Capabilities

• • • Restrac/PeopleSoft • SAP R/3 •

Taleo/RecruitSoft Kenexa/Brass Ring MS Access

• • • MS PowerPoint • MS FrontPage •

MS Excel MS Word HTML

• • • MS Publisher • MS Visio •

MS Project MS One Note MS Exchange Admin

Centers of Expertise

• • • Full-Cycle Recruiting •

Succession Planning Data Analysis and Integrity Events Management

• • • Organizational Development •

Talent Acquisition HR Consulting Stakeholder Management

• • • Data Improvement •

Process Development Change Management Contracts and Negotiation

• • • Equal Opportunity Law •

Financial Analysis HR Systems and Tracking Marketing and Sales

• • • Logistics •

Vendor Management Procurement Assessment Training


RESUME SPECIALISTS, New Caney, TX 02/2013 to Present

Developmental Talent Manager

Currently serving as the Developmental Talent Manager for a job preparation and career planning service to assist job seekers in obtaining employment

based on years of staffing experience in multiple industries. Responsible for the direction, professional development and daily activities of 1

administrative assistant and 4 documentation, recruiting and facilitation specialists in day to day operations.

SHELL OIL, Houston, TX 09/1998 to 02/2013

Recruitment Americas

Graduate Talent Acquisition Lead 09/2009 to 02/2013

Responsible for the identification and acquisition of talented Graduate technical and commercial professionals for Downstream Manufacturing - all

North American locations, Downstream Technical - all North American locations, Finance, Fast-Track MBAs - North America, Health and Safety

Engineering and Projects and Technology Downstream Research and Development PhDs and undergraduates.

• Accountable for a budget of $700K allocated for the acquisition of talent across all client portfolio groups within area of responsibility.

• Directed the recruitment efforts of 14 internal to recruitment recruiters and 300+ staff on extended campus teams from all of the Shell

internal businesses and entities as well as identified profitable talent investment opportunities for Shell Social Investment and Workforce


• Managed the complete client relationships for graduate recruitment for a portfolio of 115 hiring and executive managers as well as 20

supplemental staff.

• Specialized in the conducting of specialized virtual candidate identification campaigns to find talent with focused skills in Research and

Development, Health and Safety Engineering and Manufacturing.

• Championed diversity, persons with disabilities and Junior Military Officer/Veteran and Security recruitment.

• Served as process development leader in a very broad global recruitment market, focusing on the shared principles of equal employment

opportunities and legal compliance.

• Responsible for the development, implementation and training of new business recruiters associated with direct client portfolio.

Senior Graduate Recruiter 06/2004 to 09/2009

Accountable for a variety of hiring functionalities that spanned the Systems and Sourcing functions of the Campus Hires division. Primary duties were

to research, source, contact, and recruit top talent from schools in which Shell has no formal relationship. Responsible for the identification and

successful recruitment of all Downstream and Upstream Research and Development non-geological PhD Graduate recruitment, Fast-Track MBAs,

Finance, IT and general technical and geological graduates.

• Responsible for the complete budgetary management of $500K in the pursuit of qualified specialized talent.

• Charged with the handling candidate and client base concerns with the hiring process, working on building relationships with academic

departments having hard to find candidate pools, and selling Shell Core Principles to potential employees.

• Developed and implemented the Fast-Track MBA hiring process in the US based on the Global Recruitment Model with modifications to

fit the US Market and US Talent needs.

Professional Resume of Erica C. Dunn-Pilzner, CPRW, CEIP Page 2 of 2

• Served as focal point and team lead of 12 to work closely with Shell Legal and Equal Opportunity to monitor and maintain standardized

overall campus hiring processes.

• Worked with dynamic teams of recruiters, engineers, IT professionals, finance and trading professionals as well as members of the Social

Investment and Workforce Planning groups to hire individuals from a broad portfolio of schools and organizations.

• Directed and oversaw the development of 25 specialized recruitment teams consisting of 10 to 15 individuals to obtain technical and

commercial talent from schools, conferences and national organizational events.

Campus Administrative Team Lead 10/2002 to 06/2004

Responsible for the management and development of 5 recruitment associates supporting the hiring objectives of the campus recruiting team.

• Revised work processes to align with IT systems and developed complete reporting portfolio to provide concise campus metrics.

• Supervised the review of candidate files returning to the office from on-site interviews and the final offer process.

• Automated and standardized all candidate correspondence for all stages of the hiring process.

• Managed and directed the use of a $75K budget for the annual campus recruiting kick-off event which included the coordination and planning

of efforts by events management, IT support, vendor contracting and negotiation for venue, scheduling and guidance of the United States

CEO, CFO and CIO speakers and the arrangement of personal security for both high profile executive speakers and event attendees.

Senior HR Information Systems Analyst 09/1998 to 10/2002

Duties spanned the entire Shell People Services Permanent and Contract Hires Division. These duties included all systems administration, database

implementation, tech support, resume screening/sourcing, and internet/intranet coordination.

SAP R/3 Sunrise Systems Administration 06/2000 to 01/2003

Responsible for working with global programming team and global super-user on system updates and changes. Ensured compliance with global system

processes, designed working processes that allowed for optimal use of system functionality. Designed and implemented user manuals for technical

support and system training as well as trained staff in 4 global offices. Worked with global team to implement system in 3 countries throughout 2001.

Also responsible for all reporting functions for the US.

Contractor Management System Administration (07/99 to 01/02)

Accountable for monitoring changes to the system and controlling systems updates and changes not related to program code. Charged with working

with programmers on code and screen changes, as well as collaborating reporting efforts. Responsible for working with staff to ensure optimal use of

the Access 8.0 contractor management system and making suggestions to upper management on system changes and issues. Performed all training of


Restrac Systems Administration (01/99 to 10/00)

Responsible for setting up new users, training existing users, and performing systems checkpoint analysis for EEO reporting measures. Accountable

for the maintaining and managing of the Restrac Systems Database. Charged with maintaining a working and timely Restrac Users Guide to train new

employees and users on the proper use of the system through individual one-on-one question and answer training.

New/Existing Employee Technical Support (09/98 to 05/05)

Responsible for ordering new PC’s as needed or fixing old PCs to new employee/existing employee job needs and responsible for working with

procurement on the cost effective ordering and returning of old/defective PC’s. Responsible for requesting new accounts, performing desktop support,

and monitoring the costs associated with all office and IT equipment.

Sourcing Coordination (09/98 to 07/99)

Responsible for internet mining of candidates to fill both Graduate and Experienced Hire positions. Also served as Employee Referral and Internet

Advertising Administrator.

Further Employment History Available Upon Request


Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics - Business Emphasis, awarded 12/95


Certified Employment Interviewing Professional (CEIP), 2013 – Current

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), 2012 – Current

Certified Microsoft Office Specialist, 1998


Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 2013 – Present

National Association of Professional Women (NAPW), 2013 – Present

National Associate of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), 2012 –Present

Better Business Bureau (Resume Specialists, A rating), 2012 – Present

Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Counselors (PARW/CC), 2012 – Present

Phi Beta Lambda, business fraternity, 1995 – Present

American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), 1995 – Present

Sigma Alpha, agricultural sorority, 1992 – Present

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 1998 – 2012

Girl Scouts of America, Treasurer and Cookie Manager, 2013 – Present

Kingwood Girls Softball Association, Team Assistant Coach and Sponsor, 2013 – Present

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