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Power Electrical

Yorktown, VA
April 08, 2014

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Shahid Ahmed, PhD



Dynamic R&D professional with over 10 years of proven experience in

electrical engineering, advancing electromagnetics innovations from

conception through commercialization. Rapid career progression through the

computational modeling and simulations as well as hardware developments.

R&D management with increasing levels of scope and responsibility for

solving complex engineering and multi-physics problems. Emphasize cross-

functional collaborations, tackle complex and challenging tasks with

efficiency while balancing priorities & schedule commitments. Actively

support high performance team environments and customers.

Professional Experience:

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Virginia, USA

2010 - 2014

Staff Scientist, Superconductor Radio Frequency (SRF) Institute (2013-


Project leader to support and execute innovations in electromagnetics

for accelerator technology. Collaborated with universities/labs and

supervised NSF funded research trainees.

Produced plasma discharges in frequency range (400 MHz - 1500 MHz) in multi-

cell SRF cavities driven by (500 W - 5 kW) Klystron/IOT/power amplifier via

waveguide/capacitive/inductive coupling.

Developed experimental setup for efficient power delivery into plasma using

multi-mode RF power to understand the plasma characteristics/behavior under

multi-frequency power drive mode condition.

Established procedures for optimum plasma suitable for system/device

cleaning/processing through parametric studies by changing the gas

pressure, RF power, multi-frequency power drive, RF matching.

Measured RF tuning, field flatness of multi-cell cavity by perturbation

using a metal bead and VNA.

Performed RF coupling measurements of modes for FPC/FP of cavity using VNA

and antenna.

Performed routine test for cable calibration and bench RF measurements by

utilizing low power RF.

Performed expert advice in trouble-shooting, tooling, assembly,

experimental setup, and diagnostics.

Implemented signal processing and data analysis techniques for analyzing

experimental results.

Published several papers, delivered invited talks, and submitted grant


Accelerator Physicist, CASA (2010 - 2013)

Independently handled projects on electromagnetics for applications

in accelerator technology. Collaborated with universities and supervised

NSF funded research trainees.

Designed/optimized 499 MHz, 5 kW RF cavities using 3D CST Microwave Studio


Designed/optimized electron beam extraction for 499 MHz (5 kW) RF cavity

systems using full 3D FDTD simulations. Led significant cost/time reduction

for main accelerator upgrade.

Executed experimental plan for 499 MHz/5 kW RF test which includes

procurement, process qualification, industrial clean room integration, UHV

diagnostics/leak test/remedy, and LLRF.

Optimized matching network for maximum RF power delivery from IOT/Klystron

to the cavity.

Performed routine high power (5 kW) RF tests for cavities; evaluated

suitability by phase stability, temperature drift, and frequency shift

analysis. Reduced time/cost, expedited upgrade process.

Designed/optimized 20 kW RF injector through FDTD beam breakup simulations

that improved performance, reduced cost and labor, minimized fabrication

time and expedited upgrade process.

Modeled Inductively/Capacitively Coupled Plasma (ICP/CCP) sources for

compact plasma reactor.

Performed expert advice in trouble-shooting, tooling, assembly,

experimental setup, and diagnostics.

Several scientific papers, design reports and internal technical documents

were published.

Illinois Institute of Technology/ Fermi National Lab, Chicago, USA

2008 - 2010

Senior Research Associate

Senior research member of Center for Accelerator and Particle

Physics. Collaborated with Muons, Inc., authored R&D plans, and co-

supervised Ph.D. students.

Solved complex scientific problem involving electromagnetic interaction of

charged particle's muon beam with plasma developed during ionization

cooling. Results of particle-in-cell simulations showed significant impact

in the cost effective design of a giant machine called muon collider.

Developed and benchmarked code for space charge effect in charge particle


Designed/optimized solenoidal magnet for capturing charged particle beam

for muon collider.

Experimental investigation of RF induced gas discharges in pressurized

cavity for ionization cooling. Ensured minimum risk of EMI due to high

power RF emission from experimental components used.

Developed full-wave 3D FDTD code for high speed signals in printed traces.

Performed crosstalk/eye-diagram analysis from EM mode perspectives - ideal

for devising mode suppressor to reduce crosstalk.

Published research results and delivered invited talks in international


Electronics Communications & Information Technology, Belfast, UK

2004 - 2007

Research Fellow

Member of High Frequency Electronic Circuits group focused on

developing novel generic solutions to advanced problems associated with

wireless front-end technology. Collaborated with TDK electronics.

Optimized power distribution and transformation from transformer to the

main circuit using 3D FDTD.

Developed and optimized full-wave 3D FDTD code for analyzing crosstalk

effect in densely packed high speed interconnects printed on multilayer


Optimized a system consisting of transmission lines and circuits driven by

a mixed signal.

Developed/optimized full-wave EM & circuit simulator using 3D FDTD method

for high frequency EM wave interaction with lumped and distributed

components. Benchmarked results with experiments.

Developed, optimized and tested 1D/2D/3D FDTD code for transient EM wave

propagation through dispersive media (plasma) for the study of high speed

digital signals in multilayer complex substrates.

Improved SI by optimizing line topology, substrate thickness and dielectric

properties for TDK Ele.

Parameter extraction/optimization of printed transmission lines by ADS,

benchmarked S-parameters.

Developed full wave 3D FDTD code for the interaction of transient EM waves

with human body in presence of mobile phone. SAR calculated and bio-

electric effect reported.

Wrote qualification test reports and results published.

Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore 2003 -


Research Fellow

Member of R&D electromagnetic group for advancing EMC/EMI (RFI) in

high frequency radiation environment. Mentored junior team members and

provided solutions to DELPHI electronics.

Optimized power distribution in electrical circuits and electrical motors

for DELPHI electronics.

Designed and optimized shielding enclosure using HFSS for radiation

emission from a high speed digital system for DELPHI electronics. Radiation

emission suppressed by 95%. Correlated/validated simulation results through

experimental measurements.

Used ANSYS for heat transfer and thermal analysis of a fin and a chip for

semiconductor ICs.

Full wave 3D FDTD code developed and optimized for signal integrity in

printed transmission lines.

Developed numerical technique for signal/power integrity improvement in

high speed circuits.

Designed/optimized monopole, dipole, and log-periodic antennas using MoM

method NEC.

Prepared and presented design reviews, and papers published.

Academic Degree:

Ph.D., Institute for Plasma Research, India (2005)

Thesis: Computational Modeling of Electromagnetic Pulse Simulators

Comprehensive studies through extensive developments in electromagnetics

for real life applications in electrical engineering:

Designed/optimized MOM/MIM capacitor using FDTD/MoM for pulsed power


Optimized power transfer from transformer to the pulse forming system for

launching EM pulses.

Developed/optimized fast switches to avoid jitter for coupling high power

fast pulses from Marx generator to the pulse launcher.

Developed frequency domain code for component analysis and benchmarked with

FDTD simulations.

Developed & optimized full-wave 3D FDTD code for EM wave propagation in

complex environments.

Optimized and improved signal/power integrity for EM pulses in EMP


Optimized pulse fidelity by matching the characteristic impedance of the

line sections.

Designed and optimized 3D enclosure using FDTD for EMC/EMI (RFI) &

radiation emission/immunity testing of equipment against high voltage

surge, lightening, and ESD.

Implemented FDTD code for the far-field radiation from EMP simulator to

assess leakage.

Designed and optimized HOM suppressor for radiation emission reduction from

EM enclosures.

Developed signal processing for mode extraction & radiation emission

prediction from an enclosure.

Ultra-wideband antenna designed, optimized, characterized, and tested for

pulsed application.

Developed codes for visualization, optimization, inversion & noise

filtration of large data.

Results documented, published, and presented.

Selected Computational Skills:

Numerical Methods & Techniques: Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD),

Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Integration Method, Frequency Domain

Technique, Method-of-Method (MoM), GTD, UTD, Transmission Line Method

(TLM), Particle-in-Cell (PIC), Monte Carlo, PDE, ODE, RLGC

Code Developments: 1D, 2D, 2.5D, 3D

Simulation Software: Microwave-Studio, COMSOL (multi-physics code), ADS,



Mentor Graphics.

ANSYS: Heat Transfer, Thermal Analysis, Multiphysics, HFSS, E-Mag, FLOTRAN


CST Microwave Studio Solvers: Eigen mode, Particle-tracking, PIC, Wake-


Numerical Libraries: IMSL, Nag, Numerical Recipes, Antia

Engineering/Scientific Packages: AutoCAD, Matlab, Scilab, Gnuplot, ROOT,

SIMULINK, Mathematica, Mathcad, OCTAVE, Excel, laBVIEW

HPC: Parallel computing using MPI & Open-MP, GPU, Algorithm Development

Operating Systems: DOS, Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac

Languages: Fortran, C, C++, Visual Basic, HTML, Latex

Scripting Languages: BASH, SHELL, PYTHON, PERL, SQL

Statistical Analysis Tools: R, ROOT, MATLAB, OCTAVE

Specialization in Electromagnetics:

Wave Propagation: 3D Free Space, Dielectrics, Complex & Nonlinear Media,

Composite Materials, Multilayer Substrates, Transmission Lines, Waveguides,

Co-axial Cables

Novel EM Structures: Photonic Crystals, Bandgap, Waveguides, Nano-

structures, Surface plasmons, Metamaterials, Cavity

(Normal/Superconducting), Strip Lines, HOM Suppressor

Transient Electromagnetics: LEMP, ESD-EMP, HEMP, Pulsed

Gas Discharge: RF/Microwave induced plasma of gases

Circuits & Systems: Signal/Power Integrity, High Speed, AC/DC,

Analog/Digital/Mixed Signal

Electronics: BJT/FET, MOSFET, CMOS, OPAMP, Device Physics, AM/FM/PM, Noise

Figure, Noise Temperature

Radiating Structures: Pulsed/Plasma/Impulse Radiating/Narrow Band Antennas,

Ka/Ku band

EM Interaction: Electrical/Electronic systems, EMI, EMC, Biological Tissues

EM Analysis: Time/Frequency Domain, Inversion, Optimization, Cross-


GeoPhysics: LWD, MWD, LWD Resistivity

Radar: Radar Cross Section, Ground Penetrating Radar, RCS Reduction

Signal Processing: FFT, IFFT, FIR/IIR Filters, Wiener/Kalman Filter, Image

Processing, Data Mining, Array Processing, SVD, Cross-


Charged Particle Beam: Interaction with EM Wave/Matter/Plasma,

Single/Coupled Bunch Instabilities, Space-Charge/Electron-cloud, Plasma-

Wakefield, Multipacting, Electrodynamics

Selected Instrumentations:

Various experiments based on Active/Passive Circuits, Vector

Network/Spectrum Analyzer, Oscilloscope, TDR, TDT, Signal/Function

Generator, Power Amplifier/IOT/Klystron, Power Meter, Receivers, Filters,

Directional Coupler, Circulator, BERT, RF Tuners, RF Probes, Transformer,

Transmission Line, Waveguide, Harmonic Mixers, PLL, LNA, VCO, Balun, Power

Detector, Power Splitter/Combiner.


2013 IEEE Hampton Roads Outstanding Engineer

Senior member grade of IEEE

Prestigious national scholarship award by the department of atomic energy,


First class first (Gold Medalist) in M. Sc.

Referee / Reviewer: US DOE SBIR/STTR; IEEE Ant. & Prop; IEEE EMC; IEEE A&P


JEC Innovations; IRJE S&T Innovations; IJNM; Willey Geophys.


Supervisor/Co-supervisor: Undergrad/Master/Ph.D

Proposal/Grant: DOE Early Career Award Proposal (First Phase Accepted)

Book/Chapters: Co-author in the "Design Report for the Future Electron-Ion

Collider" Jefferson Lab, VA

Publications: 45 peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings

as a leading author

Professional Society Memberships: IEEE NPSS, ComSoc, APS, MTT

Selected Services: IEEE HR Sec Chair 2014; Member IEEE Education Committee;

Workshop Organizer

Selected Invited /Contributed Talks:

Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA, Feb. 11, 2014

IEEE Hampton Roads Chapter Meeting, Newport News, VA, USA, Oct. 18, 2012

IEEE Hampton Roads Chapter Meeting, Newport News, VA, USA, Oct. 04, 2012

School of Science, Department of Physics, Hampton University, VA, USA, June


IEEE EMC NOVA Chapter Meeting, Rhein Tech. Laboratories, VA, USA, May 2012

International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,

May 2012

Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, USA, Mar. 2011

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, W&M university, VA, USA, Apr.


Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Virginia Tech, USA, Sep. 2010

Meeting on Comp. & Num. Methods for Modeling Breakdown, Tech-X, Boulder,

USA, Mar. 2009

IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Hawaii, USA, June 2007

European Microwave Week, Manchester, UK, Sep. 2006

Loughborough University, Pulsed Power Laboratory, England, UK, June, 2002

University of Manchester, Plasma Physics Laboratory, England, UK, June 2002

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, Dec. 2001

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