simone salmistraro
curriculum vitae
2002–2006 B.Sc. Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy), 104/110.
1997–2002 Scientific High School Diploma, Liceo Scientifico "Issel", Finale Ligure (Italy),
Bachelor Thesis
Title Multi-Agent Systems In Bioinformatics Simulation
Supervisors Professor Francesco Amigoni & Professor Viola Schiaffonati
Description This thesis investigates the state of the art of bioinformatics simulation techniques
involving agents and their implications from a Philosophy of science’s point of view.
October Consultant / Engineer, ALTRAN Italia S.p.A., Milan (Italy),
2013–Present Analysis and development of a solution which manages the annual tax report and duties for
companies in the Italian Gas & Power market. Management of various customer accounts.
The project consists of a web application based on Oracle PL-SQL and .NET Framework,
with an emphasis on system integration, performance and scalability.
August 2011– Software analyst & engineer, GISDATA S.r.l., Savona (Italy),
September Analysis and development of web and client applications based on various platforms. Man-
2013 aging customers in the Oil & Gas market.
Team leader on various projects:
a real-time, collaborative spreadsheets web app based on node.js, MongoDB,
and jQuery, optimized for touch devices
a reverse engineering and automation of the Siebel CRM portal through Javascript and
an ERP web app based on Yii Framework on top of PHP and MySQL, using REST web
services, optimized for mobile devices
web apps based on classic ASP and MS SQL Server for maintenance of Oil & Gas plants
analysis of augmented reality projects based on PhoneGap, for iOS and Android devices
2 productivity bonuses received for the achievements above.
Via Mons. Castelli 6 – Saronno, Italy 21047
+39-329-******* • ***********.******@*****.***
skype: simone.salmistraro 1/2
February .NET analyst & engineer, MESA S.r.l., Savona (Italy),
2010–August Analisys, design, development of a cost accounting management application based on
2011 C#.NET and MS SQL Server. Development of ASP.NET web apps. Design and SEO
for the Company’s website in PHP and Javascript. The Company is one of Italy’s most
awarded Microsoft Certified Partners.
August Software consultant, Marcomi S.r.l., Sanremo (Italy),
2009–May Analysis, development and SEO of PHP web applications, development of Wordpress
2011 plugins and Javascript and Flash plugins for playing AAC+ audio streams in a webpage.
September Web master / Course Manager, Ananda Ashram S.a.s., Milan (Italy),
2009 Management of websites, SEO, course promotion, web marketing and customer management
for a Yoga School based in Milan.
August JAVA Developer, Politecnico di Milano, ASAI, Milan (Italy),
2007–August For the IT Infrastructures and Services Department I developed a maps web application
2008 based on Java Platform, Enterprise Edition and Oracle DBMS.
January Book translator, freelancer, Milan (Italy).
2014–Present Translator from English to Italian of a book on meditation techniques for a new and
emerging Italian publisher.
September Conference interpreter, Ananda Ashram S.a.s., Milan (Italy).
2008–July Interpreter from English to Italian in Milan, Turin (Italy) and Kerala (India) during Ayurvedic
2009 Medicine courses held by Ayurvedic Physicians and Vaidyas.
Technical Skills
Basic Meteor, Backbone, Underscore, Mac OS X, Python, Perl, OrientDB
Intermediate Oracle DBMS, PL/SQL, JAVA, .NET, Web Services, HTML 5, CSS 3,
PHP, MySql, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Map Reduce, GNU/Linux, Microsoft
Windows, SVN, MVC, Agile Software Methodologies, Pragmatic Programming
Advanced JavaScript, Jquery, node.js, MongoDB, OOP
Communication Skills
I have strong team spirit and ability to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural
Italian Mothertongue
English Proficient
Norsk Bokmål Basic Learning it right now
Bengali Basic Basic phrases and words only
Via Mons. Castelli 6 – Saronno, Italy 21047
+39-329-******* • ***********.******@*****.***
skype: simone.salmistraro 2/2