Krishna Colony, Gurgaon.
Mob. No. : 91-875*******
To work amongst the network of skilled professionals in a dynamic, challenging
highly demanding atmosphere to excel at a position that offers challenges &
career growth in conjunction with organization’s goals & objective.
Standard Institute Board Year Percentage
M-tech Manav Rachna MRIU 20012-2014 75%
(Computer International (First Yr)
Science) University,
B-Tech Global Institute of Maharishi 2008-2012 71.3%
(Ist Division)
(Computer Technology and Dayanand
Science) Management, University,
Farukhnagar, Rohtak.
12th Blue Bells Model C.B.S.E 2008 71%
School, Gurgaon.
10th Colonel Central C.B.S.E 2006 85.8 %
Languages : C, C++, Asp. Net, Sql
Application : MS Visual Studio
Database System : Sql Server
NIIT: C, C++ Languages
MS Word, Excel & PowerPoint.
PROJECT (B-tech):
Titled “BOOK STORE” using ASP. Net Language, C#, MSSQL (3 rd year training at Tekno
Frendz, Gurgaon ).
It contains list of books which can be inserted, deleted and edited by interfacing Visual Studio
application with MsSql Server. Each book is specified with its id, price, author, pages and
publisher. As per user choice any book can be searched from the list. Moreover, user can ask any
query related to any book which is interfaced to my gmail account for solving the query.
PROJECT (M-tech)
Titled “FILE TRANSFER UTILITY” using Asp.Net Language, C#, MSSQL (3rd semester). It
has two panels User Panel and Admin Panel. File Transfer Utility User Panel involves
transferring of a file from one system to the other. Both the systems are connected to the same
server. User needs to register and create an account. Registered user can transfer a file to another
registered user. This file could be any file word, PowerPoint, excel, pdf, image, audio or any
other file. Maximum attachment is of 50 Mb. Second registered user can login to its account and
can download the file. It can see the date, time and IP Address of the sender.
Whereas Admin Panel will activate and deactivate the user. A user is only allowed to send or
receive file unless it is activated by Admin. It can see the entire details of the total amount of data
being transferred between the users.
Titled “HIGH PERFORMANCE TRANSFER PROTOCOL”, In order to send high speed bulky
data, UDT protocol is used which is unicast, reliable and connection oriented streaming data
transport protocol. It differs from TCP and UDP in terms of it speed. UDT makes use of control
Algorithms such as DAIMD and UDT. It solves two major issues: Congestion in the network and
efficient usage of bandwidth. UDT uses timer-based selective acknowledgment, which generates
an acknowledgment at a fixed interval. Implementation involves four systems in the network
which are connected in Ring topology where packets are passed between each node. The removal
of deadlock from a network using an alternative path for the “UDT Protocol” is done. Objective
of this dissertation is to study various transport protocols and find one such protocol which can
transport data at high speeds and provides a better understanding of message-dependent
deadlocks and ways of handling them.
Won 1st position in solo dance competition in inter college fest held at a prestigious medical
College in Delhi.
Participated in various cultural activities ( Group Dance, Rangoli Competition, Painting
Competition) at the intra and inter college level.
Name : Nidhi Gupta
Father’s name : Sh Satish Kumar Gupta
Date of Birth : 10 January 1990
Address : 274/12, Krishna Colony, Street No.7,Gurgaon
Contact No. : 875*******, 901-***-****
Languages known : Hindi, English
Hobbies : music, dance