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Nurse Practitioner Health

New Haven, CT
March 31, 2014

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Prepared: **-**-**

Curriculum Vitae

Soohyun Nam, PhD, APRN, ANP-BC


Business Address


Yale University


School of Nursing

E mail:*******.***@****.***

400 West Campus Dr

Orange, CT 06477


2009 Ph.D., Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

2005 M SN, ANP, N ursing, Adult Nurse Practitioner, UCSF

1998 BSN, Nursing, Seoul National University, South K orea


2013-present Controlled substance Registration: #CSP.0056453 and

D EA#MN3075252

2012-present Connecticut Nursing L icense, #106419

2012-present Connecticut APRN,#005075

2005-present California Nurse Practitioner Furnishing Certification: NPF #16002

2005-present Adult Nurse Practitioner #200-***-****,

American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2005, 2010

2003-present California Nursing L icense, RN# 617060

1998-2005 Registered Nurse (Korea, 140297)


2012-present Assistant Professor, Yale University, School of Nursing

2010-2012 Postdoctora l Fellow, I n terdisciplinary Training in Health Disparities

Research (N I H/N INR 5T 32 NR 007968), Johns Hopkins University

Clinical Service:

2006-2010 Adult Nurse Pr actitioner, O n Lok L ifeways, San F rancisco, CA


A ssessment, disease management, and health maintenance of older

adults with acute illness or stable chronic illness, or at r isk for age-related

p roblems.

Formulated and implemented plans of care to include diagnostic

tests, t herapeutic regimens, referral, patient health education,

health maintenance, and follow-up.

I nterdisciplinary team member with geriatric medicine

p ractitioners, RNs, d ieticians, physical/occupational therapists,

and social workers.

Adult Nurse Pr actitioner, F amily P ractice/Inte rnal Medicine (Dr.

D ouglas Severance, M D ), S an Ramon, CA

D irect care for acute patients for same day appointments, patients in

follow-up for chronic conditions, routine annual physicals,

p rescription refills and ordering/reviewing diagnostic tests results

A dult Nurse Pr actitioner, T ravel Doctor Clinic, Oakland, C A

Provided t ravel advice and immunizations to people of all ages. T he

p roblems i ncluded prevention of malaria, yellow fever, meningitis, typhoid,

r abies and

other infectious diseases, or high alti tude sickness.

Provided detailed, current health information regarding health


pertinent to i tineraries and appropriate vaccinations, prescriptions,

and services

to business or leisure t ravelers.

Advised t ravelers with chronic illnesses, special health concerns, or

t hose p lanning lengthy stays outside the U.S.

2004-2006 Staff N u rse, E lder Care Alliance, Salem Lutheran Home,

S killed Nu rsing F acility and Dementia Clinic, O akland, CA

Directed medical care of geriat ric patients with acute and chronic

d isease.

1998-2000 Staff Nu rse, Psychiat r ic Depa rtment, Seoul Samsung Medical

C enter


Conducted assessments, interventions, education and direct care for

adult and pediatric patients of all psychiatric d iagnoses.

Led group therapy and diverse activities such as music, physical

t herapy, and ward community meetings.

Presented case studies and protocol development of psychiat ric

t herapy p rocedures.


International : 20th I n ternational Nursing Research Congress. Focusing on

E vidence-Based Practice, Sigma Theta Tau In ternational Honor

Society of Nursing, Vancouver, July 13-17, 2009 (podium)

2nd I n ternational Conference on Prevention & Management of

Conditions and 11th World congress of Self-Care Deficit


N ursing Theory, Bangkok, Thailand. March 23-25, 2011

(podium/symposium p resentation )

American Diabetes Association 69th Scientific Sessions, New

National :

O rleans, L A, June 5-9, 2009 (poster)

American Geriatric Society, Annual Scientific Meeting, May 11-14,

2011, Washington, DC (poster )

American Diabetes Association (ADA), 4th D isparities partnership

forum, Overcoming dispari ties: reducing the burden of diabetes’

complications, April 6-7, 2011, Alexandria, VA (poster)

American Diabetes Association 72nd Scientific Sessions,

P hiladelphia, PA, June 8-12, 2012 (poster)

American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions, Los

A ngeles, CA, November 3-7, 2012 (poster)

UCSF Community of Scholars (podium), May 1, 2009


Annual Conference, New York Korean Nurses Association and the

& Other :

G lobal Korean Nursing Foundation-USA. Empowering Nurses through

E vidence- Based Practice and Research, April 23-24, 2010 (podium)



Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI), selected for


Community Research Scholar

2010-2011 T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, In terdisciplinary Training in Health

D isparities Research, Johns Hopkins University, N I H/N INR G rant #: 5T32

N R 007968

UC Women Leadership, Nominated and selected to participate in UC


Women Leadership Conference by UC Office of the

P resident

Edith Anderson Leadership Education Grant, Sigma Theta Tau

I n ternational Foundation for Nursing Leadership

2008- 2009 National Research Service Award, National Institutes of Health

( NIH), National Insti tutes of N ursing Research ( NINR), G rant #:


GKNF Korean American Nurse Scholarship, Global Korean Nursing


Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Eta Chapter Research Award, Sigma Theta


Tau I n ternational Honor of Society of Nursing

Graduate Student Research Award, U CSF

California Endowment and American Association of Colleges of


N ursing, N urse Faculty Program

Graduate Dean’s Health Science Fellowship, UCSF


Korean American Scholarship, Western Region, The Korean


A merican Scholarship Foundation

2006-present Sigma Theta Tau, I n ternational Honor Society for Nurses

Graduate Dean’s Health Science Fellowship, UCSF


Ashe Fellowship, U CSF


The Graduate Dean’s Health Science Fellowship, UCSF


St. Andrew Kim Korean Catholic Church Scholarship, Oakland, CA


Seoul National University Scholarship



2013-present American Nurses Foundation


Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS)

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties

2011-present American Geriat rics Society

American Heart Association

National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurses Association


In ternational Society of Travel Medicine


2006-present Sigma Theta Tau In ternational Honor Society of Nursing

American College of Nurse Practitioners


2005-present American Diabetes Association

Korean Nurse Association



2014-present Editorial board, Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health

N ursing

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, J apan Journa l of Nu rsing Science

2013-present Editorial board, Journal of Contemporary Diabetes Research

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, Current Diabetes Review

2012-present Editorial board, Korean Journal of Critical Care Nursing

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, Journal of Obesity

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, Primary Care Diabetes

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, Nursing Outlook

2011-present Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, In ternational Journal of Diabetes Mellitus

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

2010-present Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, N ut ri t ion, Metabolism and Cardiovascular

D iseases

Ad hoc Journal Reviewer, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and

U nderserved

Conference Abstract Reviewer

American Public Health Association annual conference




Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church . E llicott City, MD (lecturer:


P revention of cardiovascular disease)

2010-present Korean Times, Washington, DC (non-salaried columnist:

d iabetes management for Korean American s)

Church-based diabetes screening for Korean Americans (outreach

d irector: v isited 12 churches in Maryland and Virginia)

Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church . E llicott City, MD (lecturer:


h yperlipidemia management education) Korean Methodist Church &

Messiah Korean P resbyterian Church, Annandale, VA,

(lecturer: h ypertension management education)

2005-2006 Glide Health Service, San Francisco, CA (volunteer nurse

p ractitioner)

Korean American Health Fairs . San Francisco, CA (v olunteer :

d iabetes and hypertension screening and health education)

2003-2005 5th S treet Homeless Clinic, San Francisco, CA (support group,

physical exams)

St. Andrew Kim Korean Catholic Church, Oakland, CA (v olunteer :


b reast cancer screening; general history taking )

Nursing care, Senior Center, Sungnam, Kore a (volunteer : p rovided


d irect n ursing care and health education )

St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul (volunteer : assisted palliative care with


hospice care RNs)



2013-present Assistant professor, Yale School of nursing

Provide 50-65 nursing students in masters program with two hour

lecture regarding primary care of adults and review of clinical case

s tudies and research critique (N557a, N557b)

Provide one-on-one teaching for 1st year family nurse practitioner

s tudents to apply physical exam skills and hone health history

t hrough direct patient in teraction with older patients (N550)


2009-2010 Clinical Preceptor, Non-Salaried Faculty, U CSF School of Nursing .

Mentored 2nd year adult n urse practitioner students through

geriat ric p ractice/primary care clinical rotation, including setting

t he practicum goals/objectives and evaluating students

2009 Teaching Assistant, UCSF, School of Nursing, Research Methods.

Provided 211 nursing students in masters program with two hour

lecture regarding research study design in January 2009.

Developed the content of weekly quizzes, midterm and final exam.

Maintained/updated webpage for course material and assisted

s tudent with completing assignment via electronic bulletin board or in-

person by tutoring.

Maintained course assignment completion record and grading record

and calculated quarter grades.

2008 Teaching Assistant, UCSF, School of Nursing, Research Methods.

Provided 162 nursing students in master’s program with one-hour

weekly seminar by lectures and facilitating discussion.

Organized weekly assignment, midterm and final exam.

Maintained/updated webpage for course material and assisted

s tudents with completing assignment via electronic bulletin board or in-


Managed and responded to course-related e-mail.

Maintained course assignment completion records and grading

records and calculated quarterly grades.

2004 Student Diabetes educator, Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, San

F rancisco

Provided diabetes group education for Veterans regarding healthy

d iet, exercise, and blood glucose self-monitoring.

Mentor i ng :

2013-presnt Students: Leif Petterson, Antonia Pryor, Jenine Stone, Helena Turner

P rogram/School: M asters program in Nursing /Yale University

Role: Graduate program academic advisor


2012-present Students: Anne Kearing, Danielle K ruglak, Rachel Laaff, Kathryn Leach,

Lester Manalo, Nichole M itchell, Rachel Morse, Shawntel

Payton, Tracy Powell, Lauren Kohlepp, and Mary Ryan

P rogram/School: M asters program in Nursing /Yale University

Role: Graduate program academic advisor

2010-2011 Student: K yung-Hyun Kwon

Program/School: PhD in Psychology/NY University

Role: Academic advan cement

S tudent: Haerang Kim

Program/School: Postdoctoral Training, Clinical

N ut r i tion/Johns Hopkins University

Role: Guided reading, statistical analysis, development of study

p rotocols for randomized controlled t r ials and community-based

participatory research

Student: Youngshin Song

Program/School: Postdoctoral t raining,

N ursing/Johns Hopkins University

Role: Development of research questions in a reas of diabetes

care and cardiovascular disease r isk



2013American Nurses Foundation, Eastern Nursing Research


Society-ANA Presidential Scholar Award ($5,000 for 1 yr)

K23, Mentored Research Career Development Award, National


I nsti tutes of Health (requested $459,087 for 3 yrs)

Fellow of I n terdisciplinary Training in Health Disparities Research


(N I H/NI NR# 5T 32 NR 007968) ($42,624/yr)

2008-2009 Dissertation (Factors Associated with Insulin Reluctance in

I ndividuals with T ype 2 Diabetes)

GKNF Korean American Nurse Scholarship, G lobal Korean Nursing

Foundation ($1,000)


Graduate Student Research Award, U CSF ($1,000)

Century Club Research Fund, U CSF ($1,000)

Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Eta Chapter Research Award, Sigma Theta

Tau I n ternational Honor of Society of Nursing ($2,143)

National Research Service Award (NRSA), National Institutes of

Health ( NI H/N INR #: 5F31NR010450) ($38,839/yr)


2011-2012 Postdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

PI: Ker ry Stewart, EdD

Conduct secondary data analysis with the study “ Exercise training

i n type 2 diabetes and hypertension ” (NIH, NH LB I, 5R01DK062368)

and wri te manuscripts

Learn protocols, biomedical and fi tness measurement and

i nterpretation (Brachial artery reactivity test; Abdominal sono; Endo-

PAT; body composition by

D EXA, MRI; echocardiogram, stress test) of ongoing study, “ Two

d iets with exercise in abdominal obesity: cardiovascular effects” ( NI H,

N H LB I, 5R01HL092280)

Prepare for my grant wri ting

2011-2012 P ostdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Public


PI: Lawrence Cheskin, MD

T ailored Rapid Interactive Mobile Messaging (TRIMM) for Weight

Control among the Underserved (Sponsor: The McKesson Foundation)

Recruit participants and learn study protocols (text health message

to participants; patient’s dietary and physical exercise counseling)

2011-2012 P r incipal investigator, Johns Hopkins University

Attitudes and Perception Toward Diabetes and Diabetes Treatment

A mong Korean American Immigrants

Write study protocols and obtain Human Subject IRB approval


Recruit participants and conduct focus group sessions

A nalyze and interpret data and prepare for wri ting manuscripts and

g rant applications

2010-2011 P roject Co-coordinator, Johns Hopkins University

Health L iteracy Intervention in Korean Americans with H igh Blood

P ressure

(PI: M iyong K im, PhD, RN; N I H, N H LBI, G rant #: 1R01HL085567)

Monitor for protocol deviations, s trategy p lanning to retain research

participants, collect data for follow-up participants,

analyze and interpret data, d iscuss future grant ideas and wri te


P roject Co-coordinator, Johns Hopkins University

Better Breast and Cervical Cancer Control for Korean Americans

(PI: H ae-Ra Han, PhD, RN; G rant #: R01CA129060)

Plan recruitment strategies, supervise community health worker

(CHW) activities and data collection, analyze and interpret data, and

w ri te manuscripts. Assist focus group meetings with research

participants and CHWs.

Attend research team meeting weekly .

P roject D i rector, Johns Hopkins University

Community-based Diabetes Care for Korean American Immigrants

(PI: M iyong K im, PhD, RN ; N I H, N IDDK, Grant #:1R18DK083936)

Oversee operational responsibilities including recruitment,

r andomization, data collection, intervention, and follow-up.

Provide clinical research input into the design and implement of the

d iabetes clinical t r ial.

M edical monitor for diabetes clinical t r ial: Provide medical oversight

of study; answer questions about eligibility; review

safety and adverse event information

Assist in the preparation of development and revision of study

i nstruments and i ntervention materials.

Develop Motivational In terviewing Counseling log and manuals.


Assess intervention fidelity. Train research assistants and

community health workers regarding data collection and

Motivational In terviewing skills.

Write study protocol and obtain Human Subject IRB approval .

Lead i nvestigator meetings, weekly team meetings, and Data and

Safety Monitoring Board meetings.

In terpret data output and wri te statistical reports.

P roject Co-coordinator, Johns Hopkins University

Assessment of Burden of Dementia among Korean Elders in Maryland

(PI: Hochang Benjamin Lee, M.D, sponsored by Alzheimer’s Association)

Test psychometric properties of study instrument, data analysis

Interview Korean American elders.

2008-2009 P r incipal I nvestigator (P I ), UCSF

Factors Associated with Insulin Reluctance in Individuals with Type 2

D iabetes ( NIH/N INR, G rant #: F31NR010450)

Wrote study protocols and obtained Human Subject IRB approval

Recruited and screened research participants and interviewed

Submit ted progress reports to N I H

Analyzed data using SPSS software

Performed podium oral and poster presentations at scientific


Published the study in data-based peer review journal: D iabetes


2004-2007 Research Assistant, UCSF

Effect of Supplemental Fluid on Tissue Oxygenation in Patients with

P ressure Ulcers

(PI: Nancy Stotts, EdD, RN; N INR R01NR008241)

Recruited and screened research participants

I nterviewed, performed outcome measurement

Conducted physical assessment and wound assessment.

Conducted li terature reviews and attended meetings between PI and


research team members to monitor the research progress and

d iscuss next steps.


Analyzed data using SPSS software & made poster for presentation

of abstracts

2003-2004 Research Assistant, UCSF

Program for the Advancement of Chronic Wound Care

(PI: Nancy Stotts, EdD, RN)

In terviewed research participants regarding quality of life and

performed wound assessment via home or clinic visits


1. N am, S., Song, H., Park, S., & Song, Y. (2013). Challenges of diabetes

management in immigrant Korean Americans. D iabetes Educator, 39(2), 213-21.

2. N am, S., Dobrosielski, D.A., & Stewart, K.J. (2012). Predictors of exercise

i ntervention dropout in sedentary individuals with type 2 diabetes. Journal of

Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 32(6), 370-8.

3. Son, Y., Song, Y., N am, S., Shin, W., Jun, D., & Lee, S. (2012). Factors associated

w ith health-related quality of life in Korean elderly patients with heart failure.

J ournal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 27(6), 528-538.

4. Song, Y., Song, H., Han, H., Park, S., N am, S., & K im, M.T. (2012). Unmet needs

for social support and effects on diabetes self-care activities in Korean Americans

w ith type 2 diabetes. D iabetes E ducator, 38(1), 77-85.

5. N am, S., Janson, S.L., Stotts, N.A., Chesla, C., & K roon, L. (2012). Effect of

culturally- tailored diabetes education in ethnic minori ties with type 2 diabetes: A

meta-analysis. J ournal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 27(6), 505-518.

6. Kim, M.T, Song, H., Han, H., Song, Y., N am, S., Nguyen, T., Lee, H.B., & K im,

K .B. (2012). Development and validation of the high blood pressure-focused health

l i teracy scale. Patient Education and Counseling, 87(2), 165-70.

7. Song, Y., Han, H., Song, H., N am, S., Nguyen, T., & K im, M.T. (2011).

Psychometric evaluation of Hi ll-Bone Medication Adherence subscale. Asian

N ursing Research, 5, 183-188.


8. N am, S., Chesla, C., Stotts, N.A., & K roon, L., & Janson, S.L. (2011). Barriers to

d iabetes management: Patient and Provider Factors. D iabetes Research and

C linical Practice, 93(1), 1-9.

9. N am, S., Han, H., Song, H., Song, Y., Kim, K.B., & K im, M.T . (2011). U tili ty of

point-of-care device in recruiting ethnic minorities and determining eligibili ty for

community-partnered diabetes research. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and

U nderserved, 22(4), 1253-1263.

10. N am, S., Chesla, C., Stotts, N.A., K roon, L. & J anson, S.L. (2010). Factors

associated with psychological insulin resistance in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

D iabetes Care, 33(8), 1747-1749.


1. Nam, S., Stewa rt, K. J, Dobrosielski, D. A. (2012 ). P redictors of Sleep

Q uality I mp rovement Among Overweight or Obese I ndividuals: A

R andomized Controlled T r ial . A merican Hea rt Association (AHA), 2012

Scientific Sessions

T he T ime m agazine: h ttp://


2. Nam, S., Song, H, Par k, S. (2012). C hallenges of diabetes management in

i mmigrant Korean Americans. D iabetes, A merican Diabetes Association (ADA)

72nd Scientific Sessions.

3. Nam, S., H an, H., Song, H., Lee, H., Par k, S., Kim. M. (2011). Cor relates of

self-efficacy among Korean American elders with hypertension. J ourna l of

t he American Geri at r ics Society, 59, S143.

4.Nam, S., H an, H., Song, H., Nguyen, T., Kim, M. (2011). Study par ticipation in

t elemedicine technology-enhanced self-care inte rvention among ethnic

m inorities. Self-care, Dependent-care & Nu rsing.


5. Song, H., Han, H., Nam, S., Par k, S., Lee, H., Kim, M. (2011) Developing

h ypertension-specific health literacy for ethnic minority elders. J ourna l of

t he American Geri at r ics Society, 59, S143.

6. N am, S., Chesla, C., Stotts, N.A., & K roon, L. Janson, S.L. (20 09). Factors

Associated with I nsulin Reluctance i n Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. D iabetes,

A 479. A merican Diabetes Association (ADA) 69th Scientific Sessions.


Diabetes, self-management, patient education, health disparity, ethnic minority

health, quality of care, chronic illness, community-based participatory research,

p revention, cardiovascular disease, social networks, social determinants of health

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