Anita C. Dulaney
Houston, TX 77084
Successful customer service professional identified as a top sales
performer. Known throughout the company as the "Ambassador of Customer
Service" and given annual bonuses ranging from $5,000 to $15,000. Used a
consultative approach to introduce new products and services to diverse
clientele. Capable of building loyal customer base resulting in repeat
sales with estimated daily sales of $5,000 to $7,000-having increased by up
to 10% per annum. Skilled in MS Windows, Word, and Excel; proficient in 10
Work Experience
Kati Sportcap, Inc. Houston, TX 3/2001 - 12/2013
Customer Service Representative
. Identified as a top sales producer, increasing sales by up to 10% per
annum, estimated at $5,000 to $7,000 daily
. Built a loyal customer base resulting in customer retention and repeat
sales using consultative sales approach
. Promoted merchandise and positive company image to diverse clientele
by identifying products and services to best suit their needs
. Called "Ambassador of Customer Service" by associates throughout the
. Expedited sales orders in BIS order entry system
. Authorized customer credit applications
Katy High School, Katy, TX
Additional Education
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, Elementary Education, 18