C u r r iculum Vitae
Lynne Elizabeth Bradshaw
CF38 2LD
Tel: 014**-******
Mobile : 077********
Email : *.*.********@**********.***
P rofessional/Employment Status
The applicant is registered with the Nursing and M idwifery Council as a Level
1 M ental Health Nurse on Part 3 of the register, and has an honours degree in
Behavioural Sciences, an MSc in Legal and Forensic Psychology and a First
C lass Honours Degree in Counselling. The applicant has ten years experience
of working as a mental health nurse in both generic and forensic psychiat ry,
and three years experience working as a counsellor.
In her capacity as a nurse, the applicant has extensive experience of nursing
male and female clients in both medium secure setting and generic psychiatry,
w ho present with acute and enduring mental health difficulties, personality
d isorders, learning disabili ty, co - morbid substance misuse and individuals
w ho exhibit behaviours as a consequence of an acquired brain injury. The
applicant also has a wide range of experiences prior to her nursing career,
supporting individuals who have experienced difficulties as a consequence of a
decline in cognition and memory and /or loss of function as a consequence of
vascular illnesses associated with chronological age. This experience was
gained whilst working with Age Concern and the Heart, Chest and Stoke
I n her role as a counsellor, the applicant has three years experience working as
a volunteer counsellor, supporting survivors of childhood and adult sexual
assault th rough their t rauma. The applicant employs a integrative approach,
u tilising various models which include: Humanistic, Cognitive Behavioural
T herapy and Schema Focused Cognitive Therapy. The applicant is a member of
t he Bri tish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and has
achieved the prerequisite supervised counselling hours for accreditation status
w ith the BACP and is currently in the process of applying for accreditation.
T he applicant has conducted empirical and Action Research and continues to
maintain her interest in primary and secondary research activity.
Academic Qualifications
2005 - 2008. BSc (hons) Counselling. University of
G lamorgan.
2003 - 2005. MSc Forensic and Legal Psychology. University of
1993 - 1996. BSc (hons) Behavioural Sciences. University of
G lamorgan.
1992 - 1993. Diploma in H igher Education
(Chemistry, Physics, Biological Science) Pontypridd
1986 - 1988. 'O' Levels: English Language.
E nglish L i terature
L aw.
H uman Biology.
Developmental Psychology. Pontypridd
1988 - 1989 'A' Levels : Psychology Pontypridd
E mployment H istory
P rior to embarking on a nursing and counselling career, the applicant was
employed as a residential nanny in a private household. On becoming a parent,
t he applicant worked as a self - employed registered childminder.
Age Concern Wales (1988 - 1989)
T his was an agreed fixed - term contract to work with Age Concern on their
Hospital Discharge Programme prior to commencing nurse t raining. The role
i ncluded: the assessment of elderly clients' bio psychosocial needs, and
organising and liaising with social agencies to provide systems of care to
clients following their discharge to the community. Part of this role involved
p roviding support to caregivers.
C ardiff N HS T r ust (1989)
Commenced nurse t raining as mental health nurse at W hitchurch Hospital.
U nfortunately, a road t raffic accident precluded the applicant from continuing
w ith nurse t raining at this time. Until full recovery was achieved the applicant
combined voluntary work with study.
M id Glamorgan Social Services (1996 - 1997)
Employed as a support worker at Treforest Day Centre, and i ts satelli te service
a t Talbot Green. This role included providing support to a heterogeneous group
of clients who experienced learning difficulties and varying levels of
challenging behaviour. This was an agreed fixed - term contract with the Social
Services until recommencing nurse t raining in April 1997.
I ndependent Community Living ( 2000 - 2001)
This was the applicant's first post as a mental health staff nurse following
t raining from April 1997 - March 2000. The applicant was ini tially employed
as a Band 5 nurse and later acquired Band 6 status, nursing clients who
experienced learning difficulties or/and co morbid mental health issues, many
of whom exhibited challenging behaviours.
L lana rth Court Hospital/Aderyn
T he applicant is currently employed as a senior staff nurse with 'Partnerships
i n Care', nursing mentally disordered offenders in conditions of medium and
low secure care, and since November 2009, she has worked for this same
organisation at Aderyn a 'step down' facility where the emphasis is on
rehabilitative work utilising the principles of the Tidal Model and The Recovery
S tar in clients' preparation for living in the community or conditions of
decreasing security.
Volunta ry Work
New Pathways
The applicant currently offers counselling to individuals who have experienced
t rauma as a consequence of childhood sexual assault or/and adult rape,
counselling male and females aged from 18 years old.
T reatment and Education D rugs Service (1989 - 1993)
Offered information, advice and counselling support to individuals with regard
to elicit substance misuse, and was involved in a needle exchange programme.
Hea r t, Chest and Stroke Foundation (1989 - 1993)
Provided emotional and practical support in relation to the rehabili tation of
i ndividuals who had experienced a Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke). The
applicant worked at a day centre and also in clients' homes. the work included
i ni tiating and maintaining programmes developed by a Speech Therapist
or/and an Occupational Therapist.
T aff Ely and Rhondda Mental Health Support (1986 - 1988)
Offered practical support to individuals who experienced learning difficulties
to be inducted into the community following extensive periods of containment
i n hospital.
S umma ry of Personal Development and Cu r rent I n terests
As previously stated, in addition to her nurse registration, the applicant is a
qualified counsellor and member of the Bri tish Association for Counselling and
Psychotherapy and has the prerequisite 450 supervised counselling hours
achieved to commence the process for accredited counsellor. The applicant's
i nterest in counselling stems from her current experiences as a nurse and also
her prior experiences of working with Age Concern, the Heart Chest and Stroke
Foundation and the Treatment and Education Drugs Service (T.E.D.S.). The
applicant currently works as a unwaged counsellor with New Pathways, an
organisation which offers counselling services to individuals who have
experienced physical/psychological t rauma as a consequence of childhood
sexual abuse or/and adult sexual assault.
T he applicant has an in terest in conducting research, and as partial fulfilment
for the BSc in Counselling has participated in an Action Research project
w hich considered the efficacy of a counsellors self disclosure. As partial
f ulfilment for the MSc in Forensic and Legal Psychology, the applicant
completed an empirical study which considered the relationship between
perceived powerlessness and institutional violence. The theoretical knowledge
concerning the multi causal factors of violence and its presentation has proved
to be very useful in guiding the applicant's clinical practice. The statistical
analysis of the data for this study was completed via the use of SSPS.
L eisure I n te rests
The applicant strives to achieve a favourable work/life balance and has
n umerous interests which include: mountain walking/scrambling, cycling,
t ravel, studying, listening to music at home and attending live venues, reading,
v isits to the theatre and cinema, antique shops and furniture restoration.
R eferences
If not provided in the main application references will be provided on request.