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Mental Health Practitioner

United Kingdom
30 -40
March 27, 2014

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Dr Abdullah O'Fayoumi

Flat *, ** Northanger Road, Streatham, London, SW16 5RX

Mob: 075********. Tel: 020*-****-***. E- mail: ************@*******.***.

Graduated from Alexandria University in Egypt, have long experience in

different medical sectors as a practitioner or administrator, almost

fourteen years in mental health field within the national health system in

Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Ireland and recently the United

Kingdom with West London Mental Health NHS Trust. Voluntarily health forum

member with many non-governmental organizations service provider to

refugees and community developmental organisations working to tackle health

inequalities among ethnic minority communities in Ireland.

Employment History

November 2010 - May 2013

Clinical attachment place (on an extended honorary contract) with: Range of

Services, West London Mental Health NHS Trust.

January 2003 - July 2009

Coordinator and lecturer for: Doctors in Exile Association. Health forum

member with: SPIRASI, Cairde and MRCI, Dublin. Recommendation letter

received in 2010.

October 2001 - December 2002

Senior House Officer: Eastern Health Board, Republic of Ireland. Good

standing certificate received from the Medical Council.

March 2000 - September 2001

Senior Specialist Registrar: Tigani Elmahi Psychiatric Hospital, Omdurman,

Sudan. Good standing certificate received from the Medical Council in the


October 1997 - February 2000

Psychiatrist, promoted to be the consultant and chief of the department,

Bisha Psychiatric & Convalescence Hospital, Saudi Arabia Kingdom. Many good

standing certificates received by the end of the limited contract.

August 1989 - September 1997

Psychiatric Registrar: Tigani Elmahi Psychiatric Hospital, Omdurman, Sudan.

Joined postgraduate studies in Clinical Psychiatry.

February 1989 - July 1989

Acting Registrar: Ven-Cina Surgical Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan, assessed and

elected for scholarship sponsored by World Health Organization, Khartoum

Office to study clinical psychiatry with Khartoum University.

November 1988 - January 1989

Acting Registrar: Obstetric &Gynaecology Department, Khartoum Teaching

Hospital, Sudan. Assessed, promoted and selected to join a post in a

surgical hospital.

January 1985 - October 1988

Medical Director and Senior Practitioner: Khartoum Health Affairs, Sudan.

Assessed and selected for a post in a teaching hospital.

January 1984 - December 1984

Medical/Clinical Director and Senior Practitioner: Ghaba Regional Hospital

(Hardship Area), Northern Province, Sudan. Assessed, promoted and selected

to join Khartoum Health Affairs.

October 1983 - December 1983

Medical Officer: Obstetric & Gynaecology Department, Khartoum Teaching

Hospital, Sudan. Assessed and selected to spend the hardship period in a

regional hospital.

October 1982 - September 1983

House Officer: Khartoum Teaching Hospital and Soba University Hospital,

Khartoum, Sudan. Assessed, promoted and selected to join a post in a

teaching hospital.

Education and Training

September 2005 - June 2007

FETAC level 3, 4 and 5. Whitehall College, Dublin, Ireland

July 1990 - June 1995

MD: Part 1, Clinical Psychiatry and part 2, Medicine and Neurology. Post-

graduation Study Board, Faculty of Medicine, Khartoum University, Sudan.

September 1976 - May 1982

MB Ch B: Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.

Training with World Health Organization

Field Researcher in Traditional Medicine (one of the main WHO's interest):

in the Sudan, letter of commendation (very good) 1994.

Psychiatric services provision in Primary Health Caring System: Khartoum,

Sudan 1988.

Medical Statistics and Research Methodology: Khartoum - North, Sudan 1987.

Maternal - Child Health: Omdurman, Sudan 1986

Professional Memberships

Medical Registration

Full Registration: 4148, Sudan1983.

Limited Registration: 4542, Saudi Arabia Kingdom 1997.

Temporary Registration: 048151, Ireland 2001.

Organization Membership


Sudanese Doctors Union, card number 002625.

Sudanese Medical Association, card number 00798.

Honorary Membership

Sudanese Police Club, card number 12411.

Military Defence Force, card number 59.


1 - Dr Alice Parshall, Senior Clinical Lead Consultant.

E-mail:*****.********@*****.***.** Tel: 020*-***-****

2 - Dr Sam Nayrouz, Consultant Psychiatrist.


3 - Dr Lubbaba Lodhi, Consultant Psychiatrist.

E-mail:*******.*****@*****.***.** Tel: 020*-***-****

4 - Father Tom Hogan, assistant director, SPIRASI, Dublin, Ireland.

E-mail: assistdirector@ Tel: 00353-1- 8389664.

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