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Sql Server High School

Chicago, IL
March 27, 2014

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SPECIALIZED Professional Experience :

Cook : Amer Caboub Milwaukee

**/**/**** *********** *** cooking the entire process of preparation of food, dishes or meals

DIPLOMA IN kitchen. working alone or assisted, management and organization of orders by priority .

COMPUTER Contract ANAPEC : Highwave Creations in Marrakech Morocco

05/15/2012 to 09/04/2013 : Installation and Administration 2008 and 2003 servers (Active directory, VPN

NETWORKS Printers and Computers Maintenance (preventive, curative, scalable), installation and management

Of databases SQL Server, Postgre SQL, wiring networks. Configuring Cisco Routers & Switches, VOIP

Installation andconfiguration of DVRs and cameras monitoring, installation of terminals pointing….


Skills :

Installation and administration and maintenance in 2003 and 2008 servers (IIS, DNS, DHCP, Active

Directory, Messaging

Cisco Router Configuration (Nat Port Forwarding, DHCP

Computer maintenance cabling networks, installation and configuration of cameras,

Monitoring (configuration and remote control DVR

Network monitoring and diagnostic,

SQL Server and Creating applications in VB.Net and Access database,

Other software : (Photoshop, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) PowerPoint).

Training :

2009 / 2011 : Obtaining a specialized diploma (accredited) in Computer Networks and systems

in the French School of Technical Education Morocco group RESO Education.

M OUADI OTHMANE 2005 : Obtaining a high school diploma in Experimental Sciences.

Others :

8346 w Berwyn Av Chicago IL


phone : 872-***-****

Valid Driver license.

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