Courtice, O N L 1E 3E2
●Exceptional i nterpersonal and communication skills w ith a p roven t rack record i n rela
management and partnership building
●Organized campaigns for H eart & Stroke Foundation, K idney Foundation and Cancer
(volunteer d rives i ncluding recruitment, event p lanning and p romotions)
●Published/ developed booklet of services and p rograms available for seniors and youths
●Recruited and supervised volunteers/solicited f unding for Sault S te. M arie Christmas
C heer
P rogram for t hree years
●Coordinated 4-H p rogram for A lgoma Region
●Boy Scouts-distr ict and regional councils/Chairman-public relations and special events
i ncluding annual camps
●Coordinated/organized community based d rug & a lcohol p rogram
●Coordinated Regional study of day care p rograms and services
●Developed p rogram l inking s tudents as volunteer companions w ith seniors based u pon
needs and i nterests/conducted follow-ups and evaluations
●Teacher w ith Department of I ndian A ffairs and Scarborough Board of E ducation
●Worked w ith Federal/Provincial/Municipal representatives to develop, coordinate and
i mplement store f ront i nformation and career centre
●Board of D irector for A lgoma C hildren’s A id/Chairman Public Relations and P rogram
●Member of L akeshore K iwanis (Chairman of Youth Services and M ajor E mphasis)
●Learning D isability Association(Implemented and Coordinated L ife Skills P rogram an
Community Awareness Development)
●Fund Raising for Special Events and P rogramming for Sault S te. M arie D istrict Boy S
●Fund Raising and P rogram Development for B reakaway Sault S te. M arie-Local D rug
A lcohol P rogram
●Fund Raising for Sault S te. M arie Learning D isability Association to develop and i mpl
Community Awareness and Youth L ife Skill P rogram
●Fund Raising for H ugh O’Brian Leadership Seminars i n Southern Ontario and Northe
rn Ontario
●Fund Raising for L akeshore K iwanis-Sault S te. M arie, O ntario
●Fund Raising for Salvation A rmy C hristmas Kettle P rogram-Oshawa, O ntario
●Regional Coordinator For Communimed Health P rogram
●Area D ist ributor for M ultiple Sclerosis Spring F und Raising Event
●Area D ist ributor For M ultiple Sclerosis B ike Tour
●Program D irector for Local Youth Shelter-Sault S te. M arie, Ontario
●Fund Raising for Senior and Youth New P rogram Development-Sault S te. M arie, O nta
r io
●Fund Raising for Sault S te. M arie A nnual Bon Soo W inter Carnival
●Board of D irectors Volunteer B ureau-Sault S te. M arie, O ntario
●Board of D irectors Social P lanning Council-Sault S te. M arie, O ntario
●Board of D irector U nited Way-Sault S te. M arie, O ntario
●Appointed to Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee-Sault S te. M arie, Ontario
F rederick H enwood 2
●Excellent organizational and t ime management skills – consistently meets m ultiple de
w hile maintaining f lexibili ty needed to deal w ith sudden changes
●Competent and reliable w ith p roven record for success i n assuming h igh level of
●Flexible, ready to work shifts and overtime i n order to meet p roject objectives
●Team Worker able to t ake appropriate i ni tiative as needed
●Strong p roject p lanning skills developed t hrough p lanning of p romotional events
●Ar ticulate and persuasive i n w rit ten and verbal p resentations
●Experience i n budgeting and expenditure t racking for community development p roject
●Ability to p rioritize responsibilities
●Excellent u nderstanding of d isabilities and a strong desire to work for t he developmen
t and
i mplementation of new services and p rograms
●Willing to develop a strong event- based f und r aising p lan-maximizing awareness of bo
th t he
organization and i ts mandate
●Extensive experience meeting f inancial objectives of t he organization
●Ability to m ulti t ask responsibilities
●Consistent experience connecting community partners for a common objective
●Sales and Service - Canada Post
●Project Coordinator - A lgoma Region
●Community/Educator L iaison – Learning D isabilities Association of Sault S te. M arie
●Fund Raising for Non - P rofit organizations
●Project Coordinator-Durham Region
●Managerial experience –Sault S te. M arie, Ontario, Kelowna, B ritish Columbia and O
●Distribution - D urham Region
●Telemarketing - D urham Region, Kelowna, B ritish Columbia and Sault S te. M arie
●Shipping and Receiving- Toronto, D urham Region and Kelowna, B ri tish Columbia
●Customer Service Representative(Petro Canada/Shell)- D urham Region and Sault S te.
M arie
●Membership Recruitment- D urham Region, Sault S te. M arie, Kelowna, B ritish Colum
bia and
D urham Region
●Project Development - D urham Region, Kelowna, B ri tish Columbia and Sault S te. M ar
●Customer Service Representative- D urham Region, Sault S te. M arie and Kelowna, B r
it ish
Columbia (Big Box S tores and T ravel Centres)