• Over *+ years of experience in Software Development Life Cycle including analysis, design,
development, deployment, documentation, implementation, integration and maintenance of web-
based, distributed n-tier and client/server architecture software applications.
• Extensive experience in development and deployment of J2EE components for developing n-tier
d istributed enterprise applications. Strong expertise in development and deployment of web
components that include Servlets, JSP, JSF and business layer components that include EJB, Web
services, RMI and JDBC, JNDI, Serialization, Collection and Mul ti threading.
• Significant experience in developing applications using various frameworks such as Struts
F ramework, Java Server Faces, Spring Framework and Hibernate.
• Expertise in developing Java Beans, POJO and Custom Tag libraries, providing client side
validations using JavaScript, JQuery and validation framework. Extensive experience in AJAX
asynchronous data exchange with a server, and updating parts of a webpage without reloading.
• Practical knowledge working with relational database systems (Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL.)
• Excellent work experience with UM L methodologies involving Use Case, Activity, Class, Sequence
d iagrams.
• Strong working skills in XML related technologies like XML, XSLT,WSDL, parsers like SAX, DOM,
• Working knowledge of ANT/MAVEN for project build/test/deployment, Log4j for error loading and
• Provided solutions to a wide variety of difficult problems of diverse scope requiring application of
evolving technologies.
• Possess significant skills in developing, deploying and testing of enterprise software systems and
solutions using Java/J2ee technologies: JSP, JDBC, JSF, EJB, AJAX, XML, Mult ithreading,
D ynamic Class loading, Hibernate, and Spring.
• Participate in code reviews and identify opportunities for code reuse and refactoring.
• Proven ability to contribute significantly to projects independently and in a team environment.
A nalytical, creative and technical skills along with “Think out of the box” problem solving mindset
w hile maintaining a high-quality oriented work approach.
• Self motivated and goal oriented team player with strong analytical, organizational and problem
solving skills.
• Enthusiastic, creative, and willing to take up responsibilities.
• Masters in Computer Science at Oklahoma City University with 3.5/4.0 GPA.
• Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Information Technology.
• Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) for Java 5 Platform.
• Brain Bench Certification programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4
• Provided technical leadership on the design, development and successful implementation of a
m ission critical Java/J2EE application at Techno-media Inc.
• Re-architectured, re-designed, improved performance and implemented adistributed applicationfor
Learning Management Systemdeployed with minimal supervisor support over r ig servers and
server,LMS also works online as well as offline for oil and gas industries clients and open end user.
• Received many appreciations for the fast paced quality and with minimal technical support for
most of the projects.
Professional Experience:
PetroED, TX (Techno-Media I nc) A ug’
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
Description: SkillGRID®/SkillSTICK® is robust learning management application system with
f unctionalities such as update application, download courses, generate certificates, evaluates, and
t racks the attempts that are made by end user for all courses and assessments through a f lash drive
w ith-out installing any additional plug-ins and internet to run as a thin client. Additionally, user can
generate and f lexible to print the achieved certificates instantly based the course type and
accomplishment. Sync procedure keeps the data on server up to date, updates on time communicating
to the SkillGRID® web-service. SkillSTICK®is completely a web thin client application. A Java
bootstrap for launching the application from the f lash drive, if SkillSTICK® application not exists then
t he bootstrap downloads the application from server to the f lash drive. Application updater checks for
any new release to update all available for additional functionalities are added to the SkillSTICK® to
keep application up to date, deployment and Sync process t racks the user routine on SkillSTICK®.
User has f lexible to carry the courses, personal documents and certificates are available online as well
as can download courses and documents to SkillStick® during document and course download process.
E ncryption and Decryption processor followed to keep the data secure and no fur ther modification by
t he end user. This product is f lexibly and adaptive to any L MS with lit tle modification of
synchronization functionality, and keeps t rack of user’s details.
SkillGRID® and SkillsXP data import and integrations such as register, update user details, courses
and course completion records. Additionally export weekly course completion and certificate of
achievement by users to SkillsXP for data consistency. Improved performance, application
maintenance and scheduled tasks run on server by the windows task manager which exports data for
i mport process.
R esponsibilities:
• Implement Spring MVC Framework.
• Developed Web Services WSDL, XML, SOAP and Integrated with projects using SOA architecture.
• Worked with JPA for the use of relational databases structuring of the application.
• Deployed Web Services for updating the information to the workflow steps and getting the pre-
configured workflow processes.
• Worked with multi thread communication between thread and also class serialization to inform
user about the application status in download process.
• Data driven t ransformations and Template-Driven t ransformations are implemented using XSLT
and DOM. XSL Processor objects are created for each t ransformation.
• Involved in service request authentication using Web Service endpoint implementation.
• Validation process validate (marshal and unmarshal) data prior to import or export and to
maintain the data consistent over the two different applications environment by import process.
• Involved in binding and unbinding XML schemas using JAXB. Deployed a distributed and inter-
communicated SkillGRID® application on Vantage r ig servers and customized the SkillSTICK®
application to synchronize the data with SkillGRID® as well as with Vantage r ig servers.
• Focus on developing enterprise business functionalities and managing the enormous number of
user data.
• Sync functionality allows user for download the Courses and Documents to stick.
• Developed a bootstrap for the USB Stick which checks for version update/new module to deploy, and
consuming the Web-Services to synchronize and keeps the f lash drive up to date of user data and
• An application updater for the SkillSTICK® updates and adds additional feature to the stick.
• Application allows users to download/upload user criteria and documents to the system and Offline
w ill sync’s with the online system through this process.
• Assessments package for individual courses for user can evaluate his/her knowledge for course.
• Worked with XML Schema t ransformation with XSLT, handled multiple formats of data types and
data patterns in reading different documents.
• Validated the client side and server side code using JavaScript.
• Formatting the Structured data using XSLT by AS3, and communicating to JavaScript and for
f urther evaluation of the assessment.
• Web service user authorization and authentication, and processing the incoming data from the
SkillSTICK® on one t ime process.
• Focus on developing the enterprise business functionalities in managing the enormous number of
user data records.
• Developed the front end coding involves developing multi action, JSF Pages and updating the
Spring configuration.
• Responsible for unit testing and building test cases and templates for integration testing.
Environment : Java1.6, J2EE1.5, Eclipse, Spring, MVC, XML/XSLT, Web-Services, XSL-FO, JSP2.5,
JSF, WebSphere7.x, JPA, ActionScript3, JMS, JNDI, Log4j, JSTL, CSS, PHP, WSDL, UDDI,
JavaScript, Jquery, JqueryUI, AJAX, and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
PetroED, TX (Techno-Media I nc)
Sr. Programming Developer
Description: DuLingua application allows end user to select user desired languages from the available
options, printing and generating the e-book format for the registered course is optional. All e-learning
courses don’t have this option for selection of multiple languages, which is determine while the
selecting the course, which is determined at runtime.
• Implement application using MVC pattern.
• Involved in developing, deployed and supervising for delivering the complete application.
• Involved in implement the application t ransforming to formatting objects using XSL-FO.
• Developed the front end coding involves developing multi action, JSP and POJO pages.
• Formatting the structured XML data using XSLT, t ransformation using JAXB APIs.
• XSL Processor objects are created for each t ransformation.
• Responsible for unit testing and building test cases and templates for integration testing.
Environment : Java, JSP, XML/XSLT, XSL-FO, Logging, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, Websphere
and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
Comerica Bank, M I. (Techno-media I nc)
J ul’11 - Feb’12
Java/J2EE Developer
Description: Comerica Bank is one of the secured financial institutions that serves huge domain of
customers. Bank offers various financial and banking services to i ts customers. The functionalities
i nvolved in e-bill payment are Add a Payee, Make a Payment, Set up Automatic Payments, Receive
B ills Electronically, Request E-mail Notifications and Review Payments. The application also supports
i nt ra and inter-bank t ransfer of funds for a given customer.
• Developed user interface using JSP, Struts Tags to simplify the complexities of the application
• Configured the Struts configuration file and Application context file based on the Spring and
h ibernate entries.
• Involved in various phases of project development following Agile (Extreme Programming)
• Used networking technologies like Multicast and worked with In ternet protocol like VOIP for the
• Used design patterns like Business delegate, Singleton, Factory, DAO, Service locator etc.
• Worked with JPA for the use of relational databases structuring of the application.
• Deployed Web Services for updating the information to the workflow steps and getting the pre-
configured workflow processes.
• Used Tomcat for the web Development of the application.
• Used XSL/XSLT for t ransforming and displaying payment history reports
• Involved in the development of Tables, Indexes, Stored Procedures, Database Tr iggers and
F unctions.
• Worked with Websphere application Server for the deployment of the application.
• Worked with JSF for the U I front end development along with AJAX
• Involved in developing application XML WSDL and SOAP.
• Used SQL navigator and PL/SQL for the database enhancement.
• Used Log4J to capture the debug information that includes warnings and runtime exceptions.
• Developed application using J2EE and WAS7.0server.
Environment : JavaEE5, IBM WAS7.0,Eclipse, Struts2, Unix, Mult icast, In tegration container Apache
ServiceMix3.3, ActiveMQ5.2, VOIP, Servlets3.0, JSP 2.0, EJB 3.0, HTM L, XML, Web Services,
XSL/XSLT, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, DB2 7.1
Saint Luke’s Health System, Houston, TX
Oct’10 - Jun’11
Programmer Analyst
Description: Clinical Desktop handles patient clinical information prescription etc. This project is
having more than 20 modules. Few of the modules involved in testing for Rx and ePrescription. Rx
module handles complex frequencies and has support for various user preferences including common
l ist. EPrescription handles for prescribing medication, checking drug and drug interaction, allergy
i nteraction and send prescription electronically to pharmacies. Inbox module helps physicians to send
and receive messages from patients through patient portal and within the clinical desktop application.
• Analyze user requirement, procedures and problems.
• Liaison with Business Analysts to ensure that requirements are understood.
• Develop web, client/server, enterprise applications using Java and J2EE Technologies.
• Develop and implement Web Services on server side using Xfire framework.
• Peer review to ensure adherence to the project’s Java and .NET Coding Standards and provide
p roduction support
• Used various tools and technologies that include Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Eclipse, SQL Tool,
.Net, Web Services, UM L, RAD, HTM L, Javascript.
• SOA services are maintained in the registry that acts as a directory listing.
• Create build scripts for creating war, auto deploy/un-deploy, and configure web services WSDL on
• Enhanced business validation using java beans.
• Developed JSTL for reducing code in JSP. Generated XML Parsers using SAX and DOM.
• Involved client side validation using Jquery.
• Designed and developed MVC framework through struts to implement business logic.
• Implemented J2EE design patterns.
• Review code of self and team members, perform testing and provide production support.
• Production, preparation and execution of Unit Test Plans.
• Wri te detailed descriptions of user needs, program functions and steps required to develop or
modify computer programs.
• Peer review to ensure adherence to the Intermountain Java and .NET Coding Standards.
• Achievement of agreed productivity targets within budget and on schedule.
• Fixing defects raised by the Testers working in the E-Prescribe project.
• Escalate product issues and suggest product improvements.
Environment : Java1.5, J2EE, c++, JSP, JSF, Servlets, EJB, XML, CSS, XSLT, AJAX, Struts1.35,
Spring Framework 2.0, Web Services, DB2, JRules, SOA, PHP, JUnit, Web Logic, H ibernate, ETL,
A NT, Eclipse 3.1,SOAP, Log4j.
SmilexInc, Houston, TX A pr’10
– Sep’10
Software Developer
Description: Sugar, Heart and Life a guide for people living with Diabetes is an interactive and fun
p rogram with information on how individuals with type 2 Diabetes can manage their diabetes. A
guide to living with Diabetes is a r ich, entertaining web-based learning environment in English and
Spanish for persons with type 2 Diabetes and those that support and care for them. A Program for
health professionals offers additional tools and viewing options suitable for working with individuals or
g roups. Download resources and ecommerce functionalit ies purchase, cart and checkout the interactive
application through web site.
• Client side interface using JSP, JSF, HTM L, and JavaScript.
• Developed interactive games using Flash Action Script 3.
• Client side validation is done with JavaScript and improved the functionality of the U I through
JavaScript, JSON.
• Developed JavaScript functions files to reuse the functions over the site.
• Worked on XML validation.
• Worked with XML Schema t ransformation with XSLT, handled multiple formats of data types and
data patterns in reading different documents.
• Responsible for unit testing and building test cases and templates for integration testing
• Involved in initial integration testing of the modules and documenting the test results
• Designed and developed tables, views, functions and stored procedures.
Environment : Flash, Action Script 3.0, XML/XSLT, HTM L, JavaScript, AJAX, Oracle 10g, Tomcat
Server, I IS Server.
Flagstar Bank, T roy.
J2EE Developer Aug’09 - Feb’10
Description : The system (wholesale Flagstar System) is intended to provide an online facility for the
Flagstar Bank brokers with the options of promoting the loan activities to their Flagstar customers
like closing docs, Loantrack and underwrit ing. This involves in interfacing with various Flagstar
Business partners in finalizing the loans of the customers based on the customer's type and the
business rules with their business partners.
• Involved in designing the application in n-tier fashion as per struts based MVC architecture
• Responsible for developing the Loantrac and Registration modules for wholesale application.
• Designed the system using Rational Rose with U M L notation.
• Ut ilized the various J2ee Design patterns to develop the Business modules based on the required
f unctionality.
• Developed the interfaces with the business partners as business model components of the
w holesale system.
• Involved in developing the application level f low by utilizing Java, JSP, Servlets and Struts.
• U I enhancements across all JSPs using mockups and redesigning modules using HTM L, CSS
JavaScript and Struts Tags.
• Client side validation is done with JavaScript and improved the functionality of the U I through
JavaScript, JSON.
• Developed JavaScript functions files to reuse the functions over the site.
• Involved in developing the Datasets Cart ridge pkg, which were responsible in providing the XML,
based data t ransfer to and from the Flagstar MySql5.0 (DBRAV).
• Involved in developing HTTP Clients for the Wholesale System inorder to invoke the Web Services
of the various business partners.
• Ut ilized the Sun Based JavaDoc framework for the Documentation purpose.
• Involved in the deployment of web components and EJB’s on Websphere application server and
specifying the runtime deployment tasks using the admin tool.
• Involved in testing of application on various levels like integration and System testing by utilizing
various methodologies.
E nvironment : Java1.5, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JUnit, Agile, Eclipse, WinCvs, Websphere 5.1, WSAD5.1,
M ySql5.0, Solaris 2.8, Windows XP, Lotus Notes.
NCS Pearson.
Nov’08 - Jul’09
Java/J2EE Developer
Description: Learning Management System developed for Oil & Gas industry for managing, t raining
and educational records. Work f low, 25% of remaining t raining matrix for user based on his
p romotional position. Position specific and location based competencies. System handles multiple user
p rivileges based on their position, such as (edit, uploading documents, deleting of records, Task
queues, document approval, pending/completed and etc.,) and proctored assessments. Designed and
developed a web-based client using Servlets, JSP, Tag Libraries, JavaScript, HTM L and XML using
S truts Framework. The L MS manages multiple clients; based on each client, has their own structure,
behavior, feedback type, passing percentage, t racking the results and t ime spent on assessment.
System keeps t rack of all assessments for individual users so the admin/supervisor could review the
assessment in reports for particular user. The L MS t racks the time for each individual course and
assessment, user by launching through online/offline version.
• Developed user interface using JSP, Struts Tags to simplify the complexities of the application,
configured the Struts configuration file.
• Involved in various phases of project development following Agile (Extreme Programming)
• PDF Generator, generating the PDF files using Apache FOP. Generating PDF from XML & XSLT.
• Worked with XML Schema t ransformation with XSLT, handled multiple formats of data types and
data patterns in reading different documents (MS-Word, Excel, etc.).
• Developed an unsigned Java Applet, to launch the thin client courses from CDROM from L MS.
• Assessment launcher, auto save using AJAX technology, re-launching the assessment from a saving
point, feedback functionality, Modes of view (like separate sections with shuffled, just list of
shuffled questions and multiple language choose functionality). Developed using JSP,JSF, HTM L,
• Thin Client for Assessments, user attempts the course work on CDROM.
• Training Mat r ix with number of tasks completed per total number of tasks, based on his position
and location.
• Reports for System Admin, like user reports, assessment reports, attempts for each course
• Designed and developed tables, views, functions and stored procedures.
Environment : Java1.5, J2EE, Eclipse, WebLogic, Ant1.x, AJAX, JNDI, JUnit1.x, JSP2.5, Log4jJSTL,
CSS, Oracle10g, Web Services, WSDL, CVS, JMS, UN IX, Windows, XSL-FO.
Vimta Specialities Technologies I nc, Hyderabad. A ug’05
- Sep’06
Software Developer
• Configuring the Business Events like Customer Create, Account Create, and Account
I nvoiceInquiry etc.
• Responsible for configuration and use of Apache 2.2 and multiple instances of Tomcat serversfor
A pplication set up/hosting.
• Experience in SQL Procedures, functions and t r iggers along with PL/SQL as a part of project.
K nowledge about EJB and JMS.
• Worked with web services in Kenan Adapter to take the request in the form of XML.
• Implemented the billing logic to notify or alert the user.
• Coding JSP Pages and Servlets.
• Maintaining coordination with onsite team for defect review meetings and defect reporting.
• Involved in Automation for Payments and Owner of the Non-functional Testing Module dealingwith
performance testing of Oracle ETL and OWB systems in the application.
• Responsible for automating scripts for Regression Testing scenarios and managing a team of4 with
performance testing criteria such as end-to-end testing, platform testing and databasetesting.
• Experience in solving issues regarding Oracle ETL process such as tablespace, Mapping,
Checksum, foreign key constraints and indexing in Test Environment. Handled Partition
E xchangescripting, RAC cluster performance Testing and TOAD activities as a part of project.
Environment : J2EE, Servlets, JSP, XML, AJAX, Oracle, Weblogic, Oracle and UN IX.