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Supervisor Manager

Sugar Land, TX
March 25, 2014

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M aterial Handler / Forklift T rainer / T r uck Diver

Ralph G. Dunlap

**** ******** ******

K aty, Texas 77449

E -mail- ******.*****@*****.***

Home # 281-***-****

Cell# 713-***-****


Computer literate with the I N-4 software, pulled prints, made work orders check

for parts in inventory, shipping, receiving clerk, keep daily logs, checking, packing,

check weight Inventory, yard jockey, loading and unloading t ruck. Forklift exp.,

T r uck D river pulling 53' box and referee t railers.


Academy Distribution

June – 2012 – present

1800 N. Mason Road

Katy, Texas 77449

D r ive yard t ruck 4 days a week Tuesday th ru F r iday 4:30 pm to 3:00 am, off

Saturday to Monday.

Go to stores once in a while if needed drop and hook. Bring back a t railer with

r eturns.

Service Department

January- 2011 - April - 2012

Seatrax Ma r ine Cranes

13223 F M 529

Houston, Texas 77041

Worked as supervisor in our service department warehouse, was reasonable for

r epairing parts when they came in, ordering new parts turning in work orders for

jobs that needed to be done, doing the hot jobs fi rst, going to some job site,

delivering parts for some jobs. Dove 13 speed tractor t railer, work on the computer

p ulling prints, work orders, checking for parts in the warehouse and for ordering

p arts, company had I N-4 software program. Supervisor Mar k Hobbs 713-***-****

ext. 235


April- 2010 - January - 2011

Katy, Texas 77449

Material Handler

March 2008 - April 2010

S P X F low Control

19191 Hempstead H wy

Houston, TX

D rove forklift, taking the machinist parts and picking up parts, getting material for

t he saw, and cutting material when saw man was out, taking material to welders.

L oad and unload t rucks, certify to trained personal on the forklift by Stewart &

S tevenson, Handle pipe, set ups for machine, raw material, valves and empty

shaving hoppers, ran band saw. Contact H R, #281-***-****

T r uck D river

September 2006- Februa ry 2008

R & M T ransport

1231 P rice Plaza

Katy, TX

D r iven t ractor t railer delivering products to California and back to Houston

hauling 53 ' reefer trailer. Owner Roger Ma rtin # 281-***-****


November 2005 - September 2006

T rans tar A/C Supply

1145 H wy 90 A

M issouri City, TX

Sold ac supply to contractors, equipment and parts. I r un the Woodlands location.

T alk with customers about orders, kept warehouse in order, ordered equipment

a nd parts as needed, Pull orders and help customers load equipment, look up parts

on computer. Do daily cash log, print tickets and check inventory. Open and locked

u p every day, # 713-***-****

A/C installer

September 2003 - November 2005

Perfect Air

15610 Pebble Lake

Houston, TX

I nstall new ac units, replace ducts, install grills, retu rn air, replace coils, clean

coils, replace heaters, whatever it took to tear out old units and put in new.

Supervisor Tony Browns #281-***-****

Warehouse / D r iver

December 2002 - September 2003

Service Supply

B usiness Park Dr. Suit 100


All warehouse duties and deliver parts. Loading and unloading t rucks with ac

u nits. Shipping and Receiving and D r iver. Pull orders, stock items, and ship out

p arts. Supervisor Cory # 713-***-****

September 2002 - December 2002

U nemployed

K aty, TX 77449

Tool Room

August 2001 - September 2002

Dowell Machine

12530 Taylor Rd.

H ouston, TX

Work in tool room keeping Inventory on tools and assign tools out to the workers.

L etting the front know when we were low, what they need to order and making set

u ps for the pipe the workers was drilling. Ran a small lathe, band saw and grinder.

Supervisor Tim #832-***-****


H igh School or equivalent,

0 0 - 3 1976

S t. Ma ry's State: CO


Computer literate, Supervisor, T r uck D river, and Inventory control, Shipping &

R eceiving,

H ave Texas CDL TX Endorsements, TW IC card.


E nglish Fluent


U S Army - 12/75 th ru 12/78 Honorable Discharge


R oger Ma rtin


Mark Hobbs


Lupe Thomas


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