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Data Entry Officer

Suva, Fiji
March 03, 2014

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Curriculum Vitae Ram Achal Jagan

Personal Details

Date of Birth : 20/11/1962

Gender : Male

Age : 50

Marital Status : Single

Driving License # :


Postal Address : P O Box 86, Nabua, Fiji Islands

Work phone (office) : 3477044

Phone : 8731481

E – Mail : **********@*****.***

Education Background

Apart from My secondary school education

I have completed certificate in Data Processing at F I T

I have attended many computer related courses at

Government Training Centre and I T C

I have also attended courses in Regarding -

General Ledger



Occupational Health and Safety


And other courses

Work Experience

Position Data Entry Operator

Employer Ministry of Primary Industries

From January 5th 1987


I was Mainly Involved in The Data Processing .

Main Duties Involved in the Year 1987 - 1989

Key punch Data Entry

Print out Transaction listing

Editing the transaction listing with the source document

Preparation of Summary Input Listing for Ministry of Finance

Preparation of soft copies of Data

Storing of Data in Hard Disks and Tapes

Filing of Hard copies of Data

Duties Involved in the Year 1990 - 2006

My duties were as follows

My Duties were mainly assigned for The Principal Accounts Officer

For The Ministry of Primary Industries

Chief Accounts Officer - Ministry of Finance

. I was responsible for The E D P Unit of Ministry of Primary Industries

To see that the balanced data sheets are send to Ministry of Finance Ledger system

Also follow all the correspondence from EDP UNIT of Ministry of Finance and

Information Technology Unit

During this period of employment I had to supervise two Data Entry Operators

After the successful Data Entry

Using the Data I was Assigned to prepare the following reports : -

These reports were for The Ministry of Primary Industries

A ) Preparation of Revenue and Expenditure report .

B) Preparation of The Cash Flow Forecast

C) Issue of Departmental Warrants

D) Preparation of R IE ‘S ( Requisition to incur Expenditure )

E) Expenditure Report including, (Approved and Budgetary Figures Revised Provision ),

Total Expenditure to Date, Commitments to Date, Outstanding Figures, Balance of

Funds available . Percentage of funds used

F) Preparation of Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Reports

G) Compilation of Annual Budget Submissions

H) Loading Of Approved Budget as on Allocations .

I) Help preparation of Virements and Loading on the system when Approved .

Computer Experience I have worked at A National Level

Apart from the above there were many computer related activities which were assigned to me

Duties Involved in the Year 2006 - 2007

During the above period I was working for Land Development and Resettlement Unit

A program assigned to me was The Rural Farming Assistance Scheme .

I had set up a Database where we were to calculate :

1. the total number of items given to the farmers and their monetary values .

2. Items given to each Province

1. Items given to various ethnic groups

2. Items given to Various farming groups

3. Assistance provided in various commodities

1. I was responsible for the purchase of items in quantity required from Government Supplies and hand over to Storage .

2. Regular stock take was taken for the stores .

3. To see that the stores are not damaged ( Fertilizer, Insecticides, weed killers) and other farming tools and implements .

1. Also ensure the security of the stores.

2. Safety precautions taken during handling these items .

3. Update the stores ledger .

1. Also help prepare the reports for each quarter and Annual report .

2. Also see that the records are filed and archived .

3. Answer project related query

During this period The management was very much satisfied with the result,

As timely and accurate reports were presented .

Duties Involved in the Year 2008 - 2011

During the above period I was working for Land Development and Resettlement Unit

A program I was engaged in was The Farming Assistance Scheme .

In this Program I was serving as a front desk officer .

1. Here I was serving the farmers with expiry leases

2. Those who were evicted from their land .

3. Those who want to purchase a land

4. Those who want to be resettled in The State Developed Land .

I was advising the clients of all the requirements for the successful Application

I was also vetting the completed applications

Registering them in the National Register

Batching them in the different categories

Verifying the applicants

Corresponding with Native Land Trust Board for any clarifications

And hence I have known The N L T B managers in CENTRAL, WESTERN and NORTHERN DIVISIONS

Forwarding the completed files to senior estate officer for his endorsement

And Later presented to the National committee for the approvals

I was also meeting people of various ethnic groups

Therefore I had to speak Languages like ; Hindi, Fijian and English .

The duty assigned was very interesting as I was meeting people of different backgrounds and helped them solve their problems through the scheme .

During this period I had Travelled Most Parts of Major Islands

Specially the interiors as our clients were farmers .

Duties Involved in the Year 2011 To Date

During the above period I was working for Land Development and Resettlement Unit of Ministry of Agriculture as a Stores Officer .

After the transfer of the program to another Ministry I was working as a Stores Officer

Here I was involved in purchasing the requests for the office .

I was dealing with the Government tendered companies, Sole distributers

The companies that supply the products which is O H S Compliance

The items that are I S O CERTIFIED meeting the National requirements .

The storage of stores like Liquids Chemicals and other items .

Handling of these stores and avoid damages .

To ensure Occupational Health and Safety procedures were practiced .

I have achieved a lot of experience working in the various sections of the Ministry

This includes : -

Computer knowledge and Experience

Data storage Maintenance

Stores and procuement Procedures

Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

Accounting Knowledge

Public Relations

Communication and sending of reports through emails

Attachment with LAND USE SECTION

Whilst working with this section I have learned about

Soil Types

Soil Clasifications

Erable Land

And Many other things

Please do not hesitate to Enquire about any activity mentioned above .

Email address **********@*****.***


My Referees are Mr Idrish Khan

Principal Accounts Officer

Min Of Agriculture

Mr Inoke Ratukalou

Former Director


Mr Nacanieli Waka

Acting Director


Telephone Number 00-11-679-**** 233

I am sure the above experience and knowledge will enable me obtain a suitable job in your company .

For your information and necessary action please .

Thank you .

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