Shihai Lu
*** *** ****** ~ Bowling Green, Ohio **402
Phone: 419-***-**** ~ Email: ************@*****.*** Date of
availability: Immediate
Summary of Qualifications
* ***** ********** ** **atistical modeling and data analysis in a variety of statistical consulting and
applications, mainly including FDA-funded projects, interdisciplinary collaboration with Chemists, business
forecasting in an insurance company, and many other applied projects with real data
Expertise in a variety of statistical methods: multiple testing, generalized linear and mixed model, Hidden
Markov models, Bayesian modeling and diagnostics, resampling, MCMC, EM algorithms, multilevel models,
model selection, nonparametric methods, experimental design, high dimensional inference, survival analysis,
time series, tree-based methods, boosting, etc.
Significant programming experience with R, SAS, C, MATLAB, Python, and parallel computing
Excellent collaborative and communication skills in both written and conversational English
Ph.D., Statistics, Bowling Green State University (BGSU), OH - GPA: 3.95/4 May 2014
Dissertation Title: Novel Step-down Procedures for Multiple Testing under Dependence
M.A., Mathematics, Zhejiang University (ZJU), Hangzhou, China - GPA: 3.7/4 July 2007
B.S., Information and Computing Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, China
Industrial Experience
Integrated Operation Center, Ping An Insurance Company of China, Ltd, China
Operations Analyst Sep 2007 - May 2009
Developed seasonal ARIMA-based models to forecast the amount of operations in calling center aiming at the
human resource optimization to decrease expenditure
Collaborated cross departments and analyzed management and organization practices to look for deficiencies,
failures and inefficiencies, then determined solutions, made recommendations and assisted in the
implementation of new business practices
Research Experience
Mathematics and Statistics Dept., BGSU 2011 - Present
Developed new step-down procedures for multiple hypotheses testing strongly controlling the generalized
familywise error rate (FWER) under any kind of dependence between test statistics
Chemistry Dept., BGSU 2012 - Present
Developed Hidden Markov Model-based methods to analyze single-molecule experimental data and probe the
single-molecule conformational dynamics
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Applied Projects
FDA Diet Survey Data Analysis 2012-2013
Proposed a multilevel logistic model, and then used linear contrasts and Jonckheere-Terpstra Test in
simultaneous inference to create a powerful procedure testing possible trends of food label usage.
Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy Analysis: 2011-2013
Bayesian analysis of single-molecule dynamics based on continuous-time Hidden Markov Models using single-
molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) experimental data
2D regional Bayesian analysis of single-molecule FRET spectroscopy using adaptive Metropolis-Hastings
methods in order to detect environmental noise
Application of statistical informational criteria for the inference of single-molecule folding-unfolding
dynamics based on Hidden Markov Models and EM algorithm
Ordinal Data Modeling and Diagnostics from Bayesian Point of View: 2011
Cumulative and sequential probit ordinal modeling with application to heart surgery survival data
Bayesian model assessment using Bayesian latent residuals and posterior predictive distribution
Experimental Design 2011
Maximized the yield of a chemical process utilizing several additives, and recommended types and amount of
additives with fractional factorial designs and response surface methods
Teaching Experience
Instructor 2006 – 2007 & 2010 – Present
Mathematics and Statistics Dept., BGSU / Mathematics Dept., ZJU
Courses Taught: Business Calculus/Intro to Statistics/College Algebra/Mathematical Analysis (3 or 5 credits)
Created lectures and instructed a class of 20 to 35 undergraduate students on a semester-by-semester basis
Tutored students individually or in small groups to help them master assignments and to reinforce learning
Assessed students’ learning through exams, quizzes, and homework
Computer Skills and Experience
Programming Languages: Proficient - R, SAS (BASE, STAT, MACRO, SQL), C; Familiar - Python,
Operation Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Office Applications: Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word
Other Experience: Parallel Computing with R/C interface on the cluster at the Ohio Supercomputer Center
Certification: SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9
Teaching Assistantship, Bowling Green State University 2009 - Present
Research Assistantship (Funded by NIH grants), Bowling Green State University 2011, 2012, 2013
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Excellent Master’s Thesis Award, Zhejiang University 2007
Excellent Bachelor’s Thesis Award, Northwestern Polytechnical University 2005
Conference Papers
Lu, S., Chen, J., Wang, S., and Zhang, Y. (2013). Using Multi-Level Model with Partitioning for A Group of
Questions or Qualitative Responses. Paper Presented at the Marketing & Public Policy Conference,
Washington D.C.
Working Papers
New step-down multiple testing procedures under any kind of dependence (manuscript)
Statistical informational criteria for determination of the dynamic multiple-state model in analyzing single-
molecule folding-unfolding dynamics (manuscript)