In reference to the current job posting for: Project Manager - airport construction -Los Angeles, Seattle,
San Francisco
Dear Hiring Professional:
I am a Sr. Engineering Project Manager with extensive airport planning, design and construction
experience. My experience includes airport expansions at Seattle (Sea-Tac), Las Vegas (McCarran), Salt
Lake City, Albuquerque and Calgary International Airports.
I am currently completing an airport expansion program in Calgary, Alberta Canada, where I am the Senior
Program Manager responsible for:
mechanical, electrical and life safety design / construction management
baggage handling system design / construction management
project controls, including all airport turn-over activities
I pride myself on being a results oriented, hands-on engineering manager with progressive leadership and
management skills. I love project management and I enjoy solving challenging client issues and converting
them to opportunities.
My knowledge and experience in design, construction and program management make me uniquely
qualified for this opportunity. I have attached my resume for your review. I have also attached a brief
summary of my skills and experience, as well as, a project listing. I look forward to pursuing this
relationship with you.
Doug Geniesse
phone: 509-***-****
email: ****@*******-***.***
Doug Geniesse
A brief summary of skills and experience:
Area of Expertise Specific Skills and Experience Comments
25+ years of program management: design, Supported six major airport expansions:
Airport Design and
construction and turn-over management experience Calgary, Sea-Tac, McCarran,
with over 20+ years of design and construction Albuquerque, Reno and Salt Lake City
experience at major hub airports. International Airports
Management of design and construction programs. PCS is a partnership between POS and
Construction Management
Developed an innovative construction group for the local construction groups. PCS grew to
Port of Seattle (POS) – Port Construction Services $28m in annual construction over 5
(PCS) years
Responsibilities include: client interface; team I teach project and program
Program Management
selection; project scope, budget and schedule management.
management; program procedures; contract
administration; project oversight; earned value I promote Lean Construction…
analysis and progress reporting.
36 projects ranging from program start up to close I bring projects in - on time, on budget -
Project Management
out, including eight multi-year programs. Skills: with full stakeholder satisfaction.
scope development; scheduling; budgeting; risk
assessment and mitigation; quality management
(QA/QC); safety management and procurement.
Mechanical engineering (HVAC, plumbing, process Professional mechanical engineer with
Engineering Design
piping, fire protection), automation systems, specialty in acoustical engineering and
industrial controls, energy management, acoustical process controls.
engineering, fluid mechanics.
Management of mechanical, electrical and IT I manage engineering teams and my
Engineering Management
design and construction teams. I have extensive specialty is special airport systems:
experience in specifying, installing, and MEP, baggage handling, 400 Hz,
commissioning MEP systems. emergency power, passenger bridges.
Financial management, organizational I have supported several companies in
Business Management
effectiveness, client relations, strategic planning and their growth toward profitability, e.g.
tactical execution Kitchen and Pantry, Bioalgene, and Tiny Bungalow
Lean, Six Sigma, 5S, Constraints Management My Amazon OE team increased
Operational Excellence
(TOC), Design for Six Sigma. productivity 2.6x, inventory accuracy
from 88% to 98%, while increasing
safety & quality at the KS Distribution
Center supporting Amazon’s march to
I promote effective leadership. I establishing a I improve efficiency and manage quality
Project Leadership
shared vision; challenging the process; motivating through trained high performance teams.
the team and supporting team development.
A brief summary of education, licensing and certifications:
BSME, MBA Six Sigma Black Belt
PE in Mechanical Engineering US Citizen
Douglas J. Geniesse, PE
Address: 400 E. Locust, Independence, KS 67301
phone: 509-***-****
email: ****@*******-***.*** Linkedin profile:
Results oriented, hands-on
Sr. Aviation Program Manager with extensive experience in
Project Management, Design, Construction and Business Management
25+ years’ experience: Project Leadership, Design / Build Construction and Process Improvement
My leadership / management style emphasizes teamwork, consensus building and collaborative problem
solving. I have developed high performance teams and have delivered complex development programs –
on time, on budget, top quality. I seek the support of stakeholders and communicate effectively across the
stakeholder network. I develop “balanced scorecards” and drive for continual improvement – as
demonstrated by clear, traceable metrics. I use the tools of PMI, Lean, Six Sigma, TOC and TQM - to
mention a few.
My skills:
Project and Program Management: Responsible for program leadership, technical direction and
administrative management and control. My specialty is complex multi-discipline airport programs.
o Project Management: scope management, QA/QC, contracting / procurement, risk mitigation,
project team leadership and client interface.
o Program Management: Responsible for overseeing total program development efforts to insure
each project is developed in accordance with the required scope, schedule and budget. Responsible
for program procedures and controls to ensure projects are delivered according to expectations.
o Program Controls: managing the total design construction program to satisfy program
requirements and complete the program on schedule through optimized processes and procedures
and master schedule management.
Mechanical Engineering: mechanical engineering (HVAC, plumbing, process piping, fire protection),
automation systems, industrial controls, energy management, fluid mechanics.
MEP Design Management: mechanical, electrical, IT, and special airport systems, i.e. baggage handling
systems, cogeneration, 400Hz, passenger bridges, FIDs
Construction Management: Federal DoE and DoD Task Order contracting. Recently managed several
DoE NSA Second Line of Defense projects including projects in Portugal, Lebanon and Argentina. I served as
Megaport Program Manager responsible for program management including interface to the client - the
Department of Energy.
Business Management: financial management, organizational effectiveness, client relations, strategic
planning and tactical execution
Operational Excellence / Process Improvement: Lean, Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma.
Quantifiable Results Achieved:
Calvin Hurst Award: Received the Calvin Hurst Award for managing the environmental clean-up of an
EPA Superfund site (Wyckoff site, Port of Seattle.) This was one of the first EPA Superfund site to be
returned to commercial use. $26m project, $260m program, delivered ahead of time and below budget.
Department of Energy Megaport Program: Received outstanding CPAR ratings for the Port of Beirut,
Lebanon (2011).
Change Management: Sr. Change Manager (Project Manager) for Amazon Operational Excellence
program. Program focused on Six Sigma, Lean, TOC and TQM, and achieved profitability in 18
months (increased productivity 2.6x inventory accuracy from 88% to 98%, while increasing safety & quality).
I was recruited to lead this program and the program objectives were fulfilled on schedule.
Safety: Managed the Amazon KS Distribution Center safety program, receiving the OSHA VPP Award
BOMA award for Best Operational Maintenance: The Building Owner and Operating Manager
(BOMA) award provided to operating groups based on operational efficiency and stakeholder appreciation.
Project Controls: Developed Project Management processes and controls for five multi-project programs:
o Calgary International Airport ($1.4 B o McCarran International Airport ($800m)
program) o Port of Seattle Terminal 5 Expansion
o Dept. of Energy Megaport Program ($700m) ($260m)
o Sea-Tac International Airport CIP ($2.2b)
Eagle Scout: I support scouting regionally and nationally.
Book written: Project Management (a quick tutorial):
Barron Construction Services (project management, engineering and operations consulting)
Sr. Program Manager
Independence, KS June 2005 – present
Managing Mechanical, Electrical and Turn Over activities for the Calgary International Facilities Project (IFP),
a $1.4b program, completing in 2014. I support AECOM. My responsibility: $560m. Responsible for:
o program leadership o design / construction oversight
o program development o change management
o mechanical / electrical / systems engineering o progress reporting
o processes and procedures o quality management (QA/QC)
o scope / schedule / budget control o program financials
o client interface
Managed the Department of Energy Megaport design / build construction program, supporting Randolph
Construction Services. The Megaport Program designs and installs radiation detection systems at
international airports and sea ports: Lisbon, Beirut and Buenos Aires. DOE terminated the Megaport
program in 2012. The program was a $700m design / build program with a multitude of IDIQ projects.
Support the development of business start-ups, e.g. Kitchen and Pantry, Bioalgene, Tiny Bungalow (facility program management and operations)
Sr. Change Manager / Sr. Project Manager / Sr. Mechanical Engineer
Coffeyville, KS June 2000 - June 2005
Project Manager for Amazon’s quest for profitability - Operational Excellence Program, Coffeyville KS
(increased inventory record accuracy from 78% to 98%, productivity 2.6x, safety 3x and quality 3.1x)
Sr. Change Manager – managed Operational Excellence Program (Six Sigma, Lean, Total
Quality Management, and Project Management). Completed 4 Black Belt projects and Championed 16 Black
Belt projects and 82 Green Belt projects. Program net savings of over $26m annually
Construction Management: managed 42 industrial construction projects. 39 were completed ahead of
schedule and on budget (3 were cancelled)
Developed training programs for Six Sigma Black Belt, Green Belt, DMADV and Project Management
Developed Amazon’s consolidated inbound and outbound transportation network ($28m annual program)
Port of Seattle (the POS manages Sea-Tac International Airport and the Seattle Marine Terminals)
Sr. Program Manager / Sr. Mechanical Engineer
(recruited to support
Seattle, WA January 1991 - June 2000
Managed multiple teams of design / construction project mangers (each team leading a program)
Developed and managed a design / build construction group, building over 200 projects a year (> $28m/yr)
Developed, managed and scheduled multiple construction programs ($2.2b Sea-Tac CIP)
Commercial Property Development - managed commercial development of airport noise abatement areas
Managed the Wyckoff EPA Superfund project and Port of Seattle Terminal 5 environmental cleanup ($24m
project as part of a $260m program) one of the first EPA site to be returned to commercial use.
TRA, Architecture Engineering Planning Interiors (Engineering Design, Master Planning)
Systems Engineering Department Manager / Project Manager
Seattle, WA March 1978 – January 1991 (company purchased and subsequently closed)
Department Manager: Managed a staff of mechanical, electrical, industrial and systems design engineers
and multiple consultants
Engineering Design and Construction Management for several major construction programs: Las Vegas
International Airport, Washington State Trade and Convention Center, NW Hospital, Salt Lake City
International Airport, Seattle Schools, Sea-Tac International Airport, Al Salam Aircraft Maintenance Facility)
Energy Management: developed energy management initiatives, including EMCS & shared savings programs
Project Management: developed, managed and designed over 40 engineering design / construction projects
(Mechanical, Industrial, HVAC, Acoustical, Life Safety, Control System engineering)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, WA University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Major: Business Administration 1988 Major: Mechanical Engineering
Executive MBA Program Post Graduate Study: Project Management, Acoustical
Operations Management and Optimization Engineering, Fluid Mechanics
Licensing and Certifications
Professional Mechanical Engineer, WA Six Sigma Black Belt
Project Experience
I have delivered professional services on over 60 engineering projects including many large scale multi-year design
and construction programs – example projects, including project cost and my responsibility:
Calgary International Airport Calgary, AB Canada, $1.4 bil over 3 years Program & Engr Manager
McCarran International Airport Las Vegas, $700M over an 8-year period Project & Engr. Manager
Albuquerque International Airport Albuquerque, $400M over a 3-year period Project & Engr. Manager
Sea-Tac International Airport Seattle, WA, $3.2B over a 10-year period Project & Engr. Manager
Salt Lake City International Airport Salt Lake City, UT, $200M program Project & Engr. Manager
Reno International Airport Reno, NV, $300M program Project & Engr. Manager
Aircraft Maintenance Facilities
Alsalam Aircraft Maintenance Facility Saudi Arabia, $23M Project & Engr. Manager
SASA (South Aviation Support Area) Seattle, $700M Initial Project Programming
Government (DoD and DoE)
Camp Pendleton LCAC Facility, CA Camp Pendleton LCAC Marine Corps Base, CA, $400M Project Mgr.
Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina SLD Megaport Radiation Portal Monitor System, $14M Program Mgr.
Port of Lisbon, Portugal SLD Megaport Radiation Portal Monitor System, $5M Program Mgr.
Port of Beirut, Lebanon SLD Megaport Radiation Portal Monitor System, $7M Program Mgr.
Port of Seattle, Terminal 5, Seattle 5 projects, $20M within a $260M program Program & Project Mgr.
Wyckoff EPA Clean up Port of Seattle, $6M Program & Project Mgr.
Underground Tank Replacement Port of Seattle, $400K Program & Project Mgr.
Warehousing and Distribution Distribution Centers: Coffeeville, KS; Reno, NV; Campbellsville, KY Program & Project Mgr. inbound transportation network, $28M Program & Project Mgr.
Builder USA $25M retail program Program & Project Mgr.
Washington Trade & Convention Center, Seattle, WA $620M project Project & Engr. Mgr.