Dharam singh
Permanent Address :
H,NO : J-54 Durga Colony
Roorkee -247667
Distt -Haridwar (U.K)
Contact No . 886-***-****
To achive a responsible and challenging position in the organization that with allow me to
explore my capability skills and sense to dedication towards my duties with sole him of
seeking the progress of the organization.
Education Qualificaion :- passed
from H.N.B University
from C.B.S.E Board, Roorkee 2009
High School
From C.B.S.E Board, Roorkee 2007
Hardware & Networking
From JCHNE Jetking Roorkee 2012
Working Experience :-
sixth month with Sammruddha jeevan foods india ltd
Personal Information:-
Father's Name : Mr. Birender Singh
Date Of birth : 15 feb 1992
nationality : Indian
Language Known : Hindi,English,Garhwali
Sex : Male
Email Id :*********@*****.***
I assure you that I shall serve your esteemed organization honesty & fulfill my all
Responsibilites for success of company and never give you a chance to regret my selection.
Date :
Place :Roorkee
(Dharam singh)