Saurabh Talbar Projects
Elastic Application Infrastructure [VMware Inc.]
Initiated and leading the effort for scalable, elastic and
developer friendly infrastructure
Building RESTful web services which will launch,
monitor and dynamically deploy resources enabling
Objective smoother cluster computing
Java, VMware vCloud, Apache Mesos, Apache Zookeeper
To obtain a fast paced and exciting role as a
Software Developer
ESXi Feature Stress Portal (VMware Inc.)
Built an analytics portal for ESXi feature stress effort
Report the performance of the ESXi
Experience JavaScript, Python, Django, MySQL, Httpd, Bootstrap, D3
VMware Inc. Feb ’13 – Present To-Do App Service
MTS Developed REST API for a basic To-Do application
Java, Jersey 2.2, MongoDB, Grizzly 2, Maven
VMware Inc. June ’12 – Aug ‘12
MTS Intern
Clustering Algorithms in Data Mining
Distributed Systems Lab Oct ’11 – May’ 12 Implementation & comparison of various clustering
Graduate Researcher algorithms:
- K- Means Non-Parallel [Partition Based]
Applied Micro Sept ’10 – May ‘11 - K-Means Parallel [MapReduce Paradigm]
Design & implementation of NoSQL key-value storage,
based on Amazon’s Dynamo DB developed on Android
University at Buffalo, SUNY 4.0 Platform
Master of Science [M.S Comp Science]
February 1 2013
GPA – 3.3 Davis202
Kernel stack for OS-161, an instructional OS
University of Pune Developing system level abstractions for OS-161 such as
Bachelor of Engineering [B.E Comp Engg] Synch. Primitives, Process & File Level subsystem calls,
August 2011 MLFQ Scheduler and Virtual Memory Manager [VMM]
Graduated with Distinction [72 %]
Courses Technical Skills
Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Analysis of Languages
Java, Python, Scala, C, SQL
Algorithms, Operating Systems, Distributed
Systems, Modern Networking Concepts,
MySQL, MongoDB
Computer Security, Software Engineering,
Server Side
Advanced Topics In Wireless Networks,
VMware vSphere, Apache Tomcat/Httpd, Jersey, Django,
Computer Vision & Image Processing
Hadoop/MapReduce, Maven, Play Framework, Apache Mesos