Anggi Natiur
Talent Square 239, Tilburg 5038LX, The Netherlands
+31 (0-614-**-**-** • ************@*******.***
To enter the real-world business environment and gain as much experience as possible;
in order to discover my future career path.
BACHELOR of Economics in Economic/ Community Development September 2010 – March 2014
Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands
In order to finish my dual degree program, I needed to continue the last 2 years of my bachelor in partner university. I chose Tilburg University
because I wanted to experience living in Europe. In Tilburg University, I had to finish 120 ECTS (equivalent to 18 compulsory courses and 1
bachelor thesis).
Studying: Mathematical Economics, Philosophy, Banking and Finance, and Micro - and Macro- Economics.
Electives: Health Economics, Experimental and Behavioral Economics, and Labor Economics.
Bachelor Thesis: “Challenges of Indonesian Pension Plan”
BACHELOR of Economics in Economic/ Community Development September 2007 – September 2009
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
I joined the International Class of Faculty of Economics right after high school. The major caught my interest due to its international standards
and I want to deepen my knowledge in the field of social-economy. The program offered a dual degree that requires student to have 2 years of
bachelor program in Universitas Indonesia and the remaining 2 years in partner university.
Studying: Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Statistics, Mathematical Economics, International Trade, and Micro - & Macro- Economics.
Intern at the Wealth Management Operation Department (WMO) September 2009 – December 2009
Commonwealth Bank, Jakarta, Indonesia
Commonwealth Bank Indonesia is a subsidiary of the Sydney based Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the largest integrated financ ial services
provider in Indonesia. In WMO department, the employees assess daily transactions reported from every branches before it is being succeeded
and transferred to the recipient account.
Tasks: To renew the existed operational flow from branches to back office (such as WMO department, financial department, and treasury
department) and to simplify the process. Additional task: To renew the hierarchical organization of the company from each of the
Personal: Communicating, Administrating, Organizing, & Prioritizing
Computer: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, STATA, and Adobe Photoshop
Language: Fluent English (Professional proficiency), Basic Dutch, Native Indonesian
creating and joining an organization to develop network & interacting with people
staying up-to-date with latest information worldwide
engaging in a voluntary work to help the less fortunate
working on a research to gain exploration and explanation from certain topic in social phenomena
listening to any kind of music
talking with friends over a coffee
engaging with social media
I am a member of Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in Tilburg from 2010-present.
I was the treasurer in the organization from 2011-2012
I am a member of I*ESN, a non profit student association focused on international students in Tilburg Univers ity.