#** *. ********** **. ******* Valenzuela City
Objectives: to use and utilize my skills to the company as a responsible
and t rustworthy employee.
Educational Background:
Tertia ry: B achelor of Science in Criminology
O ur Lady of Lourdes College
Gen.T de Leon, Valenzuela City
Seconda ry: V alenzuela National H igh School
M arulas, Valenzuela City
P r ima ry: Constantino Elementary School
I lang-I lang st. Pio Valenzuela City
Work Experience:
S tar Appliance Center
( Sm San Lazaro)
-Sales Asst. ( Mobile Specialist)
J uly 10, 2013 to December 10, 2014
T raining:
-On-the job- T raining
-National Bureau of I nvestigation
U N ave.,Metro Manila
February-March 2010
-Philippine National Police
November-December 2010
-Bureau of F i re P rotection
February 2-9, 2010
Other Skills:
-Computer Literate
Character References:
-Mrs. Adeliza M. Bulaong
Our Lady of lourdes College
-Mrs. Cherry Peralta
Our Lady of Lourdes College
Secretary of College Office
-SPO2 Edwin Malaay
Personal Data:
Date of Birth: August 17, 1989
Age: 24yrs old
P lace of Birth: Quezon City
C itizenship: Filipino
C ivil Status: Single
Height: 5’8
Weight: 154lbs
L anguage Spoken: Tagalog & English