Naqvi, Muhammad Raza
Fellow Hematology/Oncology
University of New Mexico
Present Mailing Address
NM, 87113 *****@*****.***.***
AAMC ID 12721835
Medical School Honors / Awards
1. Awarded third best graduate of class of 2007 at Rawalpindi Medical College, Pakistan
2. Awarded distinction in Surgery & Pediatrics Medicine in final professional examinations
held under University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
3. Awarded distinction in Pharmacology in second professional examinations held under
University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
4. Awarded distinctions in Anatomy and Biochemistry in first professional examination
Medical Education
Rawalpindi Medical College, Pakistan
Internship: UNM Hospital Albuquerque, NM
Residency: UNM Hospital Albuquerque, NM
Fellowship: UNM Hospital Albuquerque, NM
Membership and Honorary/Professional Societies
PMDC (Pakistan Medical & Dental Council)
American College of Physicians
American Gastroenterology Association
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Licensure Examinations
USMLE Step 1 02/2008
USMLE Step 2 CK 08/2008
USMLE Step 2 CS 05/2007
USMLE Step 3 03/2009
ABIM Ceritfication 08/2013
Work Experience
06/2009-to 06/2012:
RESIDENT Internal Medicine at UNM hospital
07/2012-to date
Fellowship Hematology/Oncology
07/2010-to 09/2010
Three Months Basic Science Research at UNM hospital
Role of Endotoxins on Intestinal Tight Junction Permeability using artificially prepared
CACO2 cells. Learned the techniques of ELISA and Western Blotting
Current Plans
Working on writing a review article on “Multidisciplinary Approach in Oligometastatic
Colorectal Carcinoma” with Dr Fekrazad and plan to present in ASCO 2014.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles/Abstracts
Abbas,S,Naqvi,Muhammad Raza.,Khan,A. Aerobiology of allergenic plants of Islamabad.
Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. Publication Status: Published .
Othman Muhammad, Naqvi,Muhammad Raza :Attendance Rates of Colonoscopy
amongst various ethnic groups”Status submitted to Journal of Gastrointestinal
Muhammad Raza Naqvi :Molecular processes involved in LPS induced increase in
intestinal TJ permeability “ Status To be submitted fall 2013 in a peer reviewed Journal.
Muhammad Raza Naqvi:LPS induces activation of p38 kinase dependent transcription
factors NF-kappa B,ATF-2, MEF-2 and Elk1 “ Status to be submitted in fall 2013 in a
peer reviewed journal”
Poster Presentation
Abbas,S.,Khan,A., Muhammad Raza Naqvi., Katelaris,C., Sigh,B., Boltano,J.,. (2007,
December). Aerobiology of Allergenic Plants of Islamabad. Poster presented at: World
Allergy Organisation Congress; Bangkok, Thailand.
Oral Presentation
Muhammad Raza Naqvi” Sutton’s Law and an unusual case of Lymphadenopathy” ACP
meeting New Mexico Chapter in October 2010
Muhammad Raza Naqvi “ LPS induced increase in Intestinal Tight Junction Memberane
Permeability” Western Regional Conference Carmel, California in Jan 2011.
Muhammad Raza Naqvi.,Raqeem,W. (2006, March). In Chronic HBV Patients with Raised
ALT Level, the Presence of HBeAg Should Be Considered a Surrogate Marker of HBV
DNA. Oral Presentation presented at: Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology Workshop;
Rawalpindi, Pakistan May 2005 (2nd Prize)
Hobbies & Interests
Making short movies, cooking, hiking and spending quality time with my family
Language Fluency (Other than English)
Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi