CR M: Salesforce, Issue Resolution/De-Escalation P roject Management
Agile SAP,
Client/Account Management ISO/Process Documents I nventory Control
M aintenance
I nstallation, Communication
Service & &
Customer Loyalty/Retention
R epai rs Coordination
Logistics Staff T raining/Coaching Team Building/Development
Systems Vendor Management Client Relations and
M igration/ Integration P resentations
Cross Functional Supervision
Costing and Budgeting P roject Scheduling
Off shore development
P rocess improvement Testing/QA/Rollout/Support
Routing/switching : VRRP, Wi reless: Radius Security: ACL, SSH
N MS : SN MP, EP ICenter, sFlow,
H P Openview,
S oph i a A. Godda r d
1136 L i ncoln Cou r t Avenue, A t lan ta, GA 30329
336-***-**** – Sophia_godda ******@*****.***
Expe r ienced Network Techn ician and Technical Manager. Dedica ted and solu t ion-
orien ted i nd iv idual w i t h p roven competencies re la ted to iden t i fy ing and add ressing
i nef f iciencies, eleva t i ng team accoun tab i l i ty, and i nst i t u t i ng, fo rmal, st ream-l i ned
p rocess re la ted to techn ical suppor t opera t ions.
Esca l a t io n a n d C us tome r Sup po r t M a n age r a t E x t re me Ne t wo r ks
June 2013 Present
Analyzed, interpreted, and reported cumulative escalation data identifying training and communications
Improved team productivity and turnaround time.
Provided innovative processes to decrease the case volume and backlog
Created training specifically for customer support agents
Reduced teams backlog by 35%
Act as escalation point for all customer and critical priority issues.
Drive creation of knowledge base solutions for key technical support topics
Represent the interests of the customer base during testing cycles of new products and releases.
Handle administrative responsibilities such as scheduling, time sheets, resource management, and annual
Actively participate in the development, implementation and management of action plans for escalated
customer and for all critical priority issue
Tech n ica l T r a i ne r a t E x t r e me Ne t wo r ks
J u l y 2009 – P r esen t
Crea te and imp lemen t t r a i n i ng mod u l es f or i ncoming techn ical suppor t engineers
Crea ted documen ta t ion on new softwa re and p roducts
I ns t r uct t ec h n ica l classes o n t roubleshoot ing and I E E E standards
I ns t r uc t ce r t i f ica t io n c lasses to customers on our E NS (Ex t reme Networ k Specia l is t)
a nd ENA (Ex t reme Networ ks Associa te)
Provide emai l and phone t ra i n i ng to new techn ical and customer serv ice suppor t.
T ra i n i ng top ics i ncluded I P r o u t i ng, L2, L3, STP, mu l t icast, B GP, D H CP, OS P F, and
R ip
Crea ted t ra in i ng on Seibel and S a lesfo rce i n te rfaces for new h i res.
Course developmen t and test ing
B us i ness Syste m P rog r a m M a n age r a t E x t r e me Ne t wo r ks
J u l y 2010 – J u ne 2013
Comple ted projects and t asks under t he di rector of Business Systems using SDLC .
Col labora te w i t h managemen t teams to deliver assigned programs develop compet i t ion
t i mel i ne, assess/iden t i fy poten t ia l bot t lenecks i n each p roject/p rogram p rocess.
D i rect t he recru i t men t p rocess of key employees and t he select ion of consul tan ts and
o utsou rcing vendors.
Develop and i n i t ia te i n te r na l p rocesses to imp rove p rogram delive ry w i t h i n speci f ic
t i mef rames.
Establ ish goals and m i lestones as per t he est ima ted outpu t genera ted by t he p roject.
Def ine t he resources requ i red for complet ion of a p roject and al locate resou rces
accord ingly.
Evalua te t he t i mely perfo rmance of d if feren t teams wor k ing on a p roject and documen t
t he p rogress accord ingly.
Assist t he engineers i n documen t i ng t he p roject designs and mak i ng changes as per
n eeds.
Qual i t y assurance (QA) test ing
Tech n ica l Suppo r t E ng i nee r a t E x t r e me Ne t wo r ks
J u l y 2005 – J u l y 2010
I nvolved w i t h t he day to day opera t ion of a 24 hou r i n te r na t iona l suppor t cen ter
Simu la ted and debugged p roduct re la ted issues (ha rdwa re & sof twa re).
Provided wor ka rounds and escala ted to L2 or engineer ing i f needed.
Provided extensive customer serv ice, suppor t, and on-si te i ns t r uct ion.
Coord ina ted job si tes, ordered pa r ts, and managed inven to ry.
Hand led techn ical issues w i t h customers, moni to red p roper escala t ion p rocedu res, and
t roub leshot sophist ica ted tools.
Received accolades and awards for ou tstandi ng techn ical suppor t f rom managemen t
a nd peers.
B ache lo r of Science, Comp u te r Scie nce
Winston-Salem Sta te Un iversi ty – May 2005
E x t r e me Ne t wo r ks Company T r a i n i ng – E NS, E N A, I S O Aud i to r