Mohamed Hussien Most afa M oh amed
E-M ail : moham ed. hus si en.mos ta fa@gmail.c om
Addr ess: 7 El - Lebeny St El - Mariotia Faisel - Giza
Mobile : (+ 0 02 )01-09-08-369** Hom e : +002**-**-**-**-**
P ersonal Data
Colle ge: Fac ulty o f C omp uters and In form at ion - Cai ro U ni vers ity .
Major : Dec is ion Sup port – Min or : In fo rmat ion Sy s tem
De part m e nt:
Gr adu ation dat e :
Cai ro – Egy pt.
Bir t hpla ce :
N ationa lity : E gy ptian.
Marit al Stat us : Sin gle.
P ersonal Skills
Arabic : Mot her Tong ue
Englis h : Good c omman d o f both w ritten a nd s pok en
Communicat ion and P resentat ion
High c om munic ation a nd Pres entation s k ills
P ersonality
- Lea ders hip
- Team W ork ing -
- Self-St udy .
- Belie ves that wit h our h ard work there will be bet ter life an d will hel p our c ou ntry to go
forw ard a nd b e the firs t.
- Reading espec ially Ne uro -lin guis tic pro gramming.
- Lis tenin g Mus ic especially ( Tr anc e). -
- Dr awi ng.
- Painting
Educat ion
El-Khedawy a – Cai ro - Egy pt.
H igh School D iploma:
Specialization: Th ana w ey a Amm a
Grade: Exc ellent [92.4 % ]
Fac ulty of Com puters and In form ation – Cai ro U ni vers it y – EGYP T
GPA: 2. 71 (Good )
Courses and Certificates and P rojects
Cours es and c ert i fic ates in:
1- CRM from Micros o ft as a c ours e at
Cair o Uni vers it y .
from MO DLI
2- Englis h Cours e L e vel 8
AmAmin ( Android Applicati on)
Elm ( Android Applicati on)
Mi nbar (Android Applicati on)
Technical Skills
Dat a bas e E ngi nes
A. My S QL (Intermediate)
Mobile Applic ati on De vel op ment
A. Android D evelopment (Expert)
IOS Devel opment ( Intermediate)
Prog ram ming La ngu ag es
A. JAVA (J2S E) (Intermediate)
B. C++ ( Co mpile r : VS 6.0 o r De v. C++) (Intermediate)
C. Ma tlap (Intermediate)
W eb Prog ram ming Lan gu ag es
A. H TML (Expert)
B. JS P (Expert)
C. PH P (Intermediate)
De vel opm ent Tools and IDE
A. De v. C++ (Expert)
B. Ne t Beans, Eclipse,D rea mwea ve r (Expert)
C. C free (Intermediate)
D. And roid S tudio (Expert)
W ork experience:
(J uly, 7, 2008) t o (A ug us t s, 7, 20 08) Web De v e lope r a t El- Gom hory a Com pa ny. (J uly, 5, 20 09) t o
(A ugust, 5, 2009) t o ( Sep, 29, 2009) Web De v e loper a t NSGB li fe Ins ura nce in t he IT
depa rt m e nt .
(April, 29, 2012) t o (Apri l, 29, 2013) Te chn ica l Conta ct Cent er Spe cia lis t ( ECCO) a t T E-da t a .
(Ma y, 11, 2013) t o ( Oct, 21, 20 13) A n droid De v e lope r a t Fa da a Me dia (Spa ce Cha nne ls ).
(Oct, 2 1, 2013) t o (Current ) Soft ware Engineer Andro id Developer a t Vodafone
International Service ( VIS)
Graduat ion Project
Description " Studying Impacts of Greenhouse Gasses
on climate system using Data Minin g "
The Clima te Change is one of m ore criti cal
subje ct s in thi s da y s, it i s thre a ding our life
Incre a sing tem pe rature degre e s, incre a sing
the e mission s of Ca pron Dioxide a nd
Gre e nhouse Ga se s a nd Se a -le vel
rise ……etc .
All of that a re im pa cts of Clima te Change
that e ffe ct human life badly.
Training & Activities
Assist in Building a Web Site for El-Yamama Company.
Assist in Building a Web Site for F CIbay.
Assist in developing the Optimizatio n Network Codes.
4. Assist in the Tansique of Thanaweya Amma – Cairo Univ ersity-at 2009- lab of (F aculty of Computers and
5. Team Manger F or Andr oid Pr oject for “S yrian Media Cente r.C om” .
6. Participated i n Etisalat Yala N’saytar F or Mobile Applications by “Am Amin And roid A pp”
7. Participated i n Samsung (Intalaq) F or Mobile A pplicatio ns by “Am Amin And roi d App ”