Samantha Hartman
* ** ******* ***** *** C, M ountain View, C A 94043 - 9 10.381.8157 (H) - 9 10.381.8157 (C) -
S *******.***********@*****.***
S ummary
G unnery Sergeant with more than 13] years in the United States Marine Corps. Successfully led
t raining programs for thousands of Marines Reliable, diligent and flexible professional with
s uperb communication capabilities.
H ighlights
F irearm Basic Training F ield experience
S tranger Sexual Assault training C onfident
F ield supervision T ime management
P ersonnel management D efensive/offensive tactics training
A ccomplishments
R eceived Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
P ersonally responsible for over $500,000.00 of command equipment with no deficiencies, losses or
d amages.
M aintained 100% accountability of a large section of equipment worth over $1.2 million during
m ultiple overseas deployments.
F ormally commended by two Commanding Officers for superb supervisory actions, management
a nd implementation of training plans for over 100 military personnel maintaining over 95% unit
r eadiness.
M aintained an excellent rapport within the community as an event coordinator for the Toys for
T ots program, managing over 50 events and receiving over 60,000 toys for the financially
s truggling families.
E xperience
S ite Support Staff
M arch 2012 to C urrent
T raining Chief
S an Jose, C A
M aintain accurate and detailed training statistics for all Reserve Marines.
I nspect, instruct and assess over 180 military personnel and ensure combat readiness is
m aintained
D evelop and implement annual training plans for 2 company size elements.
C oordinated training schedules and filed crucial administrative paperwork.
S ite Support Staff
M arch 2012 to C urrent
U niformed Victim Advocate
S an Jose, C A
M anage and maintain the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program within the
u nit.
T rain all personnel on report procedure for any Sexual Assault crime.
A dvocate for victims during restricted and unrestricted reports.
S ite Support Staff
M ay 2012 to C urrent
A rmory Chief
S an Jose, C A
M anaged receipt, storage and issue of ammunition processes.
S upervised operation and organizational maintenance of weapons systems and specialized
e quipment.
M aintained rifles, machine guns, mortars and hand grenades.
M arine Combat Training Battalion
J uly 2008 to M arch 2012
P rimary Instructor
C amp Geiger, C A
T rained and instructed subordinates and supported units on combat tactics and weapon
e mployment.
C onstructed field expedient firing aids for infantry weapons.Received and implemented
c ombat orders and directed deployment of personnel in offensive, defensive and retrograde
o perations.
D etermined elevation and grid azimuths with maps and map overlays.Effective decision -
maker in high -pressure environments.
P repared operation plans and orders to support security of resources and installations.
C oordinated training schedules and filed crucial administrative paperwork.
E valuated terrain and recorded topographical information.
D irected supporting fire to suppress enemy fire and allow troops to maneuver the area.
S upervised location, construction and concealment of infantry positions and equipment.
P rovided combat instruction to 30,000 entry level Marines in preparation for future combat
d eployments.
P rovided over 200 live fire exercises as the officer in charge and primary weapons
i nstructor.
P rovided over 150 hours of platform instruction on combat tactics and weapon employment,
m aintenance and operation.
C ombat Logistic Regiment 27
A pril 2006 to J uly 2008
P latoon Sergeant
C amp Lejeune, C A
R eviewed and edited correspondence prior to release and submission for signature.
T rained and instructed subordinates and supported units on communication techniques,
t actical radio procedures, rules of engagement and proper radio etiquette.
P atrolled areas and allowed restricted area access for authorized personnel.
S erved as the principal platoon officer for all matters concerning training.
M aintained complete accountability during redeployment of all sensitive items and
c ommunication equipment.
R educed insurgents' ability to engage Coalition Forces by advising Iraq police in patrolling
t echniques.
P rovided immediate support to all infantry units with in the area of operation during
c ombat deployments.
M anaged over 60 Marines during training and combat operations.
P rovided senior enlisted recommendations for future training opportunities to ensure
h ighly trained and effective military personnel.
M arine Wing Headquarter Squadron 2
A pril 2004 to A pril 2006
W ing Assistant Security Manager
C herry Point, N C
P repared registered and certified mail for dispatch.
R eviewed and edited correspondence prior to release and submission for signature.
L ogged and filed classified documents.Trained and instructed subordinates and supported
u nits on operation and classified material security.
M anaged receipt, storage and issue of classified hard drives, media and documents.
M aintained complete accountability during redeployment of all sensitive items.
E xpedited over 800 investigations for security clearances in support of combat operations.
E ducation
P ark University
B achelor of Science : C riminal Justice
P arkville, MO, U nited States
C urrently earned 90 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice -Law
E nforcement.