R ev. Stephen May
George, IA, 51237
• To see people saved and lives changed through a growing and maturing relationship with Jesus
• To lead the church in being a lighthouse to the lost, a classroom for students of the Word, and a
hospital for the hurting.
• To provide spiritual care for the church I serve and the community in which God has placed me.
• Compassion seen in the shepherd’s care with the spiri tual gift of discernment,
shepherding, and encouragement.
• I ntegrity seen in the shepherd’s commitment to God’s Word regardless of popular opinion
or philosophy.
• Love seen in the shepherd’s call to love God with the heart, soul, mind, strength, and
loving each other with the love of Christ.
4104 190th Street George IA, 51237 712-***-**** **************@*******.***
F i rst Baptist Church George, I A
Senior Pastor Feb 2005 – present
• Pastoral Duties: Preaching, Baptisms, the Lords Supper, weddings, funerals, counseling and pastoral
care with a strong emphasis on visitation for those who are ill, grieving, and those in need of
encouragement and those who are in need of someone to talk too.
• Expository a nd Topical P reaching M inist ry . I am committed to preaching and teaching the whole
counsel of God, and am open to communicating God’s Word in a way that fits the scriptural context and
• I am active in P rema rital, M a r i tal and Family Counseling .
Other Duties: Aside from the general pastoral duties, I am active as a Sunday school teacher, Bible Study
leader and in a prisoner mentor ministry called M2. I coordinated and taught Dave Ramsey’s Financial
Peace University within the church and community and have been active in Union Gospel Mission. I have
led 13 people on a short term mission t rip to Haiti and have coordinated other local inner city ministries. I
have also enjoyed nursing home visitations and bible studies in the local nursing home. One of my favorite
h ighlights in this ministry was organizing and facilitating an old time tent evangelist crusade in our local
town creating open doors for future ministry.
O rganizational I nvolvement : I have served multiple terms as President of the George Lit tle Rock
M inisterial Association, multiple terms as Vice Chair of the Sioux Falls Seminary Trustee Board, as well as
serving in several capacities in the Great Plain Association.
Plevna Baptist Church Plevna, M t
Senior Pastor Jan 1998 – Feb 2005
• Pastoral Duties: Preaching, Baptisms, the Lord’s Supper, weddings, funerals, counseling and pastoral
care with a strong emphasis on visitation for those who are ill, grieving, and those in need of
encouragement and someone to talk too.
• Topical P reaching M inistry w ith a strong emphasis on Grace and striving for Holiness.
• A majority of my counseling ministry was p rema rital, family and personal counseling .
• We were active in hospital, nursing home and home v isitation
• Highlights of this ministry include implementing a M en’s M inist ry and organizing multiple t rips to
P romise Keeper conferences, and developing a n eighborhood community outreach t hrough a door
to door campaign with the Jesus video and numerous community meals.
Organization I nvolvement : I was active in the local school serving two terms on the Plevna Community
School Board and was the Boy’s Junior Varsity Coach for 1 year. While serving at Plevna Baptist I also
4104 190th Street George IA, 51237 712-***-**** **************@*******.***
served at Ismay Community Church, a non-denomination church located about 20 miles away in Ismay,
Ismay Community Chu rch Ismay, M T
Senior Pastor J ul 2000 – Feb 2005
• Implemented a T opical P reaching M inistry t hat ministered to people of different faiths and walks of
l ife.
• Because this was a part t ime ministry much of my visitation was H ospital Visitation .
• I facilitated church l eadership t raining for their church board and established a M en’s Discipleship
G roup .
Corona Heights Baptist Church Corona, California
Lead Pastor Mar 1992 – Jan 1998
• Pastoral Duties: Preaching, Baptisms, the Lords Supper, weddings, funerals, counseling and pastoral
care with a strong emphasis on visitation for those who are ill, grieving, and those in need of
encouragement and some who is in need of someone to talk too.
• Expository and Topical P reaching M inist ry w ith an emphasis on Hope.
• Developed an active d iscipleship ministry
• Active in H ospital and Home Visitation .
• Headed up a door to door E vangelistic campaign i n our growing community.
One of the greatest highlights of this ministry was to see God take a church and restore healing and hope in
people that had been deeply wounded.
Sunkist Baptist Church Anaheim, California
Pastor of Education and Family L ife / I nterim Pastor
May 1990 – Mar 1992
• Expository and Topical P reaching M inist ry (during my t ime as Interim Ministry) with an
emphasis on doctrinal preaching.
• Active in P rema rital, M a r i tal and Family Counseling
• Assisted in various ministries such as E vangelism, D iscipleship M inist ry .
• I was responsible for the direction of the C h ristian Education Dept. and assisted in the Youth
M i nistry,
Young Couples M inist ry and Seniors M inist ry .
4104 190th Street George IA, 51237 712-***-**** **************@*******.***
P ark Meadow Baptist Church Lethbridge, Alberta Canada
Pastor of Youth and Christian Education Jun 1986 – May 1990
• Facilitated an active d iscipleship ministry for the youth group.
• Oversaw a church wide Sunday School Program
• Assisted in the leadership of various ministries including preaching, baptisms, Lord’ Supper, visitation,
wedding, funerals and counseling.
Other Duties: Developed a community wide church sports league, and singles ministry.
F i rst Baptist Church El k Grove, California
Pastor of Youth M inistry Jun 1981 – Jun 1986
• Assisted in various ministries that included preaching, baptisms, Lord’s Supper, visitation, weddings,
f unerals, and counseling.
• Developed a H igh School and Jr. H igh M i nistry of about 100 young people. An important part of
t hat ministry was implementing a Youth Leadership Core Group.
• Youth Visitation
• Developed an o ut reach lunch program m inistering to approximately 30 -50 high school students.
• Active in P r ison M i nistry as bible study leader.
D AL LAS H I G H SCHOOL Dallas, Oregon
• Diploma in General Studies.
• Active in Basketball and Baseball. (1 yr., All Conference in Baseball /1 yr. Honorable Mention in
• Traveled throughout Alaska with a singing group named the Dragonaires
• Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Speech
• Masters of Divinity Degree
• Vocal Ministry: I have sung in several t raveling singing groups. I t raveled with a high school group,
named the Dragonaires, throughout Alaska in 1971. In 1973 and 1974, I sang tenor with God’s
Volunteers, a group sponsored by the North American Baptist Conference, t raveling throughout the
U nited States and Canada.
4104 190th Street George IA, 51237 712-***-**** **************@*******.***
From an early age I was taught about God and the need to confess my sin and accept Christ as
my Savior. I took that step at age 12 while attending Camp Tapawingo in Oregon. Following
camp, I was baptized at Salt Creek Baptist Church in Salt Creek Oregon. At age 17 I realized
something was missing in my relationship with the Lord and I asked Christ to be the Lord of my
l ife. Several years after making that decision I was led into fulltime ministry
I can still recall the night that I was sitting in an evening service at Salt Creek Baptist Church
w hen I found myself at a crossroads in my life. In previous months I had lost my job, broke up
w ith a girl I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, and found myself in places where I
shouldn’t have been and doing things I shouldn’t have doing. That night I heard God’s call on my
l ife to go into ministry. The following day I enrolled in college and seven years later, after
completing my Seminary education, I began fulltime minist ry .
Ben Payne: Senior Pastor / Former Youth Group Member
25836 W. Enemy Creek Loop
M i tchell, SD 57301
605-***-**** / email: b *********@*******.***
Ken Stoller: Lifelong Friend
975 SW Hayter St
Dallas, OR. 97338
503-***-**** / email: **********@*****.***
Don DenHar tog / Fellow Pastor
105 Heathrow Lane
Winchester, VA 22601
540-***-**** / email: ****@*****.***
Mark Tisdell / Deacon of Plevna Baptist Church
139 S. 4th S treet
Plevna, MT 59344
Dennis Schrick / Deacon of First Baptist Church of George Iowa
4215 200th Street
George, IA 51237
712-***-**** / email: ************@***********.***
Mar r ied: Debbie May on July 18th, 1986
4104 190th Street George IA, 51237 712-***-**** **************@*******.***
Children: Brooke (daughter, age 26) Zachary (son, age 24)
Hobbies: Golf, basketball, and reading.
4104 190th Street George IA, 51237 712-***-**** **************@*******.***