Douglas S. Dillard
P.O. Box ***** Boulder, Colorado 80308 303-***-****
Objective: Statistician / SAS Programmer
Education: Master of Arts in Applied Statistics, University of
California at Santa Barbara, June 1990 GPA=3.75. Thesis was on
how cultural changes affect blood pressure.
Courses taken;
General Statistics 12 units
Multivariate Analysis 12 units
Operations Research 12 units Time Series
4 units
Nonparametric Methods 4 units Group
Testing 4 units
Statistical Computing 4 units Regression
4 units
Design of Experiment 4 units Statistical
Consulting 4 units
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University of Colorado,
December 1987 GPA in Major=3.197
Skills: Strong Data Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, Ability to
Communicate Effectively, 20 years SAS programming including
Mainframes, Enterprise Miner, and Macros, UNIX, Windows NT,
Productivity tools including: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Adobe,
Lotus, Statistical Packages: Minitab, SPSS
Experience: Senior Statistician, Reed Group, Ltd. (March 2004 - Present).
Lead on all statistical and SAS programming endeavors for
entire company. Advisor to President on technical direction.
Extensive advanced use of SAS packages BASE, STAT, GRAPH,
ACCESS OLE DB, in combination with macros. Produced graphs
and documentation used in publication. Research findings
presented at numerous medical conferences internationally,
including results of regression analysis. Statistical
methodologies also included outlier screening, predictive
modeling, and various nonparametric techniques. Specialized
in fast flexible automated reporting tools producing 80 page
reports with high quality complex graphs and statistical
analysis in seconds using SAS. Output produced in PDF,
PowerPoint, Excel, Text, and many picture quality graphics
formats. Directly connected SAS with text, Excel, Microsoft
Access, Microsoft Word, and SQL database files.
Clinical Programmer, Quantum Research (September 2003 -
September 2003). SAS programming in a clinical trials
Pharmaceutical Consultant, Kaiser Permanente (December 2002 -
August 2003). Used SAS for data analysis and reporting on
prescription data. Served as technical lead teaching SAS and
statistics. Extensive use of proc SQL and Export, SAS macros,
Business Objects, downloading mainframe data.
SAS Programming Contractor, AT&T Broadband through Compri
Consulting (October 2001 - September 2002). Reviewed SAS
marketing programs and wrote document detailing how programs
work. Made and implemented recommendations as to how process
could be improved and did detailed QA checks on programs.
Installed SAS system on UNIX box for client/server set up.
Ran SAS using Pearl scripts. Used SAS Macros and UNIX in a DEC
Research Analyst, Electronic Data Systems, Louisville CO (
June 1999 - July 2001 ). Market Research on MCI customer data.
Logistic modeling to predict customer response to marketing
mail campaigns. Used SAS and UNIX also to create a variety of
reports. Mainframe databases consisted of up to 25 million
records and hundreds of variables. Work required significant
platform and package interaction.
Statistical Consultant, MCIWorldcom through Norell Services,
Denver CO ( July 1997 - May 1999 ). Analyzed phone call data
for MCI. Created model to predict phone prices on real time
basis for Fraud Department using SAS. Used stepwise regression
and normal regression with reweight, refit, and other options.
Extensive use of data step manipulations and large file
management in SAS environment including merging, splitting,
and truncating data files. Managed database with 7 million
records, 100 variables. Used SAS Enterprise Miner AI package
to predict chance customers will default on payments. Used
operations research techniques to improve division's
Sabbatical, ( June 1996 - June 1997 ). Time off to move,
change careers, and learn SAS Macros.
Consulting Biostatistician, Prizm Pharmaceuticals Inc., San
Diego CA ( December 1995 - May 1996 ). Demonstrated how
Statistica software can be used in preclinical trials
Applied Statistician, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Santa
Barbara CA ( November 1992 - December 1995 ). Developed two
step regression models using SAS reg procedure and stepwise
regression options. Purchased, loaded, and maintained SAS
software on 486 PC. Used Excel spreadsheets for data
manipulations and simple calculations and imported
spreadsheets into SAS for final analysis. Experience with UNIX
on Sparc workstations. Used local area network to transport
data to/from DOS and UNIX. Served as in house statistical
consultant for company.
Contractor, ( May 1992 - October 1992 ). Projects Included:
Biostatistical Consulting for Trilogy Consulting
Corporation, San Jose CA
Analyzed blood data for quality assurance by
performing ANOVA tests.
Research Consulting for Santa Barbara Breast Cancer
Institute, Santa Barbara CA
Analyzed cancer data for cause and effect
relationships using various SAS procedures.
Data Analyst, AeroVironment Inc., Monrovia and Santa Barbara
CA ( September 1990 - August 1992 ). SAS programming involving
regression procedures glm, orthoreg, reg, and rsreg. Data step
manipulations including if-then statements, sorting routines,
merging data sets with different variables, first dot and last
dot statements, formatting variables, do and put statements.
Used SAS graphics and options including legends for graphs,
symbol selection for plot points, and axis display options.
Ran SAS on a VAX mainframe computer. Analyzed data sets as
large as 250,000 records and 50 variables.
Statistical Consultant (internship), Wyatt Technology
Corporation, Santa Barbara CA ( January 1990 - June 1990 ).
Used SAS procedures cluster, discrim, anova, and univariate,
as well as data step manipulations. Operated SAS on a Sun
station as an independent consultant.
Actuarial Intern (internship), Transamerica Life Insurance
Company, Los Angeles CA ( June 1989 - September 1989 ).
Participated in company's summer actuarial internship program.
Teaching Assistant, University of California at Santa
Barbara, Santa Barbara CA ( September 1988 - June 1990 ).
Taught basic courses in statistics.
Teaching Assistant, University of Colorado, Boulder CO (
January 1987 - May 1988 ). Taught basic courses in
Personal: Active member of Denver SAS users Group and an avid runner.