María del Carmen Torralbas
Miami, Florida 33143
**********@*****.*** 787-***-****
Experienced IT prof essiona l with more than 10 y ears of experienc e on system applications that are the
base for telec ommunication s, ERP systems, logistics systems, large data base operations and day -to-
day informat ion management tools . Creativ e, res ourceful and effective analy zing bus iness process es
and IT solutions provider. Ability to select proper solutions and effectiv e communications skills.
Analytical, tactica l and quick to address and resolve problem sit uations. Possess a balanc ed mix of
both busin ess acumen and technical ex pertis e. Knowledge and ex posure to 21 CFR Part 11. Fully
bilingu al in Spanish and English.
Technical Skills
Working Tools: W indows 7, XP, W indows NT workstation 4.0, Peo plesoft, BPC S, JD Edwards,
Languages: SQ L 20 00, 20 08,store procedures, Visual Basic, RPG 400, RPG ILE, CO BO L, CLP,
DFU, SDA, PD M, SQL, Queries and all AS400 utilities, Client Access
Networking: DNS Server, FTP Serv er, Firewall, TCP/I P
Hardware: AS400 ISERIE S.
Ms Office; W ord, Excel, Powerpoit, Visio, Ms Project
Servers: Domino Server, W indows serv er 2008
Quaoar Solutions Group Caguas, Puerto Rico August 2013 to present
Project Manager/ Validation Process Neolpharma Grupo Farmaceutico
In charge of migrating applications from one platform from a previous provider to a Neolpharma company
platform. The project is directed to move a Learning Management System in a regulated environment to
another platform. The tasks consist on getting trained in a new system, clarifying user requirements and
getting the user to sign them. In charge of putting together the project plan, coordinating meetings and
generating minutes and getting involved in trainings and validation process.
The validation process includes all documents (IQ,OQ,PQ) and preparing all documents and signing them
according to the framework that applies for this company.
MMM Holdings San Juan, Puerto Rico June 2013 to July 2013
Providers Connectivity Unit
P onsul ing
( Contractor)
Selected to work as Project Manager for Providers Connectivity area of a major healthcare provider
company. In charge of coordinating and expediting all requests from users which were handled by the
Follow up on the business analysis process to move the assignments to production and go through the
documentation, testing, QA Approval, Security Approval and Dep loyment process.
Creating project plan and follow up meetings and assignments.
Follow up on documentation process and approvals from different areas
Select dates for deployments and coordinate testing process and UAT approvals.
Knowledgable in laws and regulations that apply to that area.
Nexvel Consulting Hato Rey, Puerto Rico October 2012 to February 2013
Departamento de Salud
Project Manager
Acting as Project Manager for a project with Departamento de Salud Oficina de Investigaciones.
This is a projec t which h an dles the W IC Progra m and Medicaid to interact in a project. T his initiativ e is
part of a process to control monitor fraud activ ities in th is agenc ies.
The sec ond phase of this p roject will include AS S MCA and another phase will cov er Facilities . This
part of th e project will handle all licenses solic itation and approval for the agency. This phase is in the
starting process and it is also under the D epart ament o de Salu d..
April 2010 to September 2012
Truenorth Corporation, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Departamento de Educación
Project Manage r
Selected as Project Manag er for an eRate Project with Departamento de Educación. This project scope is
directed to provide mainten ance serv ices for all schoo ls in Puerto Rico cover ed by this initiativ e
Truenorth has put in plac e a structure to manage thes e requirements. The project inc ludes twenty (20) to
thirty (30) t echnic ians to c over the is land, a projec t c oordinator, a project manager and a project exp editor.
This project is bases on a s ystem developed by Truen orth to monitor the DE netw ork and identify all the
failing devices and generat e a ticket which be the input to a Ticket System. This system handles all
tickets whic h will be attend ed by the tec hnic ians in this project.
Project Manager Banco Santander Puerto Rico April 2010 to May 2012
(Truenorth employee)
In charge of 8 people in a Content Management project. Based on Xenos a nd O nDemand products to
process all documents and make them available on a AIX W eb server. Prepare project plan and follow up
on staff. Rev ise proc esses to go in accordanc e with co mplianc e require ments. Define requirements.
Project Objectiv es
Credit Cards . Credit Card A ct 2009
Operationa l Reports
Island Finance Process ing
Historic Data Loads
Conte nt Management
Environment: IB M AIX and W indows Serv ers, Vis ual B asic
Stabilized project
Started to meet targets, SAS70 Compliance
Got issues resolv ed and m ade operations meet servic e level a greement.
Winner of The Eagle Aw ard and Lead ership Award – November 2011
ELECTRO BIOLOGY INC. (BIO MET Puerto Rico) Gu aynabo, Puerto Ric o 2008 - 2009
System Analyst
Manufacturing Pharmaceutical fac ility of orthopedics products . Small IT area to support entire operation
including sales area. Succe ssfully managed a wide ran ge of both technical and ad ministrative functions
going from cod e m odificatio n and doc umentat ion to per sonnel supervis ion and equ ipment ac quisition.
Recom men d c hanges to c ontent management applic ations and jus tify its replacement.
Managed IT Area, one LAN Administrator. Mana ging all IT pro jects in the company.
Supervis ed entire IT are a o f a medium man ufact uring environment
QA Validations and Softwar e testing f or Manufacturing and QC areas . Ex ecuting v alidations and
test scripts. Handling service levels and user expectations.
Operated remotely with AS 400 and all activities related with MAPICS inc ludin g us er support and
transactions configurations.
Analy ze and rec ommend th e use of Inventory Transact ions to eliminate obsolet e material using
Handle Physical Inve ntory reconciliatio ns to reduce inv entory levels of unwanted material
Prepare Inventory Reco nc iliations report to s how where the items were remov ed.
Evaluated and m onitored S erv ers ’ func tiona lity.
Modified and supported sys tem applications, program c hanges, testing and docum ent ation and
prepared th em for prom otio n into production.
SQL s erver 20 00 and 2005.
Implem ented a sys tem to h andle co mpany docu ments for content imaging
Budget m anageme nt and r equirements
Environment: AS/400, SQ L, RPG
Stabilized operations with AS400 and Mapics Inventory operations.
Organize and document network area and get r eady for auditin g ins pections.
Defined backup functions a nd pre pare schedule and a utomation.
1998 – 2007
Baxter Sales and Distribution Corp, Guaynabo, P R
Business and T rans actional Analyst
Central s ervice organ izatio n on a global env ironm ent c overing for Mex ico, Colombia, Per u, Vene zuela,
Argentina, Bra zil and Guatemala a nd Panama in a global environment. Handle a Help Desk of calls from
all those countries to be ma nage d by a staff of a nalysts from all countries on a v ery dynamic and evolv ing
environment. Sales and logistics oriented organization, purchasing and distribution activities are key to
Supported a team prov idin g front-line s upport f or miss ion critical systems and act as a focal point
for troubles hooting operatio nal systems and tr ansac tio nal data exc hanges betwee n centra l
warehouse and distribution sites.
Managed daily operations of Help Desk, netw orking/tel ec omm unic ation systems and IT trans fers
to support 60 end-users in electronic applic ations.
Researched system proble ms and r ecommend s olutio ns to improv e process ing ef ficiency and
Resourced new technology, conduct v iability studies a nd present purc hasin g prop osals fully
outlined with costs and ben efits analysis before Purchasing Committee.
Led installation a nd co nfigu ration of system upgr ades and new tec hnology; direct user training
and address sys tem iss ues .
Supervis ed validation processes for pharmacy, bar code label printing and radio fr eque ncy
modules. Doc ument all pro cesses.
Prepared detailed monthly reports highlighting users attended by area and department.
Code, test and debug pr ogr am changes and prepare d ocum entat ion to promote to production
Conduct QA va lidations process. Inc orporate test scripts and doc ument results. Prepare all
documentations and transfer process to production.
Includ e c hanges in QC pro cess.
Environment: AS/400, RP G
Contributed to the succ essful implement ation of JD Ed wards software applic ations :
Forec asting Module (2000- 2001)
Purchasing Management
DRP Distribution Requirem ent Planning (200 0-2001)
Advanc ed W arehous ing (2003)
Radio Freq uency with DC-Link (DSI)
JDE Modules Supported
Sales Order Entry
Advanced Pricing
General Ledger
Accounts Receivable
Inventory Ma nagement
Advanced Wareh ousing
Wo rld Writer
Purchasing Management
MBA Information Techn olo gy G.P.A.:
BBA Informatio n System G. P.A.: 3.0
Minor in Management
Kogno ’s and Essbase./4 00 (BI)
Micros oft Offic e 2 010 (Excel, W ord, PowerP oint, Acces s,Visio)
Ms Projec t 2010
Lotus Notes Train th e Train er
Domino Serv er Skills Cours e
SQl 2005,2008
PM P Courses and Trainings