B randon Townson
Mount Enterprise Texas, 75681
My name is Brandon Townson I am currently employed at Nibco of
Nacogdoches Texas I've been there for eight years working as a machine
operator and assembler I am looking into relocating to find a better job with
more benefits to help me in careers a good long term job. I am willing to learn
and do my best and work in different fields to learn new skills and trade to
better my work experience. I will work any shift available and will be willing
to work any times available.
Current Job position: Nibco Nacogdoches Texas: Machine Operator:
J uly 2004-Present
Past Job position: Exxon Gas Station Mount Enterprise Texas:
C ashier- 2002-2003
P ast Job position: Walmart Henderson Texas Temporarily Store
Remodel 2003
Past Job position: Walmart Nacogdoches Texas Temporarily Store
Remodel 2003
My list of contact references:
Supervisor Of Nibco (Gregg Davidson)
John Hamilton
2616 Canyon St.
Nacogdoches TX,75964
Edward Pratt
2036 CR 3209 West
Mount Enterprise TX,75681
John Tucker
426 Abilene St
Nacogdoches TX,75964