Dublin, OH 43017
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ
August 2011 – May 2012
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Overall GPA: 4.0
Special Honors: Dean’s List for fall and spring semesters
Curriculum Highlights: Introduction to Computer Programming, General
Chemistry, Physics I&II for Engineers, Engineering Economics,
Calculus & Analytical Geometry I&II, Technical Report Writing
Special Project: Took part in the design, construction and programming of
a robot for the simulated collection of lunar sediment. Utilized extensive
team building skills and knowledge of electronics and computer aided
Community College of the Air Force, Lackland AFB & Sheppard AFB, TX
Oct 2012 – May 2013
Major: CCAF, Associates, Aerospace Ground Equipment
Special Honors: Completed technical training with 97% average,
distinguished graduate
Curriculum Highlights: Technical Training, Aerospace Equipment
Familiarization, Auxiliary Ground Equipment, Basic Equipment
Electronics, Diesel Engine Maintenance.
Hartzell Propeller, Engineering Department, Piqua, OH June
2011 – August 2011
Increased the overall organization of the department by scanning over
1,000 historical forms into electronic files. Graphed propeller test data
from excel spreadsheets. Assisted in filing several organized supplemental
type certificates, and researching specific propeller speculations on
company database.
United States Air Force, Beale AFB, CA May
2013 – November 2013
Aerospace Ground Equipment Apprentice for 9 Maintenance Squadron.
Completed 246 equipment deliveries and 124 unit service inspections over
a two month period, and supported over 1,000 flying hours. Utilized skills
gained in technical training to troubleshoot equipment malfunctions.
Effectively used technical data for inspections and preventative
maintenance of equipment.
Society of Women Engineers, Prescott, AZ
October 2011 – May 2012
Active member while attending Embry-Riddle. Assisted in fundraising,
raised several hundred dollars towards funding for job fairs. Participated
in weekly meetings and attended club sponsored career workshops. Met
with guest speakers in the engineering career field.
9 Maintenance Squadron Booster Club, Beale AFB, CA August
2013 – November 2013
Aerospace ground equipment flight representative for squadron
fundraising. Participated in weekly meetings using problem solving and
critical thinking to develop fundraising campaigns and events, and briefed
flight. Raised over 500 dollars total over three events sponsored in the off
base community.