W illiam Tyson Collins
I mmersed in technology for over 11 years.
P rogramming Languages
• C ++, PHP, Visual Basic.NET
• C ompetent web developer (HTML & CSS)
S oftware
• M ySQL & Access databases
• P latforms: Windows XP, W indows 7, Windows 8, Linux
I T Specialist M ay 2011 – November
C hilders Oil Co.
• M aintained POS systems, back-office computers, and their respective networks for over 40
convenience stores, 2 corporate offices, and a truck stop.
• P ersonally developed a system for stores to report fuel through Internet, improving upon the
telephone call-in system that was in place before hand. Coded the front-end website and back-
end CGI server
• R outinely installed network wiring and devices. Configured routers and switches. DHCP & static
• A ctively gave tech support over the phone 24/7/365 for all Childers Oil locations (well over 50)
• D eveloped the marketing website (www.doublekwik.com) and the human resources website
• M aintained seven servers operating on systems ranging from Windows NT to Windows Server
S erver M ay 2006 – April 2012
P ine Mountain Grill
• D eveloped thorough communication skills both with the public and coworkers
• E ndured high-stress situations.
N etwork Engineer F all 2008
Kentucky STLP State Showcase
• W ired numerous computer networks along with peripherals.
• C onfigured routers.
• O nly student selected from Eastern Kentucky
S outheast Kentucky Community & Technical College System F all 2008-Spring 2012
C umberland, Kentucky
• A AS Information Technology concentration in Computer Programming