DATE AND PLACE OF BIRT H : 31/12/1961, Tidjikja, Mauri tania
MAR ITAL STATUS : Mar r ied, four children
- Doctorate degree in Epidemiology (with publication of the thesis), Faculty of Medicine
Paris -Sud, I NSERM Unit 149 «health of the mother and child", 2001, Paris, France.
- Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in «Statistical and Epidemiological Methods, in
Medicine and Public Health" 1996-1997, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine,
F ree University of Brussels, Belgium.
- Masters degree in Public Health and Health Administration (1991-1993 National
I nstitute of Health Administration, Rabat, Morocco).
- Degree of Doctor of ambulatory health services (1978-1985, Faculty of Medicine Rostov-
sur-le-Don/Stavropol, Russia).
- Bachelor's degree in secondary education.
- Certificate of participation in the In ternational Course on Health Economics in English
f rom 22 April to 13 June 2003, University of York, England.
• Public sector:
- June 2005 to the present, opening a consulting bureau called "Mauri tanian Bureau for
Health and Population Studies. » (BUMESP).
- 2002-2005 Head of Department of Health Statistics, Ministry of health.
- 1988-1989 Head Doctor of Health Center, Toujounine (Nouakchott).
- 1987 Head Doctor Health Center Tensoueïlim (Nouakchott).
- 1985-1986 Deputy Director of the Socio Sanitary Region of the Wilaya (region) Inchiri,
M auri tania.
• Private / Consultancy:
- International Consultant in Sao Tome and Principe, need assessment in emergency
obstetric care, UNFPA, 11-27 August 2013.
- International Consultant in Maternal and Neonatal Health of UNFPA Sub-Regional
Office in Dakar for six months from June to December 2012.
- International Consultant, Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD), Mailman
School of Public Health, Columbia University, to support needs assessment in emergency
obstetric care in several count ries: Niger, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Chad, DRC,
M auri tania... 2010-2013
- UNFPA National Consultant supporting workshops organization planning needs
assessment in emergency obstetric care and securing RH commodities including FP /
Condoms programming, UNFPA, December / January 2010 /2011.
- Counterpart Consultant, for the evaluation of i ts intervention, health component in
M auri tania in March 2010.
- Consultant for the implementation of a strategic plan I MCI in Mauri tania, December-
February 1010 including breastfeeding.
- Consultant for the implementation of I MCI in Barkéol, Mauri tania, December-January
- Consultant for the development of a strategy to secure products for reproductive health
i n Mauri tania, UNFPA, November 2009.
- Consultant for the development of a strategy for health development in the area of t he
National Park of Banc d'Arguin, FIBA, October-November 2009.
- Consultant for a study on the REACH initiative (malnut r i tion) and the involvement of
U N Volunteers in Mauritania, UNDP / UNV, July - August 2009.
- Consultant to carry out an investigation for access to neonatal care in Nouakchott,
A FD, April- September 2009.
- National Consultant to support the development of national monitoring and evaluating
H IV / AIDS in Mauri tania, UNAIDS, 2009-2010.
- International Consultant ( long-term ) responsible for designing and conducting
surveys at the External Evaluation Agency, M inist ry of Health, Democratic Republic of
Congo, April 2007 - January 2008, World Bank funding .
- National Consultant for the evaluation of the RH component of UNFPA (2003-2008,
period) in Mauri tania, October / November 2008, UNFPA.
- National Consultant to support the situation analysis on Securing Products of
Reproductive Health, from 29 June to 29 August 2008, UNFPA.
- Member of the team conducting the survey on non-communicable chronic diseases
(hypertension, diabetes epidemiologist in charge of methodological aspects, WHO
d uring 2005-2006.
- Member of the design team and implementation of national immunization coverage
survey, June 2004.
- Member of the team conducting the survey on street children in Mauri tania, May 2004
I DA funding.
- Member of the national team conducting the evaluation of the national epidemiological
surveillance system, WHO.
- Member of the design team and implementation of the National Survey on Malaria and
I nfant Mortality M inist ry of Health, WB funding.
- Member of the design team and implementation of the World Health Survey in
M auri tania, WHO, 2001-2002.
- National Trainer methodology in research on health systems, WHO, Nouakchott,
M auri tania from 25/06/2001 to 01/07/2001.
- Trainer on workshop Safe Motherhood organized by WHO and the MSAS 05/26/97 to
29/05/97 in Nouakchott.
- 04/01/95 to 06/30/96: Coordinator Mauri tanian International Survey on Maternal
Mortality and Morbidity in West Africa (MOMA Study).
- N ational Consultant to support the national team in the development of document
submission to the eighth round of the Global Fund, H IV / AIDS and strengthening of the
Health System, from 15 May to 30 June 2008, UNAIDS funding.
- Consultant in charge of a study on victims of landmines, February-March 2007,
U N ICEF Funding.
- Consultant for the evaluation of the strategic plan to fight against malaria 2002-2006,
2006-2007, M inist ry of Health.
- Consultant for the development of the Strategic Plan 2007-2011 fight against malaria,
2006-2007, M inist ry of Health.
- Consultant in charge of a study on the mapping of the UN system resources in
supporting the national response to H IV / AIDS, 2006, UNAIDS.
- Consultant for the development of a national strategy to promote the abandonment of
female genital mutilation in Mauri tania 2006 (UNFPA).
- Consultant responsible for the implementation of a national nut r i tion survey in the
regions of intervention PASN project, five regions (9.000 women and children 0-23
months), 2006/2007.
- Consultant in charge of a survey on the Integrated Management of Acute Respiratory
d iseases in children, ADB, January 2006.
- Consultant for the development of tuberculosis epidemiology module and teaching staff,
M arch 2006, Medicos Del Mundo.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a KAP survey on the use of ITNs in Maur itania,
U N ICEF, 2005-2006.
- Consultant for the development of a research protocol for monitoring H IV / AIDS
second generation in Mauri tania (BUMESP). WHO / UNA IDS, 2005.
- International Consultant for the situational analysis for the development of a regional
strategy and action plan against malaria and schistosomiasis in the Senegal River Basin
( Mali, Mauritania, Senegal and Guinea), OMVS, 11/2005-03/2006.
- Consultant for the design and implementation of a set of advocacy tools (Booklet,
posters, signs, etc. ) on H IV / AIDS, tuberculosis, nut r i tion, hygiene, Pilot Project
Participatory Development of Fisheries in Seaside, 2005.
- Consultant responsible for the implementation of a «situation analysis «on health
i ndicators at the Wilaya (regions) of the Mauritanian coast, Woodside -ERM, 2005.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a KAP survey on anti-personnel mines Dakhlet
Nouadhibou and Ti r is Zemmour (Zouérate Fdeirek) BNDH / UN ICEF, 2005.
- Coordinator of a KAP study on illi teracy in Dar Naim, 2005 Spanish Cooperation
- Consultant for «the Futures Group" to carry Mauri tania three international surveys
among health professionals on family planning, maternal mortality and H IV / AIDS,
2005, 2006 .
- Consultant responsible for the t raining of the research team of the DRPSS Assaba in
data analysis and Epi Info, UNFPA, 2005.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a KAP survey on the use of services in Reproductive
Health Assaba, UNFPA, 2004-2005.
- Consultant in charge of a survey on the Integrated Management of Childhood I l lness,
MSAS / ADB, 2004.
- Consultant for the development of a national strategy to fight against obstetric fistula,
M H / UNFPA, 2004-2005.
- Consultant for the evaluation of the impact of public health policies on poverty, PNBG /
M AED / UNDP, 2004.
- Consultant in charge of teaching a course on the operational health research for the
benefit of staff DRPSS of Assaba, UNFPA, 2004.
- Consultant in charge of carrying out the study on the use of hospital care in
M auri tania, M H, 2004, IDA funding.
- Consultant responsible for the implementation of a methodology for the study of
n ut r i t ion, health and hygiene in primary schools in Maur i tania, 2004, IDA funding.
- Consultant for the t raining of gynecologists maternity Sebkha in Epi-Info and init iation
on data analysis, WHO, 2003.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a situational analysis Safe motherhood for WHO,
W ilaya of Adrar, 2003.
- Consultant in charge of a study on non-communicable chronic diseases (diabetes,
hypertension, liver cancers and Broncho - pneumonia), WHO 2001 /2002.
- Consultant responsible for the implementation of a count ry profile study health
research in Mauri tania, for WHO, 2001 /2002.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a situational analysis needs Maternity study Safely
for WHO, Wilaya Hodh El Gharbi, 2002.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a study of Reproductive Health project in
M auri tania, UNFPA, 2001.
- Consultant in charge of conducting a study «Situation Analysis of Reproductive Health
services in Mauri tania," UNFPA, 1997/1998.
- Participation in the Regional Workshop on Capacity Building consultants in new
i nvestment framework for H IV / AIDS, organized by the DAT / UNA IDS in Dakar from
28/03/2013 to 29/03/2013 .
- Participation in the Dakar Regional Workshop on Capacity Building in strategic
p lanning H IV / AIDS, CESAG / from 24/01/2011 to 05/02/2011, UNA IDS / CF / BM .
- Participation in the Regional Workshop on Capacity Building in Africa Francophone
partners in costing, budgeting and financing of reproductive health and child survival
i ncluding tools costing ( RH Costing Tools and MBB ) CESAG, Dakar, Senegal, 1 to
September 12, 2009, UNFPA.
- Participation in the Regional Workshop orientation and planning needs assessment
SONU - Francophone African Count ries, Ouidah, IRSP 18-20 March 2009, UNFPA /
- Participation in workshops and at the 5th In ternational Conference of the African
Monitoring and Evaluation Association (AfrEA ), Niamey, 15-20 January 2007.
- Participation in the sub-regional meeting (AQUASOU) on maternal health, Paris June
11 to 16, 2006, CF / Academy of Sciences.
- Workshop CTA / K IT / I ICD «Evaluating information products and services", 28
November - 2 December 2005 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- Participation in the sub-regional meeting (AQUASOU) on maternal health, Bamako
J uly 11 to 15, 2005, CF / SAGO.
- Participation in the sub-regional meeting of the World Health Survey, Abidjan 16 to 21
September 2002, WHO.
- Participation in the workshop to present the results of the Survey MOMA, Dakar from
11 to 12/ 12/1998.
- Participation in the Fifth Congress of the African Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
(SAGO) and the Third Congress of the Senegalese Association of Gynecology and
Obstetrics (ASGO), Dakar from 14 to 18/12/1998.
- Participation in the workshop on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity (MOMA study),
m ulticenter investigation in West Africa, from 15 to 18 July 1997, Paris, France .
- Participation in the workshop on Situational Analysis Studies RH, organized by "The
Population Council" Dakar 09/06/97 to 12/06/97.
- Participation in the working meeting MOMA study, from 16 to 19 July 1996, Paris,
F rance.
- Participation in the 3rd sub- regional meeting of the Maghreb count ries to coordinate
strategies for polio eradication 17 and 18 April 1996 Rabat, Morocco.
- Participation in the working meeting of the MOMA 4 to 7 July 1995, Saint- Louis,
- Course of micro- computing and Population Health, organized by the Centre for Studies
and Research on Population and Development (CERPOD) from 07 to 25 August 1995
Bamako, Mali.
- Training course for t rainers in epidemiology, organized by WHO Sélingué, Mali, from
18 to 23 December 1995.
1. O uld El Joud Dahada, Bouvier -Colle M H. D ystocia: a study of its frequency and r isk
factors in seven cities of West Africa. I nternational Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
2001, 74 (2): 171-178.
2. O uld El Joud Dahada, Prual A, Vangeenderhuysen C, Bouvier -Colle M H.
E pidemiological features of uterine rupture in West Africa. Paediatric and Perinatal
Epidemiology, 2002, 16: 108-114.
3. O uld El Joud Dahada, Bouvier -Colle M H. Study the frequency of r isk factors for
dystocia in seven cities of West Afr ica . Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive
B iology 2002, 31 (1): 51-62.
4. Bouvier -Colle M H, O uld El Joud Dahada, Varnoux N, Goffinet F S Alexander et al.
E valuation of the quality of care for severe obstetric hemorrhage in three French
Regions. B ritish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001, 108 (9): 898-903.
5. Vangeenderhuysen C, Prual A, O uld El Joud Dahada . Obstetric fistulae: Impact
Estimates for sub -Saharan Africa. I nternational Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
2001, 73 (1): 65-66.
6 . Prual A, de Bernis L, O uld El Joud Dahada . Potential role of antenatal care in the
f ight against maternal and neonatal mortality in sub-Saharan Afr ica. Journal of
Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2002, 31 (1): 90-99.
7 . Renaudin P, Prual A, Vangeenderhuysen C, M Ould Abdelkader, Ould Mohamed Vall
M, O uld El Joud Dahada . E nsuring financial access to emergency obstetric care: three
years of experience with Obstetric Risk Insurance in Nouakchott, Maur i tania. I nt J
Gynaecol Obstet 2007 Nov, 99 (2):183-90.
8. Co- author of the book «Cultural Health Assessment" DAVANZO. Mosby / Elsevier
Science. Third and fourth edition, 2003 and 2008, pp. 880.
9 . Several other international publications as a member of MOMA network.
- Founding member of the Mauritanian Association for Monitoring and Evaluation
(AMSE), July 2004.
- Member of the Mauri tanian Public Health Association.
- Arabic (mother tongue) ;
- French : wri t ten and spoken well ;
- English: wri t ten and spoken M iddle.
- Good knowledge of personal computers (since 1990 ; validation of several t raining
modules) and software Epi- Info, Epi Data, SPSS, SAS, STATA, Excel, Word,
Access, Harvard Graphics, Word Perfect, etc. .
- Good experience in reproductive health in particular EmOC, fistulas, FGM, road
- Good experience in epidemiology, monitoring, evaluation and costing of H IV.
- Good experience in data analysis, including multivariate analyses.
- Good experience in conducting surveys, including complex multi centr ic
i nvestigations.
- Good experience in Health Information System (SIS) Monitoring and Evaluation
( Head of N H IS service for several years in addition to the validation of several
teaching modules in this area).
- Good experience in adult t raining (training and development of several modules of
Public Health).
Office Address:
BUMESP: Block P 23 G, Tevragh Zeina, Nouakchott, Mauri tania
E- Mail: ********@*****.***, ******@*****.**
Desk Phone: + (222-**-**-**-**, Mobile: + (222-**-**-**-**
I swear on my honor that the information contained in this CV is accurate.
All Degrees and Certificates mentioned in this CV are available in original and may be
submitted at any time upon request.
Nouakchott on December 6, 2013 Signature