A licia A. Semple
Houston, Texas 77036
Choose a building block.
I intend on being able to display my ability to satisfy the needs and
wants of a customer.
K i n g D r e w M e d i c a l M a g n e t H i g h Sc hoo l
June 18, 2009
Received high school diploma
Awards: honor roll, perfect attendance
Ca l ifo r n i a Sta te U n ive rsi t y No r t h r i dge
May 15, 2010
E l C a m i no Co m m u n i t y Co l l ege
June 2012
C us to m e r Se r v i c e R e p r ese n t a t i v e C h e v r o n
December 2010 – April 2012
I was responsible for ensuring that the customer was satisfied
with their visit to the store. I ensured that the customer
received a successful t ransaction, whether i t was a
merchandise t ransaction or a gas t ransaction. I ensured that
t he store was well organized, cleaned, and the products were
s tocked accordingly.
• Communication skills
• Answering the telephone
• Cashier/ handling debit/credit t ransactions
• Computer skills
Careers Program ( September 2007-June 2008)
K ing Drew Medical Magnet High Shool
T his program was designed to allow students to have the experience in
seeing what the doctors go through everyday in a medical facility. I had the opportunity to
volunteer at Mar tin Luther King Hospital in Los Angeles, Ca. I was the nurse assistant and I
worked in the medical records department. As the nurse assistant, I called the patients to the
back and watched as the nurse did their vitals. I was able to answer phones and set up doctor
appointments. In the medical records department, I delivered medical record to doctors and
received records as well. I filed the records and organized them as well.
Sponsor: Pastor Jack C. Young
Headliners: Rita Semple and Judith Dixon
Contact: Rita: 310-***-**** Judith: 323-***-****
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This program allowed young adults as myself to see the struggling life of
t he poor and to appreciate the life that we have. Usually once a month these individuals,
i ncluding myself, t raveled down town and fed the poor. Before starting the feeding, there was
a lways a prayer. The people downtown los angeles, were so thankful and grateful. I was so
shocked to see how many young children that were homeless. I t opened my eyes to appreciate
l ife i tself. I was very happy to know that I can help others and that I was able to leave a smile
on someone else face.
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