C.J. Arnett
Willow Spring, NC 27592
Work H istory
Director of Operations 8/2010-10/2013
North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, 27607
• Directly supervise all operational functions of the Laboratory Animal
Resources unit at the College of Veterinary Medicine
• Lead AAALAC accreditation process resulting in full continuing accreditation
• Assure regulatory compliance within all aspects of program
• Work closely with IACUC to increase university compliance
• In terview, hire and terminate staff
• Responsibility for all financial commitments of unit
• Focus all operations on a customer service approach
• Develop standard operating procedures for i r regular research animals
Operations Manager 11/2004- 7/2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
• Directly supervise 9 animal facilities totaling over 170,000 sq. ft., 9 direct and 97
i ndirect reports
• Orient new staff, researchers and visitors to facilities, policies and procedures
• In terview, hire and terminate care staff
• Review and wri te Standard Operating Procedures
• Perform operational reviews and produce progress reports
• Inventory and manage supplies for divisional operations
• Supervise all daily husbandry activities of research animals
Facility Manager 6/2001- 11/2004
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, I N 46202
• Supervise 4 to 5 animal facilit ies with 5 direct reports and 25 indirect reports
• Inventory and order husbandry supplies
• Serve as Departmental Safety Officer
• Wri te and review SOPs
A nimal Facility Director 6/2000- 6/2001
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403
• Supervisor all animal, protocol and compliance activities for campus
• Perform full-aspect t raining of all animal users
• Serve as administrator of Animal Care and Use Commit tee
• Administer animal facility budget
Research Laboratory Manager 3/1994- 6/2000
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, I N 46202
• Supervise and t rain all research staff
• Perform surgeries and post-operative care of research animals
• Order and inventory all research supplies
• Collect and analysis research data
Group Leader 5/1993- 3/1994
Harlan Sprague Dawley, Indianapolis, I N 46229
• Supervise animal care technicians
• Manage and inventory animal colonies; 10+ rat and 20+ mouse strains
• Provide husbandry and health monitoring of production animals
Bachelor of Science (Biology) 12/1992
Fairmont State College, Fairmont, WV 26554
Certified Manager of Animal Resources 11/2009
Laboratory Animal Technologist, AALAS 8/1999
Laboratory Animal Technician, AALAS 10/1995
Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician, AALAS
Community I n teractions
National AA LAS CMAR commit tee (2013 chair) 2011/present
National AA LAS Professional Development Coordinating Commit tee (PDCC)
P resident of Indiana Branch of AALAS 2002/2003
Member of Ohio Scientific Education and Research Association
Jaychandran J., Arnett C., Antonuccio K., Olgin J.; Short-term At rial Electrical Remodeling
is Prevented by Inhibition of Na+/H+ Exchanger with HOE642. PACE 21; 830, 1998.
Jaychandran J., Sih H., Winkle W., Arnett C., Zipes D., Hutchins G., Olgin J.;
Hetergeneneous Sympathetic Innervation of the At ria in At r ial Fibrillation-Autonomic
Remodeling with Rapid Rates. PACE 21; 831, 1998.
O lgin J., Sih H., Winkle W., Arnett C., Mulholland K., Hutchins G.; Distribution of
A utonomic Innervations of the At r ia Using Position Emission Topography (PET).
C irculation 96; I-359, 1997.
Fei L., Arnett C., Zipes D.; L-Argine Reduces the increase of Ventr icular Arrhythmias
D uring Sympathetic Stimulation in Dogs with Acute Coronary Ar tery Occlusion. J AM Coll
Cardiol 29; 268A, 1997.
Dr. Lizette Hardie, Department Head, NCSU 919-***-****
Dr. Mark Whary, Assistant Director, M IT 617-***-****
Dr. David Dorman, Professor, NCSU 919-***-****