Elis Peci
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House Painting LAMPROS 6/4/2006 24/6/2007
Assistance/Labourer House Painter
Assistance of house painter Duties:
*Clear The place from debris etc. b efore and after we arrive
*House Painting Assistance/helper
*Loading Unloading Company's Van
*Preparing Materials and tools
*Scrubbing Walls,Windows And Preparing the Place to start paint.
Netpark InternetCaf e 9/10/2007 23/5/2009
Employee Fund&InternetCafe Service
My duties and Position on the InternetCafe
*sweeping,mopping,throwing garbage
*Cashier and serve Supplies To clients (Food,Drinks Etc)
*Responsible for Food,Drinks Orders,Responsible For Client's Net Account's Funds
*Responsible for Store's entertainment Music Etc.
*Responsible for organiz ing Gaming Tours,Gaming Clients Preferences immediately
*Assist clients With Internet Exploring,Gaming,Etc
Fishery Kwstas 3/1/2010 25/7/2010
Fishmonger/Fish Labourer
*Fish- Cleaner
*Responsible for Turning on Machines
*Preparing Ice- and Fishes
*Loading unloading Company's Van with company's Products
*Selling fishes/company's supplies
*Responsible for fund's and day orders
*assistance/helper on transporting/delivery supplies with company's van.
Fast Food Mixalhs 15/11/2010 23/10/2011
Delivery/Kitchen assistance/Pot washer
E lis Pe c i 1
*Delivery Store's Supplies
*Kitchen Cleaning,Pot washing
*Food preparing,Store preparing
*loading fridge With supplies
*Order Company's materials
*Day and Night Shift
*Warehouse Manager - Counting Supplies Giving written report,Classify Supplies
A bility to Lift up to 25kg's
- Language Skills
*Albanian: Mother tongue
*Greek: Native
*English Conversant
*- Technical Skills
- Team Work - Open minded - Supportive - Organiz ed - Focused - flexible - reliable
- Work Under Pressure - day and Night Shift's
- Passion to learn and achieve to win the confidence of the company/employer
- Customer orientation - Friendly - Tactful - Tolerant - Polite
- Self Reliance Skills - Focused - Perfectionist - Balanced - Perspective - Positive - Pleasant - Persistent - ambitious
- Ability to lift up to 25kg
- Computer Skills - Blind Key Basic/high Computer Skills - Windows 7
- Excellent use of internet
1997 2006
Second High School f N.ionia
In Progress
Muay thai,Traveling,walking,swimming
References available upon request.
Elis Pe c i 2