Jacqueline Barnes
Lexington, Kentucky 40515
I would like to use the skills I have developed to work for a progressive company with room for
advancement. As a teacher I managed projects independently and planned programs of study. I established
clear goals and guided the achievement of over one hundred individuals every year. I maintained high
expectations for myself and others, while creating a positive work environment. I was organized as
reflected in accurate and complete recordkeeping. I incorporated technology in lesson preparation and
Allylix, Inc.
May 2009 – May 2013
Administrative Assistant
While working for the Vice-president of Research and Development I had human resource duties
such as insurance and payroll as well as secretarial duties such as typing and electronic filing for a team
of scientists. I ordered laboratory supplies and coordinated payments to vendors. I developed a procedural
manual for new employees and also helped write the Employee Handbook.
Fayette County Public Schools, Lexington, Kentucky
Integrated Science Teacher
August 2002 – July 2008
Chemistry/Physics, Earth and Life Science Teacher
August 1986 – July 2002
Earth and Life Science Teacher
August 1985 – July 1986
Covington Independent Schools, Covington, Kentucky
Health, Chemistry/Physics and Earth Science Teacher
August 1984 – May 1985
During my time as a science teacher I was department chairperson for the Science Department for
six years. I started the Middle School Science Fair the first year of my employment at one school and
acted as the school coordinator for five years. I was actively involved in the Administrative Consultation
Team as well as working on the Technology, the At-Risk and the Scheduling Committees. I also had a
grant funded to begin an After School Tutoring Program. I presented at the Kentucky Educational
Technology Conference and the Kentucky Middle School Conference. I am a past member of the National
Science Teachers Association, the National Middle School Association and the National Teachers
Masters Degree Georgetown College, June 1994
Bachelor of Arts Degree Transylvania University, June 1984