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Well experienced Civil Engineer and Roads, Channels and Ports Engineer

Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo Province, Dominican Republic
December 20, 2013

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Proposed role in the project:

1. Family name: Paz Henrice

2. First name: Justo Dagoberto

3. Date of birth: Dec 18th, 1939

4. Nationality: Spanish

5. Civil status: Married

6. Education: Civil Engineer Superior Degree, Roads, Channels and Ports

Engineer Superior Degree, Convalidation

Institution (Date from-Date to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

National Engineering University Civil Engineer Superior Degree

of Lima, Peru, 1962

Polytechnic University of Roads, Channels and Ports Engineer

Madrid. Spain, 1986 Superior Degree, Convalidation

Ministry of Promotion and Roads Construction with expansive

Public Works, Peru, 1962 clays, 240 hours

Ministry of Promotion and Design and Control of Roads in

Public Works, Peru, 1962 amazonican forest with Brasilian

Method, 240 hours

Engineers Society of Peru, Software for Control and Supervision

1976 of Public Works, 320 hours

Engineers Society of Peru, 1976 PERT and CPM Planning and Control

Methods for Roadways, 320 hours

Valuation Technical Corps of Valuation Methods for Civil Works, 300

Peru, 1978 hours

Interamerican Development Bank Goods Procurement with IDB financing,

Branch of Dominican Republic, workshop, 30 hours


Interamerican Development Bank Project Management with IDB financing,

Branch of Dominican Republic, workshop, 30 hours


Interamerican Development Bank Multiface Program of Sustainable Rural

Branch of El Salvador, 2002 Roads with financial agreement IDB No.

1314/OC-ES, workshop, 10 hours

Interamerican Development Bank Project Management with IDB financing,

Branch of Dominican Republic, workshop and updating, 30 hours


Interamerican Development Bank Goods Procurement with IDB financing,

Branch of Dominican Republic, workshop, 16 hours


Interamerican Development Bank Logic Frame Seminar and workshop 8

Branch of Dominican Republic, hours


Interamerican Development Bank Management, Procurement and Tends

Branch of Haiti, 2004 updating and training with new Bank

forms, 16 hours

Interamerican Development Bank Program of Rehabilitation and

Branch of Haiti, 2004 Maintenance of Rural Roads,

Rehabilitation and construction of 5

bridges of RN2 with financial

agreement IDB, workshop, 24 hours

7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1-

Excellent; 5 - basic)

Language Reading Speaking Writing

English 1 1 1

French 1 1 1

Spanish 1 1 1

8. Membership of professional bodies:

Official Association of Roads, Channels and Ports Engineers of Madrid No.


Engineers Society of Bolivia (temporary)

Individual Consultant registered in IDB Branch of El Salvador, Dominican

Republic and Haiti.

9. Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc)

Software user of Autocad, Eagle Point, Roadcalc, Words, Excel, Project,

Power Point, Acrobat, Photo Editor, Publisher, Internet, etc.

10. Present position: Supervision Team Leader in Belize

11. Years within the firm: Free Individual Consultant registered in IDB

from March 2003

12. Key qualifications: (relevant to the project): Knowledge and

experience in public works, urban building and roadways and its

maintenance, structures management in studies, supervision and construction

in every step of the Project Cycle, from the planning till the finishing of

the construction and administrative works, also in the sustainability

solutions of the Roadways works and investments, maintenance funding,

roadways institutions modernization, maintenance works with communal and

road workman systems. Good skills for setting and coordination of manwork

teams and staff members, coordination of authorities and financial

officials involved in every step of the project, coordination and

management of studies, supervision, construction and institutional

improvement works with local and international professionals and funding.

Good skills in the training of Ministries of Public Works personal in all

the matters worked the last ten years. Good skills in the analysis and

adaptation to the local laws and regulations in different countries.

Knowledge of the roadways systems of Spain, Uganda, Peru, Dominican

Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Bolivia and Vietnam. Good skills for finding

solution and many ways of solution of problems in the projects in every

step and all the components. Good skills in public relations with official

teams and workers of all the involved institutions and consulting firms

like Ministries of Public Works, Agricultural, Environmental, Local

Governments (Municipalities), Communities and Financing Institutions.

Skills also in learning folkloric languages.

Specific experience in the region:

Country Date from - Date to

Belize April 2012 to date

Vietnam March 2010 to December 2011

Haiti December 2009 to March 2010

Bolivia January 2007 to September 2009

Dominican Republic March 2004 to January 2007

Haiti September 2003 to February 2004 and June 2009

to July 2009

El Salvador August 1999 to August 2003

Dominican Republic August 1994 to August 1999

Uganda January 16th to August 1994

Spain October 1986 to December 1993

Peru January 1957 to September 1985

Professional experience:

Date from Location Company Position Description

-Date to

April 2012 Belize Techniplan Supervision Rehabilitation of

to date (World Bank) Team Leader streets In Belmopan,

Corozal Town, Orange

Walk Town, San

Ignacio/Santa Elena

Towns, Benque Viejo del

Carmen, Punta Gorda USA$

9 millons

March 2010 Hanoi, GETINSA, Madrid New Highway from Noi Bai

to Vietnam Structural to Lao Cai (Vietnam),

December (ADB, Asian Engineer and last two sections till

2011 Development Acting China border. 58 km

Bank) Resident long, 28 bridges, 3

Engineer of intersections with toll

Sections A7 stations, 100 box

and A8 culverts, 5 millions m3

earthwork, 3 million m3

of blast rock, 3 million

m3 of softearth

replacement, etc, USA $

135 millions.

December Haiti Public Works Consultant Consultant to support

2009 to Ministery of to support the execution unit,

March 2010 Haiti of UCE organization, field and

(IADB, office office work,

Interamerican implementation and

Development communication system

Bank) operations study for

obtaining a new loan

June 2009 Haiti IADB Consultant Review of modifications,

to (Interamerican to support withdrawals and

September Developpment of IADB additional work on the

2009 Bank) office Rehabilitation of

National Highway RN1

(North) and RN2 (South)

January Robore, PROINTEC-CONNAL Supervision Supervision of

2007 to Bolivia Manager Construction of 15

September (EU, European Bridges and 10 km of

2008 Union) Urban access with

Boulevard in flexible

pavement of Robor - El

Carmen section of the

Bi-Oceanic Corridor

Pail n - Puerto Suarez

Santa Cruz, Bolivia,

11.7 million euros,

financed by the European

Union, Convention No.

BOL/2002/468 -


March 2004 Dominican COINDISA-PROINT General Supervision of

to January Republic EC Manager of Maintenance and

2007 (IADB, Supervision Rehabilitation of Rural

Interamerican Roads Program II, (1,200

Development km roads and 1,000 m

Bank) bridges). US$38 million

(Sry of State of Public

Works and Comunications

of Dominican Republic,


September Haiti Public Works Individual Maintenance and

2003 to Ministery of Consultant Rehabilitation of Rural

February Haiti to support Roads programm,

2004 (IADB, UCE (Rehabilitation of 300

Interamerican km roads and 16 km of

Development National Roads, design

Bank) and construction of 5 NR

bridges, maintenance of

1,000 km of Rural

Roads). US$60 million

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport and

Communications of Haiti)

September Haiti IADB Individual Identification,

2003 to Interamerican Consultant prioritization,

February Development to support management and training

2004 Bank UCE of equipment in


preparation of bidding d

ocuments for design,

supervision and

contractors, Terms of

Reference for Monitoring

and Evaluation Manual

and Tender Forms for

construction of 13 Rural

Roads Emergency for

flooding in the South

2.004 (Ministry of

Public Works, Transport

and Communications of


September Haiti IADB Individual Member of a Study

2003 to Interamerican Consultant Team for the preparation

February Development to support of a General Emergency

2004 Bank) UCE Program for

Infrastructure in the

country and in

all sectors for an

estimaed cost of USA$

1,000 million (Roads,

bridges, ports,


Studies for an axle-load

control system and


etc.. (IDB Representatio

n in Haiti)

February El Individual Advisor Management advice for

2002 to Salvador, Consultant design, supervision and

August Centroam r (IADB, construction of 120

2003 ica Interamerican Projects of highways,

Development roads, bridges, of the

Bank) Public Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development Mininstry.

August El T cnica y Supervision Control and Supervision

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and with all the MOP project

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction managers, working and

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser training them in

Interamerican (with "on construction,

Development the job supervision and design

Bank) training" of modifications, also

Ministry training in the finding,

personal) prevention and solution

of all the technical,

administrative and

financial problems of

the works, coordination

with all the personnel

involved in the project,

leading weekly or

monthly site meetings

for the Project

Coordination Unit (MOP

executive unit) and the

National Roads

Maintenance Fund

(FOVIAL) (Ministry of

Public Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El

Salvador).There were

nine projects of

rehabilitation, damages

repairing, earthworks,

drainage, recycled of

the existing gravel

basecourse adding

hydraulic cement,

geotextiles, pavement

with hot asphalt

concrete, traffic


August El T cnica y Project Management of the

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. Manager Program Adviser firm of

August Centroamer (TYPSA) (with "on the Rehabilitation and

2002 ica (IADB, the job Improvement of the El

Interamerican training" of Salvador roads system

Development Ministry stage II (US$ 436

Bank) personal) million), co-financed by


(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


The major componentes


280 km of Rehabilitation

and Improvement of the

El Salvador paved

national roads system

455 km of Rehabilitation

and Improvement of the

El Salvador not paved

gravelled national roads

system, bridges


6,700 km of annual

routine maintenance and

traffic safety of the

same roads system,

bridges included.

180 km of streets

rehabilitation of the

urban systems of San

Salvador and the biggest

cities, bridges and

by-passes included.

1,400 km of annual

routine maintenance of

the national urban

streets system, bridges

and by-passes included.

12 stations of axle-load

control (2 fixed

stations and 10 mobiles,

Specifications, bids,

construction and



2 road-tolling stations

(Specifications, bids,

construction and



August El T cnica y Project Studies in every step of

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. Manager the Project Cycle

August Centroamer (TYPSA) (with "on (identification, profile

2002 ica the job I, project reports,

training" of environmental and social

Ministry reports, profile II,

personal) project final report

with all the appendix of

the Multiface Program of

Sustainable Rural Roads

with two phases of three

years each (US$92

million IDB financing),

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


The major componentes


500 km of rehabilitation

of sustainables rural


100 km of damages

repairing caused by the

year 2001 earthquakes in

the rural roadways


6,000 km of maintenance

of rural roads and

roadways with private

contractors and public


First year Execution

Project Phase 1


environmental, social,

selection system, costs,

maintenance and

feasibility studies,

(US$7.5 million) of six

sustainable rural roads

with 120 km, five of

which with 117 km were

approbed for the program

and now are tendering

for construction and

supervision works of

rehabilitation project,

damages repairing,

earthworks, drainage

works, slope protection,

gravel basecourse,

double bituminous

surface treatment,

traffic signing of:


Perla (35 km)


Paisnal-Aguilares (32.8



(19.7 km)

San Antonio del

Monte-San Pedro Puxtla

(17.6 km)

Puente Cuscatl n-San

Idelfonso (12 km)

August El T cnica y Supervision Rehabilitation and

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and improvement project with

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction drainage works, existing

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser pavement improvement

Interamerican (with "on used as base course,

Development the job paved with Portland

Bank) training" of cement concrete and

Ministry shoulders in cemented

personal) soil, guardrails,

traffic signing of of

the San


t highway, (38 km)

(US$21.6 million)

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Boring, geological and

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and subsoil studies, earth

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction movements measurements,

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser reconstruction,

Interamerican (with "on reparation of severe

Development the job damage (big landslides,

Bank) training" of many cracks in pavement,

Ministry basecourse and fills,

personal) earth displacements,

culverts and ditches

cracking etc), caused by

year 2001 earthquakes

and improvement works:

slope improvements,



protection and drainage

works, demolitions,

earth movements


earthworks, drainage

works, soil

stabilization in

sub-base course, gravel

basecourse, paved with

hot asphalt concrete,

traffic signing of the

Panamerican Roadway

CA-1, La Leona Curves,

(3 km) (US$3.3 millones)

(Ministryof Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Boring, geological and

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and subsoil studies, earth

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction movements measurements,

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser reconstruction,

Interamerican (with "on reparation of severe

Development the job damage (big landslides,

Bank) training" of big cracks and

Ministry displacings in pavement,

personal) basecourse and fills,

earth displacements,

culverts and ditches

cracking etc), caused by

year 2001 earthquakes

and improvement works:

slope stabilization,

drainage works,

demolitions, earthworks,

soil stabilization in

fills and sub-base

course, hydraulic

concrete basecourse

topping with hot asphalt

concrete, traffic

signing of of San


t Highway, (2 km) (US$1

mill n). (Ministry of

Public Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Reparation of damages

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and (cracks in pavement,

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction basecourse and fills),

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser caused by year 2001

Interamerican (with "on earthquake: demolitions,

Development the job earthworks, rip-rap,

Bank) training" of gravel basecourse,

Ministry paved with hot asphalt

personal) concrete, traffic

signing of of the

Panamerican Roadway

CA-1, San Miguel-El

Delirio, (1 km) (US$0.2

million) (Ministry of

Public Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Reconstruction,

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and reparation of damages

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction (cracks in pavement,

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser basecourse and fills,

Interamerican (with "on earth displacements,

Development the job river overflowings,

Bank) training" of etc), caused by year

Ministry 2001 earthquakes and

personal) improvement works:

demolitions, earthworks,

rip-rap, retention

walls, improvement of

ditches discharges,

gravel basecourse,

paved with hot asphalt

concrete, traffic

signing of of

Panamerican Roadway

CA-1, San Miguel-Agua

Salada-Goascor n,

(Honduras border), (6

km) (US$1 millon)

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Construction of an

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and additional new lane,

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction reconstruction,

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser reparation of severe

Interamerican (with "on damage (big landslides,

Development the job cracks in pavement,

Bank) training" of basecourse and fills,

Ministry earth displacements,

personal) etc), caused by year

2001 earthquakes and

improvement works: slope




protection and drainage

works, demolitions,

earthworks, drainage

works, soil

stabilization in

sub-base course, gravel

basecourse, paved with

hot asphalt concrete,

traffic signing of CA:1

Roadway, Santa Tecla-Los

Chorros, (7 km) (US$2.8

million) (Ministry of

Public Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Rehabilitation and

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and improvement project,

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction earthworks, drainage

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser works with reinforced

Interamerican (with "on concrete channels,

Development the job basecourse of recycled

Bank) training" of existing pave and gravel

Ministry base with Portland

personal) cement added, paved with

Portland cement concrete

and shoulders in

cemented soil, traffic

signing of the rural

road CA:2 San Nicol s

Lempa-San Carlos

Lempa-San Vicente, (9

km) (US$1 millon)

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August El T cnica y Supervision Construction of two

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. and additional new lanes,

August Centroamer (TYPSA) Construction rehabilitation of the

2002 ica (IADB, Adviser existing two lanes,

Interamerican (with "on construction of the new

Development the job Escalante bridge in

Bank) training" of reinforced concrete with

Ministry steel beams, five new

personal) vaults, construction of

a new by-pass and a new

section or roadwwy of 6

km, demolitions,

earthworks, slopes and

soils stabilization,

retention walls,

drainage works,

cemented gravel

basecourse, paved with

hot asphalt, guardrails,

traffic signing of the

National Roadway El


iquizata-Ahuachap n-El

Jobo-Las Chinamas

(Guatemala border), (55

km) (US$30.7 millones)

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of

El Salvador)

August El T cnica y Supervision Construction of two

1999 to Salvador, Proyectos S.A. Adviser and additional new lanes,

August Centroamer (TYPSA) temporarily rehabilitation of the

2002 ica (IADB, Manager existing two lanes,

Interamerican (with "on design and construction

Development the job of the new El Gramal

Bank) training" of bridge with

Ministry superstrcuture in

personal) reinforced, preesforced

and postesforced

concrete and

sub-structure in

concrete and masonry

abutments with armed

earth, three new vaults,

demolitions, rock

blasting, earthworks,

slopes stabilization,

retention walls,

drainage works,

cemented gravel

basecourse, paved with

hot asphalt concrete,

guardrails, traffic

signing of the National

Roadway Quitasol-El Poy,

(Honduras border), (55

km) (US$30.7 million)

(Ministry of Public

Works, Transport,

Housing and Urban

Development of El


August Dominican TYPSA-MENDAR Project Rehabilitation and

1994 to Republic (IADB, Manager Maintenance of Rural

August Caribbean Interamerican (with "on Roads I Project in

1999 Development the job Dominican Republic,

Bank) training" of demolitions, earthworks,

Secretary rock fills, drainage

personal) works, slopes

stabilization, gravel

basecourse, double

asphalt sourface

treatment, guardrails,

traffic signs.

(USA$34,000,000 IDB

financing) (Secretary of

State of Public Works

and Comunications of

Dominican Republic,


The principal components


Advisoring and

strengthened of the

Project Excecuting Unit

of SEOPC in the

administrattion and

supervising control

(tenders, adcquisitions,

reports, contractual

clauses commitments,


commitments, techincal,

economic and

environmental control of

the construction and

supervision works)


environmental, social


feasability studies of

the Rehabilitation of

300 km of principal

rural roads and 600 km

of secondary rural


Environmental and social

studies of

Rehabilitation of 400 km

of principal rural roads

Feasibility studies of a

pilot plan for

Maintenance of 1,200 km

of rural roads with

contractors (medium and

small companies and


Control of contracted

private Supervisiones

and Supervision with the

Project Esecuting Unit

of Rehabilitation works

of rural roads

Strengthened of the

Environmental, Auditing,

Financing and

Maintenance Unities,

Departments and

Directions of SEOPC.

August Dominican TYPSA-MENDAR Project Studies in every step of

1994 to Republic, (IADB, Manager the Project Cycle

August Caribbean Interamerican (with "on (identification, profile

1999 Development the job I, project reports,

Bank) training" of environmental and social

Secretary reports, profile II,

personal) project final report

with all the appendix of

the Rehabilitation and

Maintenance of Rural

Roads II (USA$60,000,000

IDB financing)

Multiface Program of

Sustainable Rural Roads

with two phases of three

years each (US$92

million IDB financing),

(Secretary of State of

Public Works and

Comunications of

Dominican Republic,


The principal components


400 Km of Rehabilitation

of Rural Roads with

private contractors.

2,000 Km of periodic and

routine Maintenance of

Rural Roads with private

contractors (medium and

small contractors and


1,000 m of periodic and

routine Maintenance of

Bridges with private


Studies for road-tolling

for new roadways

Studies for an axle-load

control system

Supervisi n of the works

of the Rehabilitation

and Maintenance of Rural

Roads and Bridges.

Control of contracted

private Supervisiones

and Supervision with the

Project Esecuting Unit

of Rehabilitation works

of rural roads

Strengthened of the

Project Executing,

Planning, Environmental,

and Maintenance Unities.

Jannuary Uganda T cnica y Design and Supervision of Kampala

to August Africa Proyectos S.A. Supervision City Roads

1994 (TYPSA) Manager Rehabilitation Phase II:

(EU European (with "on Supervision of

Union) the job Rehabilitation of

training" of roadways and streets of

Municipality Kampala with

personal) redesigning,

demolitions, earthworks,

gravel basecourse,

pavement with hot

asphalt concrete and

double asphalt sourface

treatment, guardrails,

traffic signs, buses

stations, sewerage,,

separated Storm Water

system and Urban works

in Kampala, Uganda, with

European Community

funding (US$ 72,400,000)

(Uganda Government)

September Spain VICOPESA Construction Urbanization works,

1992 to Europe Manager demolitions, rock

December (with "on blasting, earthworks,

1993 the job drainage works, gravel

training" of sub-base and

Enterprise basecourses, paved with

personal) hot asphalt concrete,

sewerage, storm water

conductions, water, gas

and electrical

conductions, gas

stations, electrical

sub-stations. Sidewalks,

curbs, etc of Madrid and

suburbs, Spain (USA$44


January to Spain CUBIERTAS Y Construction Construction of the

June 1992 Europe MZOV Manager enlargement with two new

(with "on lanes, rehabilitation

the job and improvement of

training" of Plascencia-Carcaboso-Tor

Enterprise rej n Roadway of

personal) Extremadura, Spain (34

km), with improvement of

the old roadway for use

as bases of the new

roadway, demolitions,

rock blasting, rip rap,

earthworks, gravel

sub-base and

basecourses, paved with

hot asphalt concrete,

including design and

construction of a new

bridge design and

construction with

abutments and three

piers in reinforced

concrete and

superstructure with

reinforced, prestressed

and poststressed

concrete. Including

design and construction

of a paralel enlargement

of an old bridge with

the construction of a

new bridge with

abutments and three

piers of reinforced

concrete with the old

fashioned shape.

Including design and

construction of an

by-pass intersection in

reinforced concrete.

(USA$32 million),

Extremadura, Spain.

July 1991 Spain RAMOS HIDALGO Construction Construction of the

to January Europe Manager Leizar n-San Sebastian

1992 (with "on Highway (16 km) with

the job survey stake outs,

training" of deforesting works and

Enterprise earthwoirks (USA$34

personal) million) in Los

Pirineos, Pa s Vasco,


October Spain GEOTEYCO Supervision Supervision of the three

1990 to Europe Manager last sections of the

June 1991 (with "on Construction of the

the job Madrid-Sevilla high

training" of speed railway between

Enterprise Getafe and the final

personal) station in Atocha, with

big parameters of design

(e.g. 2,500 m of m nimun

horizontal ratio), with

the contractors COMSA,

FERROVIAL and the joint

venture of HUARTE and

TECSA, one section each,

with demolitions, rock

blasting, earthworks,

intersections, bowels,

false tunnel,

sub-ballast, ballast,

concrete crossties and

presstressed steel

rails, electrical line,

new bridges,

enlargements of bridges

and by-passes

construction with

reinforced concrete

sub-structure and

reinforced, prestressed

and poststressed

concrete superstructure;

Viaducts with in situ

reinforced concrete

poured piles,

prefabricated piers and

beams with prestressed

and poststressed

concrete and reinforced

concrete slabs, RENFE

(USA$ 42 million)

Madrid, Spain.

October Spain GEOTEYCO Supervision Supervision oh the

1990 to Europe Manager antisliding pavement

June 1991 treatment works

(nocturnal work) in the

streets of Madrid (USA$8

million) Madrid, Spain.

July 1989 Spain APARCAMIENTOS Supervision Supervision of subsoil

to Europe PADRE CLARET Manager parking buildings,

September housing buildings for

1990 tour operators and for

living in the

Meditarrenan Spain cost

and Madrid (USA$106

million) Spain.

April to Spain INECO Design Design of two stations

July 1989 Europe Manager for the Madrid-Sevilla

high speed railway,

Madrid, Spain.

January Spain IGMAR S.A. Supervision Urbanization works,

1988 to Europe Manager demolitions, rock

March 1989 blasting, earthworks,

drainage works, gravel

sub-base and

basecourses, paved with

hot asphalt concrete,

sewerage, storm water

conductions, water, gas

and electrical

conductions, gas

stations, electrical

sub-stations. Sidewalks,

curbs, etc of Madrid and

suburbs, Spain (USA$12

million), Madrid and


October Spain Engineer Free Valuation of urban and

1985 to Europe Advisor professional rural properties,

December promotion of american

1987 construction systems,

private housing


July 1981 Peru Empresa Minera Adviser of Advising in the

to Southameri del Per , the construction of the Zinc

September ca MINERO PERU President of refinery of

1985 S.A. Board of Cajamarquilla, sulfuric

Directors acid evacuation,

(with "on enlargment of the copper

the job mine of Cerro Verde;

training" of supervision of the

Enterprise construction of the

personal) Tintaya (copper mine)


March 1971 Peru Justo Paz General Rehabilitation and

to June Southameri Henrice, Manager construction works for

1981 ca Ingeniero (with "on streets, demolitions,

Contratista, the job earthworks, drainage

Paz Henrice training" of works, gravel sub-base

Ingenieros Enterprise and basecourses, paved

S.C.R.L. and personal) with hot asphalt

Promotores de concrete in the streets,

Vivienda sewerage, storm water

PROVIEN S.R.L. conductions, water and

electrical conductions,

electrical sub-stations,

Portland cemented

concrete of sidewalks,

curbs, etc for

Municipalities of

Magdalena del Mar, Santa

Mar a del Mar, Jes s

Mar a and San Miguel.

Construction works for

Minero-Per : 5,000

concrete stabilization

wells, communication

central, antifiring

systems, laboratories,


Construction works for

Petro-Per La Pampilla

refinery: Roadways for

the Tanks places,

reconstruction of the

neutralization of acids

well, replacement of

secondary destilation

pipes, civil works for

the emergency

electricity group, etc.

Construction works for

Cer micas del Pacifico

woven pipes, software

offices, etc.

Construction works for

many clients: stadium

for the Magdalena del

Mar Municipality,

stadium, classrooms,

movies buiding, basket

ball and football

facilities for San Mateo


Design and construction

of the Sistemas

El ctricos factory for

fabrication of parts of

the isolation chains of

high tension towers.

Design and construction

of the Bravo Editors


Design and construction

of urbanization and

housing from flat till

nine floor buildings.

August Peru Lima Light & Design, Details design and

1962 to Southameri Power and Control and Supervision of big

February ca Hidrandina S.A. Supervision hydroelectric works

1971 Department (US$900 million):

Chief 1) Impounding and

diversion of east to the

west slope of the Andes

mountain range in

Marcapomacocha basins

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