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Customer Service Manager

Ronkonkoma, NY
December 19, 2013

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*** ******* ****** *****, *** York *0473 917-***-**** email:**********@***.***


Securea full-time, challenging position, utilizing my hands on work experience inSupply Chain Logistics, Warehouseproduction and planning, inventory management and specializing in Business ProcessImprovement.


PECOPALLET, INC. Yonkers, NY 6/04 to4/13 Senior Coordinator 6/10to 4/13

Managed 6 to 10 zone coordinators in all aspects of Supply ChainLogistics Operations, Asset Recovery and specializing in customer service. CompaniesAssets over (10 million) four ways blockpallets; usage, rental and recovery service. The second largest pallet rentalcompany in the North America

Serviced adiverse customer base of wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers of paper, foodand grocery products; Kimberly Clark and P&G, Stop & Shop, Target, FoodLion, Georgia Pacific, Costco, Sam’s Club, B.J.’s, C&S, H-E-B, FamilyDollar, Dollar General, Cott Beverage, Nestle Waters and Wal-Mart.

Implemented Total Logistics cost models, value stream mapping, 5 whysand LEAN methods

Conductedanalysis of transportation cost and renegotiated rates with 3PL, 4PL, LTL, LLPand FTL Carriers and vendors to lower cost and network optimization

Forecasting,production planning and inventory management/movement key in JIT and KANBANmethods

Led monthly service calls to field and service teams focusing on KAIZENand PDCA

Responsible for quarterly and annual budget reports on spending formaterials. Outlining cost saving increases and identify possible spikes in transportationcost, lumber prices and KPI’s. Including acquiring and adding new vendors toreduce pallet production cost for lumber, nails and paint

Generated reconciliation usage reports outlining production for themonth, cost per pallet, dwell time, damage reports and ensemble reported usage

Interfaced with our depot networks across the country to reinforce intelligentautomation or JIDOKA, 5S and Six Sigma methods to improve warehousing,manufacturing and eliminating waste

Acted as companyliaison providing prompt responses and decisions to logistical challenges andCarrier compliance issues. Including weekly service calls to ensure issues wereaddressed by team members and customers.

Travelled to customers to help understand logistical and supply chainneeds/challenges and apply JIT

Lead monthly meeting with seniormanagement team with forecast, customer service and transportation reports andKPI’s

Answered toSenior Director and worked with time sensitive KPI, emergent work assignmentsas deemed necessary and generated monthly cost saving analysis, metrics and EOMclosing meeting

Hiring of teammembers, evaluations for raises, bonuses and job performance awareness andassessment

Introduced a 3PL technology based company to automate our Carrier billing,payment processing, tracking, tracing and increase our Carrier selection forhigh cost low volume lanes

Zone Manager 6/04 to 6/10

Oversaw the management of up to 100 accounts developing long-term, professional relationships withwholesalers, retailers and manufacturers, facilitating the sale and rental offour way block pallets

Developed sales protocol conducive to company performance levels,increasing annual revenue on a consistent basis and customer metrics andforecasting

Oversaw the deployment of work orders ensuring timely delivery ofmerchandise to designated locations

Troubleshot with team lead and resolved order discrepancies, lateshipments, damaged reports, Carrier failures and insurance issues, customer billingdiscrepancies and acted as intermediary with various departments for resolution

Managed customerdwell time with continuous enforcement of PECO policies and ensured customercompliance of all contractual guidelines and stipulations

Significantly reduced pallet damagerate reducing, pallet repair cost by warehouse observation and modified work procedures,facilitated audits and reconciled accounts to ensure cost savings to companyannually

Custom service focused on company core values and transparency

Order entry, inventory planning, sourcing, track/tracing and deliveryscheduling

Robert Gaddy continued

MECHOSHADE INCORPORATED, Long IslandCity, NY 12/98 to 5/04

Traffic/Warehouse Manager

Successfullyeffectuated all senior management responsibilities within this shademanufacturing company, servicing upscale clientele including Oprah Winfrey, JayZ, Vatican in Rome and Olympics and other high profile clients and events worldwide

Supervised thedaily operations of 30 staff members and temps in shipping, receiving andproduction dept. in a 100,000 sq. ft. warehouse a collaborative workingenvironment, fundamental to the success of operations while maintaining manhours, production and customer service

Oversaw thedeployment of work orders to specified departments upon inspection of interimlabor phases, ensuring accuracy of customer specifications including size,fabric, color, quality etc.

Ensuredavailability of all work materials and monitored all phases of production frominception through completion of out the door merchandise

Generated statusreports and provided clients expected completion and shipment dates based onphase of production

Oversaw theshipment of outgoing products and ensured accuracy of order content andintegrity of merchandise

Coordinated thedeployment of truck drivers, facilitating outgoing orders of merchandisethroughout the country

Complied with allinternational import/export guidelines and ensured accurate completion ofrequired documentation for customs clearance and brokers worldwide; harmonizedcodes, commercial invoices, LC’s, NAFTA and shipping manifest

Organized incomingshipments and facilitated the transfer of merchandise to designated locationsthroughout the warehouse

Troubleshot andresolved order discrepancies and adjusted production scheduling assistanceaccording to existing work load

Negotiated contractswith National freight Carriers, 3PL and LTL companies with vendors for thepurchase of supplies and equipment to reduce cost

Answered directlyto company VP and assisted with time sensitive projects as deemed necessary


Duchess Community College, Duchess County, NY

Associateof Applied Arts

Major: BusinessManagement 1995


Exemplary leadership, managerial, interpersonal skills, memory and timemanagement

Troubleshooting and problemresolution and attention to details

Cultural diversity;Collaboration/independence

Computer literate - Word, Office, PowerPoint, Excel, Navision,Red Link, SAP, TMS, VLOOKUP, Pivot tables

Legal research – identifying andretrieving necessary information to support legal discussion-making,

Shepardizing Citations, case cites andCriminal Procedure Law

HIV/AIDS – pre and post test results counseling

GED/ABE- tutored students and adults inpreparation for GED including deaf students


American Sign Language


Availableupon request

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested in securing a full time, challengingposition within your Supply Chain Logistical, Warehousing Management,Production and Inventory planning organization. I specialize in BusinessProcess Management.

I am confident, loyal, resourceful, caring andcustomer service driven. I can be an important asset to your existing team dueto the extensive, hands on work experience and diversified knowledge I haveacquired throughout the course of my career.

Additionally, my superiors have always recognized mypersonal commitment, dedication and ability to meet the various objectivesassigned. I have always taken the initiative, working independently, inaddition to working effectively with other staff team members. Thiscollaborative effort is a vital, integral component to the success ofoperations.

Enclosed you will find a resume that provides acomprehensive summary of my experience and achievements. Realizing that awritten biography cannot adequately express the benefits I can provide you, Iwould appreciate the opportunity to speak with you personally.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Thanking you in advance,

Robert Gaddy

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