Curriculum Vitae of
Dr. Md. Samsuzzaman Salim
Mailing Contact : Avenue Des Courses, Residence Mandella
**, ****# ***, ********* – 1000, Belgium
Cell: +003**********, +003**********, +003**********
Tel: +003202650 Extension: 8775 (Res)
Skype: dr.salim2777
E-mail: *********@*****.***, **********@*******.***, ************@*****.***
Career Objective I i ntend to work internationally in the field of both in Clinical & Public
Health i t may be Institutional or Operational.
Employment Record Starting with most recent job experience (list in reverse order)
Duration JULY 2010 – PRESENT (On Study Leave)
Exact Title/Position Program Officer (Academic & Research), Dept. of Public Health,
Employer North South University (NSU), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Job responsibilities Essential Functions: ~ Administers first aide and prescription medications
to students, as assigned, for the purpose of providing emergency or
necessary support requirements; Assists other personnel as may be
required for the purpose of supporting them in the completion of their
work activities; Disseminates a wide variety of materials to the
department for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the
requirements; Maintains documents, files and records (manual and
computer) (e.g. schedules, calendars, administrative records, forms, etc.)
for the purpose of providing up-to-date reference and audit trail;
Monitors assigned department/program activities for the purpose of
ensuring completion in compliance with established financial, legal and/or
administrative requirements; Prepares written materials (e.g. travel
requests, newsletters, forms, state and federal reports, health reports,
health forms, etc.) for the purpose of documenting activities, providing
written reference and/or conveying information; Processes documents
and materials for the purpose of disseminating information to
appropriate parties; Responds to inquiries from a variety of internal and
external parties (e.g. staff, parents, students, public agencies, etc.) for the
purpose of providing information and/or direction; Supports assigned
administrative and department personnel for the purpose of providing
assistance with their administrative functions; Supervise the smooth and
effective running of the Student and Residential Life team; Maintains
i nventories of supplies and materials for the purpose of ensuring items'
availability; Ensure freshmen students have access to health and wellness
support, offering responsive and practical support when required; As
required, welcome visitors on site; organize schedules, meetings and
tours. Also implement research related activities in the IDRC project.
Other Functions: ~ Attends meetings, as assigned, for the purpose of
conveying and/or gathering information required to perform functions;
Maintains office equipment, tools and work areas (e.g. cleaning, load
supplies, clear paper jams, etc.) for the purpose of ensuring a safe
working environment and the availability of items within a specific time
frame & other duties as assigned by either the concerned faculty
members(s) or the Dept. Chair.
Duration FEBRUARY 2009 – MARCH, 2012
Exact Title/Position Medical Officer (Part-time)
Employer Z. H. Sikder Women's Medical College and Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
Job responsibilities Emergency: ~ To carry out Cardiac Arrest and other Emergency
Procedures as per hospital policy; to i nitiate emergency treatments for
patients, staff and visitors and complete appropriate documentation &
only in extreme emergency situations would the EMO be permitted to
assist consultants in theatre
Clinical Management of Patients: ~ Complete a brief admission
examination on each patient when appropriate and document clinical
findings; attend ward rounds with consulting staff, as required, and be
available to discuss patient treatment plans; Provide a 24-hour medical
service within the hospital on an on-call basis permanently; Inform
admitting consultants of changes in medical condition of patients and of
relevant action taken; Follow the instructions of consultants for their
specific regime for each individual patient; Perform clinical procedures as
requested by consultant medical staff and nursing staff, these may
include phlebotomy and the giving of intravenous drugs to patients;
Initiate and alter in-patient prescriptions at consultant’s request; Write
up “to take home prescriptions” for patients as required; Visit patients as
required at the request of the nursing staff; Visit all in-patients daily and
document in clinical notes; To be familiar with all relevant
procedures/policies; To be familiar with centre and company clinical
policies. To be aware of the centers’ clinical risk programme and report
clinical incidents, drug errors and near misses; To participate in clinical
audit and implementation of clinical governance & to participate and
assist with operations as required.
Operational: ~ To be completely familiar with emergency equipment; To
dispense drugs with senior nurse on duty in absence of pharmacist; To
record all treatments performed in patient notes.; To provide a full
report to Resident Medical Officer commencing the next shift & to
participate in pre-admission clinics.
In-Service Education & Promotion of the Treatment Centre: ~ Promote
patient care by liaison with all departments; Participate in the in-service
education programme, inclusive of CPR, Health & Safety Training and
Fire; Ensure medical competence by continual professional development
and reading of current medical journals; Promote the centre by showing
empathy and compassion to patients, their families and friends; Promote
the centre by demonstrating a customer –focused approach at all times
to patients, consultants and staff; Dress code as per company policy
Agree a CPD programme with the clinical head of centre.
Relationships: ~ Administratively responsible to the Centre Manager;
Professionally responsible to the Medical Director; Liaises closely with
nursing staff and other relevant clinical or administrative staff; Uses
designated mentor in order to discuss clinical (or non-clinical) situations
occurring within the hospital.
Decision Making Authority: Can initiate emergency medical care as
required within the hospital for medical and surgical emergencies.
Data Protection: The post holder must at all times respect the
confidentiality of information in line w ith the requirements of the Data
Protection Act. This includes, if required to do so, obtain, process and/or
use information held on a computer in a fair and lawful way, to hold
data only for the specified registered purposes and to use or disclose data
only to authorized persons or organizations as instructed.
Type of Business Teaching & Health Care Institute (Renowned Private Institute in BD)
Duration JULY 2010- PRESENT
Exact Title/Position Research Assistant (Part-time)
Employer NSU-IDRC Dengue Research Project
Job responsibilities ~ Liaison with formal education institutions; Arrangement and
undertaking of face-to-face interviews with individual adult learners;
Arrangement and administration of questionnaire to groups of adult
learners & Coding and entry of data collated; Maintenance of accurate
files and records, both computerized and manual; Writing up & reporting
of research findings as required by the Research Coordinators;
Performance of any other duties associated with the research project, of
an occasional nature, which may be assigned by the Research
Coordinators; Other duties as assigned by the Project Leader.
Duration FEBRUARY 2009 – JULY 2010
Exact Title/Position Graduate Teaching Assistant (Part –Time)
Employer North South University (NSU)
Job responsibilities ~ The prime responsibility is to observe the work hours assigned by the
professor and the department; It will be needed to oversee the
timekeeping rules and regulations; To perform the entire tasks assigned
by the professor which may be relevant to teaching and non-teaching
work; It will be the duty to work as an assistant to the professor as a
substitute teacher in undergraduate courses; It will be also needed to
assist the professor in laboratory or field research or in assignments
related to the furtherance of the course requirements; Provide support to
the prof. in the paper work and documentation work such as grading
student thesis, term papers & exams; To oversee and review the records
and reports such as journals and textbooks that have the potential to be
part of the curriculum are reading requirements; Assist faculty advisors
during student advising; Assist faculty members in their research works;
Provide tutorial sessions for students needing extra help out of class;
Assist faculty member(s) in preparing lecture notes; Proctor test along
with the instructor for the course; Exception: Undergraduate students are
not allowed to proctor tests; Grade true-false, multiple choice and other
non-judgmental questions.& check faculty mail box regularly and deliver
memos and letters to respective faculty; Inform the faculty and students
about university announcements, such as, make-up classes. Cancelled
classes, university events etc; Announce test dates and time and i nform
students about others course related deadlines; Maintain office hours and
attendance records; Secretarial Activities of the respected Department;
Other duties as assigned by the faculty(s)/ the Dept. Chair.
Type of Business Teaching Institute (Renounced & First private University in Bangladesh)
Duration JANUARY 2007 – JANUARY 2009
Exact Title/Position Quality Assurance Medical Officer
Employer Srizony Bangladesh (SB)
Job responsibilities ~ Assist /contribute in designing, planning, implementing, monitoring and
evaluating the project activities also in developing & or introducing QA
system for providing quality services to the clients; Monitor project
activities and supervise the work of supervisee staff directly through
regular field visit and provi de on-site technical assistance; Organize and
facilitate monthly staff meeting to review progress and develop actions
for further improvements and reach the contract conditions & ensure all
other systems are in place and well functioning, e.g. management
information, personnel management, logistics management, financial
management etc; Overall Management and cleanliness of the center and
provide direct medical care to all types of patient also closely work with
PM, PIU and other key staff for smooth running of the center; Curative
treatment of Primary Health Care & Preventive Treatment of RTI, STD,
AIDS in indoors and outdoors; Participate in the monitoring and
management of quality of patient care & prescribing and treating
diseases and injuries of the female reproductive system; Prepare and
review case histories, obtaining data through interviews and examining
patients to determine X-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests if
applicable & also interprets test results, evaluates examination findings,
prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, directs nurses and applies surgical
procedures; Counseling for STIs, prevention of communicable disease in
indoors and outdoors; ~ Coordinate with other agencies/ offices and
service provider to establish functional linkages and referral system and
prepared different types of report and other work regarding UPHCP
Duration MARCH 2006– DECEMBER 2006
Exact Title/Position Medical Coordinator (Health)
Employer JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
Job responsibilities ~ To assistant job for the Japanese expert on Health care measures for
arsenicosis patients; Supervising the work of the health workers;
Supervising baseline survey & prepare implementation plan; Supervising
Arsenicosis Surveillance System including data base management in the
UPC; To Asses training need, develop training materials or module &
curriculum; Preparing and conducting training program for doctor and
health worker; Conducting medical camps and supporting work on
arsenicosis patients; Arsenicosis patient’s identification management; Co
related physical & mental health problem solved; Coordination work with
Civil Surgeon and Health Complex; Attending Arsenic Mitigation
Committee Meeting; Organized training, seminar, workshop &
symposium; To collaborate with different Institutions & personalities
from the Government and NGOs; Prepared different types of report and
other work regarding JAMP project.
Duration DECEMBER 2004 – FEBRUARY 2006
Exact Title/Position Medical Officer
Employer NGO Forum For Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation
Job responsibilities ~ Arsenicosis patient’s identification and management; Co related physical
& mental health problem solved; Accompanied with preventive and
primary health care delivery; To conduct training program of traditional
medical practitioners; Supervision baseline survey; To collaborate with
different Institutions, Organizations (partner) & personalities from the
Government, NGO & private sectors for development (staff & others)
purpose also work with donors & Prepared different types of report and
other work related of the project.
Duration JULY 2004 – DECEMBER 2004
Exact Title/Position Upazila In Charge cum Training Officer
Employer Society For Action Research & Development (SARD)
Job responsibilities ~ Recruitment of project personnel and develop their skill by provide
technical knowledge on Nutrition; Selection beneficiaries need
assessment and conduct training session; Maintain and preserve
accounts by ensure resources utilization and financial management; To
prepared implementation plan & coordinate with others department of
organization; To work with joint collaboration of elite persons of GO &
NGO’s; Supervision of staff and activities also monitor and ensure MIS;
Organized training, meeting and cross visit; Prepared different types of
reports and other work related of the esteemed project.
Duration AUGUST 2003 – AUGUST 2004
Exact Title/Position Internee Doctor
Employer GUAMC Hospital
Job responsibilities ~ Dealing with common medical emergencies; History taking and
recording; Performing physical examination, interpretation of finding and
initiate relevant investigation & arriving to a correct clinical diagnosis;
Interpretation of common x-ray findings, laboratory finding, temperature
chart; Maintaining intake and output fluid chart; Performing I.M/ S.C/ I.V
injection/ Venesection; Introduction of catheter/ Ryles’ tube/ Flatus tube;
P/R examination; Operating sucker machine and giving Oxygen; To
supervise Enema; Processing of blood for grouping and sending to blood
bank; Doing common bedside pathological tests e.g. Hb%, ESR, Urine for
albumin and sugar; Writing Admission, Follow up, Discharge and Death
note properly; To attend the small group sessions and participate in
discussion; To acquire competence in performance of the tasks listed on
generic skill by observing the trainers and practice them several times
Duration FEBRUARY 1999 – NOVEMBER 2002
Exact Title/Position Manager
Employer Baishakhi Medical Center
Job responsibilities ~ To make a plan & developed skill of all staff; Ensure logistics & Ensure
consumer services; Provide technical knowledge & maintain procurement
of materials; Conduct training and meeting; Supervised of staff and
activities with accounts system.
MPHM (Ongoing) Advance Masters in Complementary Public Health Methodology
2013-14 Major in Epidemiology & Biostatistics), Full bright scholarship under
CUD in University Libra de Bruxelles, Belgium.
MT 2012 (Ongoing) Medical Transcription (MT)
The Penn Foster College, USA
MPH in 2011 Masters in Public Health (MPH); Major in Epidemiology; CGPA: 3.75 out
of 4; Northern University Bangladesh, Dhaka
BAMS eqv MBBS in Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS); 1st Class 3rd Position
2001 among the students; Marks Obtain: 753, Dhaka Indigenous Medical
College under University of Dhaka
HSC in 1995 Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC); Gov’t Edward University College,
Pabna, Bangladesh; Science Group, First Division; Marks Obtain: 640
SSC in 1993 Secondary School Certificate (SSC); North Bengal Paper Mills High
School, Pabna; Science Group, First Division; Marks Obtain: 749
2011 Gias Uddin Ahsan, Nashid Kamal, Nazmul Ahsan Khan, Manirul Islam,
Ariful Bari Chowdhury, Maleeha Azeem, Shaikh Abdus Salam, SAM
Ashik-Ur-Rahman, Mobashera Jahan, Samsuzzaman Salim, Hamid Salim
(2011): “Female Friendly Tuberculosis Care in Rural Bangladesh: A New
Innovation for Minimizing Gender Disparity.” Bangladesh Journal of
Medical Science. Vol 17(1). P 37-42.
Fellowship, Training
& Courses Attended
2011 & 2012 Participated in the “Training & Entomological Survey Program on
Climatic Variability, Social –Ecological Changes and Dengue Disease in
Bangladesh” Jointly organized by Dept. of Public Health, NSU &
University of Manitoba, Canada.
2009 Facilitated Countrywide “Hands on Training on Motorbike Riding” Jointly
organized by Shoeb’s One School of Driving, & Grameenphone Limited.
2008 Participated a workshop on “Training on HIV/AIDS Awareness” Jointly
organized by Organized by Management Support and Training Firm of
Second Urban Primary Health Care Project held in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
2008 Attended a training on “Basic Clinical Contraception on Family Planning
Method (Tubectomy / NSV), Infection Prevention, HIV/AIDS, RTI/STI Case
Management for Doctors” Jointly organized by UNFPA and MOH&FW of
2008 Attended a workshop on “STD/STI Through Partnership Agreement of
UPHCP ” jointly organized by Jointly UNFPA and MOH&FW of BD
Attended a training on “Gender, VAW, FYC & FMC” Jointly organized by
2007 UNFPA and MOH&FW of Bangladesh
2007 Attended a workshop on “Interventions for HIV/AIDS” jointly organized
by Jointly UNFPA and MOH&FW of Bangladesh
2004 Attended training on “Management Procedures” Jointly organized by NNP
1996 Advanced course on Computer Applications from a NTRAMS affiliated
institute in Bangladesh
Seminars &
Conferences Attended
May 23-25, 2010 International Symposium on Eco-Bio Social Research on Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever in Tropical Countries Jointly organized by North
South University & University of Manitoba, Canada.
May 08-10, 2010 Knowledge Globalization Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Organized by
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
August 22-24, 2006 International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries
organized by Accident Research Council (ARC) of Bangladesh University
of Science & Technology (BUET)
4th I nternational seminar on plant materials as a source of anti diabetic
January 16-18, 2004
agent at Kolkata organized by Asian Network at Research on Anti
diabetic Plants (ANRAP) in collaborations with S. N. Pradhan Center for
Neurosciences, University College of Medicine, Calcutta University,
Kolkata, India.
January 24-25, 2004 National Seminar on Ayurveda for Better Health & at The Institute for
Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved
University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
January 27-29, 2004 Conference on Clinical Application of Rasa Shastra at The Institute for
Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved
University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
Exposure Visit
2011 Exposure visit in the field of HIV/ AIDS/ STIs at Gazipur, DIC jointly
organized by NASP & Save the Children
2008 Exposure visit in the field of HIV/ AIDS/ STIs at VCTC, Bogra, organized
2009 Award for " Hand – on Motorbike Riding Training Program" by Shoeb’s
One School of Driving & Grameen Phone.
Language Proficiency
Mother tongue Bangla (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing)Excellent
Second language English (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing) Excellent
Other languages Hindi (Speaking, Listening), Urdu (Listening) & French (Beginner)
Computer Skill Comprehensive and versatile knowledge in computing that include –
Windows: 98, 2000, ME, XP; MS Office; SPSS, STATA, EPI Info etc.
DGHS Registered as a Physician. Registration Number A – 98
SPD Honorary Board Member of Steps for People Development.
HELP Foundation Honorary Advisor of the Foundation in Bangladesh
Doctors Point
Organizing Activities
January 1994 Study Tour of last batch of intermediate students of Gov’t Edward
University College, Pabna in Sundarban.
Study Tour of 8th batch of DIMC i n Cox’s Bazar.
October 2000
2003 Secretary of 'General Sports' section of the Students' Union 2003 of
Dhaka Indigenous Medical College
Rag day celebration of 8th batch of Dhaka Indigenous Medical College
Personality Type &
Self motivated, co-operative in team work and willing to take challenge
Interest & Hobby
Music, Photography, Traveling, Reading
Personal Details
Father’s Name Md. Abul Kalam
Mother’s Name Mst. Sufia Khatun
Name of Spouse Mst. Arjuara Khatun
Permanent Address Vill: Malifa, PO: Raipur- Khetupara, PS: Sujanagar, Dist: Pabna,
Address of Avenue Des Courses, Residence Mandella, 29, Room# 210, Bruxelles –
Correspondenc 1000, Belgium.
Contact Number +003**********, +003**********
E-mail *********@*****.***, ************@*****.***;
Date of Birth 02 July, 1977
Religion Islam (Sunni)
Nationality Bangladeshi (By birth)
Passport No AF4758953 (Valid)
National ID No 882**********
Driving License No DK0088073 LC (Valid)
Blood Group B positive
Marital Status Married
Issue One Daughter
Bank Account DBBL, Baridhara Branch, Dhaka- 1229, Bangladesh, A/C # 147.101.70371
Mr. Prof. M. Shahabuddin K. Choudhuri
Dean, Faculty of Biological Science
Editor - in - Chief, Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences
Ex – Chairman, Department of Pharmacy
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Bangladesh.
Tel: PABX 7708478 - 85 Ext. 1590, 1595 (Off.), 880 -2- 9332707 (Res.)
Cell: 018*-******, Fax: 880 - 2 - 7708069
E-mail: ************@*****.***
Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Khan
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health; North South
University; Plot No # 15, Block – B, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
Cell: 019**-******; Tel : +880*-******* 1905;
E-mail: *********@*****.***
Mr. Mohammad Abdul Qayyum
Additional Secretary & National Project Director, CDMP, Disaster
Management and Relief Bhaban (6th Flr). 92-93 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-
1212, Bangladesh
Tel: +880-*-*******; Cell: +880**********; Fax: +880-*-*******
E-mail: *****.******@****.***.**, ****@****.***.**
[I certify that the statements made by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief].
(Dr. Md. Samsuzzaman Salim)
December 12, 2013