+1-224-***-**** – *********.**@*****.***
Career Summary
- Expert at designing engaging and usable web applications backed by a GWT, JEE & SOA stack.
- 7+ years of experience designing business critical applications for high performance, Availability and user
satisfaction for large corporations in the financial services, content and ecommerce domains.
- Good communicator of business drivers, technical design and of new ideas and solutions.
Educational Background
2006 – Bachelor of Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engg.
Karpagam College of engineering.
Anna University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA
Tata Consultancy Services- Jan 2010–Till now
Information Technology Analyst
D&B Transunion ADSL- Oct 2008 – Jan 2010
Senior Software Engineer
Hexaware Technologies-Aug 2006 – Oct 2008
Senior Software Engineer
Skill Summary
Programming skills
Java/J2EE, Google Web Toolkit, SmartGWT, JSNI, JavaScript, CSS,
Excellent analytical and logical
Html, jsp, XML, in-depth knowledge of most JEE paradigms, Shell
skills to solve problems in logical
Scripting, SQL, Oracle packages.
manner, and resolve them
IDE and Tools
Quick Learning
Eclipse, My Eclipse, IBM RAD, Autosys, Jprofiler, Fiddler, Webload,
Steep learning curve so open to
selenium, ANT, Maven, cruise control, Hudson, Firefox, Chrome and MSIE 6,7,8.
new technologies
i nnovative Star UML, TPTP, Jprofiler, Yourkit
Proposed new successful ideas
Frameworks & Designing Tools
when played as Business Analyst
Hibernate/JPA, JDBC, Spring [IOC, AOP, batch, JDBC, web services,
Team Player
integration, Security], Struts, Apache framework’s, POI, Lucene, JCR,
Good communication and
Service Oriented Architecture, J2EE patterns, JUnit, UML, JBPM,
interpersonal skills with ability to
multi-task and work Icefaces, Jasper Reports, JQuery, AJAX, prototype, JIT,
independently and within a team Project Management
Clearcase, SVN, VSS, Team Star, TRAC, Clear Quest, HP-QA,
Solutions Architect
Database: Oracle, MySQL, DB2
Provided end to end quality
App/Web Servers:
solutions for challenging
Websphere 7, JBoss, Tomcat, SunOne, HIS, Apache
business requirements
Performance Tuning Interested: Mongo DB, Hadoop, Android kitkat
Used cutting edge tools and
technology to Improve system DOMAIN EXPERT in
performance Credit Bureau, Banking, Credit Risk, Knowledge Management
Tata Consultancy Services Jan’10 – Till now
Project: Strategy Estimation and Visualization (SEVI)
Client : Citi cards
Team Size : 20
Domain : Risk Analysis
Role / Responsibility : System Architect
SEVI is a web based interface which empowers end-users with ability to make strategy changes easily and increase
speed-to-market. Reduce strategy implementation time and execute strategies against 100% of production data are
two main goals. SEVI is challenging in making it highly user-configurable and design to memorialize change impacts
prior to production implementation in a very short period of time with minimal resources.
Proposed an idea about this project and so responsible for entire project and its deliverables.
Played as Business Analyst while leading the team.
Analyzed and proposed UI usability improvements to the application in comparison to be st practices for web
applications. Integration of JIT Space-tree with SmartGWT for IE is a notable.
Created library of GWT UI components which drastically cut down development and debugging time.
Proposed architecture for security, authentication and autho rization for the application using spring security,
LDAP and Single Sign On.
Reviewed design proposals, code and architectural requirements for the application
Developed as a high performance effective product right from the beginning.
Proposed and implemented various new ideas to improve upon existing Agile and SDLC processes.
Trained on WAS admin and Apache Active MQ
GWT, Smart GWT, JSNI, spring, hibernate, Oracle, JQuery, JIT, Websphere, Eclipse, Clearcase, SVN, HP-QA,
Autosys, Websphere, IHS, Firefox, Chrome, IE and UML.
Project: Scoring Model Management System (SMMS)
Client : Citi cards
Team Size : 12
Domain : Risk Analysis
Role / Responsibility : System Architect
SMMS (Scoring Model Management System) is an web based application that provides comprehensive model tracking
and model management facilities for 100+ credit risk models within CITI. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCC) Matter Requiring Attention (MRA) stipulates guidelines on model management. SMMS helps the modeling team
to adhere to policy and standards and provides analytics for modelers and policy people to look at various measures
for model performance on demand.
Redesigned a Java Swing based application into MVC web architecture and JEE.
Assisted and advised many internal groups in implementing GWT for their projects.
Interfaced and worked with UI/UX designers to enhance the application’s visual appeal & usability
Continually enhance the core technology stack by researching alternat ive solutions and supporting new
Played a key role in technology decision making process (ORACLE/MySQL, SAS/Hawk, GWT/jsp)
Worked extensively with JDBC code for calling stored procedures.
Tuned SQL queries to boost database query performance and worked on performance Enhancement with
jProfiler, webload, selenium.
Implemented Credit Risk analytics solutions such as K-S, PSI, ANR calculations.
Used spring concurrent package for multithreading in a module.
Used Apache POI extensively for building Excel reports.
GWT, Smart GWT, spring, Ext-GWT, Oracle/MySQL, Maven, JQuery, SunOne, Eclipse, SVN, HP-QA, Autosys, UML
Project: Guaranteed Transaction Manager (GTM).
Client : Citi cards
Team Size :9
Domain : Banking
Role / Responsibility : Application Programmer
GTM Guaranteed transaction manager is an application which manages the non monetary transaction calls to FDR (a
third party mainframe) through XML calls.GTM is capable of handling both Batch and real time calls where JBPM is
used to manage the workflow in each of the calls.
As a Lead Developer for this project, involved in Requirement gathering, Envisioning of the features, Coding,
Testing and Deployment in Windows and UNIX environments.
Worked closely with architectural team on designing application subsystems and Proposed a design for navigation
and flow of the application to utilize JBPM framework full capabilities with spring
Setup Spring AOP based performance logging, memory consumption logging, SQL logging.
Fine tuned the development environment for developers and the build and deliver process for progressing the
application from development into testing, QA and production environments using maven, svn, Hudson.
Promoted good design principles in the with a view to increase re-use and reduce time to market
Heavily worked with Spring, JBPM, XML, XSLT, SOAP and Web Services
Implements business rules using JBPM. Bind business rules with application components and data model.
Implements custom Java business process decision handlers and action handlers.
Onsite Coordination for the analysis, design, coding phases and performed code and document reviews.
SOA, Web Services, XML, spring, hibernate, Oracle/MySQL, JBoss, Eclipse, SVN, HP-QA.
D&B Transunion ADSL Oct’08 – Jan’10
Project: Batch Fulfillment Engine (BFE) - Triggers.
Client : Transunion
Team Size : 10
Domain : Credit Bureau for Consumer and commercial
Role / Responsibility :
TransUnion (Trans Union, LLC) is the third largest consumer credit reporting agency in the United States, which offers
credit-related information to potential creditors and also for consumers by deploying various algorithms on top of
consumer data provided.
BFE – Triggers deals with designing triggers/criteria/model for various customers and run those queries against the
changed credit data provided by those customers and output the records matched with the queries.
Involved in POC, Requirement, Analysis, Design, Coding, Build and Test phases
Creating design docs such as Functional spec, UI wire frames, LLD, HLD and get it sign-off.
Onsite Coordination for the analysis, design, coding phases and performed code and document reviews.
POC on Prototype AJAX framework and implemented in the project.
Involved in both UI and Batch java part of coding.
Deployment in various Linux environments and orchestrated using Autosys.
Involved in tuning of the project
Struts1.4, Spring, hibernate 3.0, DB2, Prototype Ajax framework, Jasper, Websphere, MyEclipse6.2,
Clearcase, and ClearQuest, Autosys, Websphere, IDE – IBM RAD with DB2.
Hexaware Technologies Ltd., India Aug’06 – Oct’08
Project: Scheduling Workbench.
Client : Hexaware Technologies
Role / Responsibility : Sr. Software Engineer / Developing and Bug fixing.
Technology/Tool : Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring and Hibernate
Team Size : 15
RGIS is the largest and most reliable provider of inventory management services in the world. RGIS has performed
over 4 million inventory audits, meticulously counting more than 400 billion items. Whether it is for a single -location
business or the largest retailer in the world.
Scheduling Workbench enables scheduling of people and inventory for different customers at various levels. This
project is reengineering of their Oracle E Business Suite with opensource cutting -edge technologies like Icefaces,
JBoss-SEAM. (http://www.rgisinv.com/)
Involved in hands on programming on the POC development using JBoss-SEAM,ICEFACES
Data Access programming using Hibernate.
Involved in bug fixing and POC of UI component (Icefaces issues).
Involved in installing SVN, TRAC in various platforms (Windows, Solaris) and deployment management using
Administrating SVN and TRAC (Project Management tool)
Deployment activities involved in JBOSS application server.
Involved in tuning the JVM & project with the help of Jprofiler, TPTP and Webload.
Prepared technical design and deployment documents, environment management.
JBoss-SEAM, Icefaces, IBATIS, JBoss 4.2.2GA, Eclipse 3.3, Toad, SVN, TRAC.
Project: KnowHow
KnowHow is a comprehensive enterprise knowledge management system that minimizes time to proficiency and
maximizes performance. KnowHow is a J2EE knowledge management portal. Its primary goal is to provide a platform
for effective knowledge management at all levels in Hexaware. This is accomplished by prov iding a web based system
that is capable of handling large amounts of knowledge assets and handle the ever increasing employee strength
Design of KnowHow admin tool.
Development of KnowHow admin tool.
Implementation of Reports Module using Jasper reports(IReports)
Functional Testing and deployment.
Jackrabbit content repository implementation.
Struts 1.2, Hibernate 3.0, spring framework 1.2, MySQL 5.0, Eclipse 3.2, Apache jackrabbit content repository and
Project: Plateau
Client : Plateau Systems, USA
Role / Responsibility : Software Engineer / Developing and Bug fixing .
Technology/Tool : Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring and Hibernate
Team Size : 15
Plateau is a leading provider of web-based software for developing, managing and optimizing organizational talent to
increase workforce productivity and maximize operating performance.
Plateau Team Content enables subject matter experts to write and publish content immediately, with little to no
training. It is an easy to use web-based interface for writing and publishing content on the web. Apart from the web
channel there is also the Flash channel, for authoring and versioning contents on the web. The system makes Content
creation easier with predefined templates and course structure.
Research and Development on Search functionality using Apache’s Lucene API.
Implementation of WebDAV protocol and accessing the repository with Third-party tools like Dreamweaver etc.
SCM coordinator and Installing SVN on various platforms and administrating the SVN.
Testing co-ordination.
Struts 1.2, Hibernate 3.0, spring framework 1.2, Oracle 9i, MyEclipse 3.1, Apache jackrabbit content repository,
Weblogic 8.1, 9.1, Oracle 10g App Server, Websphere v6.