G lobal Category M an ager
Personal Detai ls
Family name Wassenaar
First name Jenny
Address Rivierenlaan 52
Postal code 2641 VX
City, count ry Pijnacker, the Netherlands
Mobile telephone number +31-621******
Email address *****.*********@*****.***
Date of Bi r th 18th of October 1979, NL
Nationality Dutch
Professional Ca reer
Avery Dennison ( Jan 2013-YTD)
Global Category Manager PE/PO
Purchasing industrial reels of plastic sheets
• Key accounts portfolio 150 mil USD p roduct
• The driver and organizer behind a successful start up of a strategic multi
f unctional outsourcing project (50 M il USD)
• Global tender resulting in 5% cost reduction for 80% of the portfolio by moving to
smart buying solutions
Shell Lubricant Supply Company B.V. ( March 2010 – Dec 2012)
Global Category Manager
Purchasing chemical additives for lubricants, fuels and bitumen
• Key accounts portfolio 200 mil.USD p roduct + 80 mil. USD Logistics
• Lead negotiator and analyst in largest global additives tender (1.5 bil. USD)
• Line manager and coach of 5 employees.
Work related extra’s:
Founder and chair of “Shell Creative Team” a cross business vir tual team (>500
Generating innovative solutions for Shell by bringing together people from
d iverse backgrounds, encouraging creative thinking and personal
Results: 4 well engineering patent applications & 5 spin-off projects realized
i n 2 years
Shell management program
5 year high potential program in Shell. Received additional bonus shares only
g iven to the 5% top performers.
Shell Chemicals B.V. ( March 2006 - March 2010)
Base Chemicals Sales A nalyst
• Divestment analyst of one of the chemicals plants
Supply coordinator
• Redesigning one of the supply teams in Europe.
Courses presented and awa rds received
Special Recognition Awards:
• December 2013: Award for init iating social responsibility day for 200
• August 2012: Vice president award for lead negotiation 1.5 bil USD
t ender
• June 2012: Safety award, generated new ideas to increase safety
• March 212: Innovation award Foundation of Shell Creative Team (500
• January 2012: # 26 of best graduate competition in the Netherlands
(>700 participants)
• October 2011: Sustainability award Castor oil tender fi rst global e-
• Jan 2010: Excel for Shell: Organized and presented excel course “Excel
for Shell”
Academic E ducation
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, (Feb 2012-YTD)
• Level 4 Member and student
University of Twente, Enschede, N L (Sept 1999 – A pr 2006)
• Industrial Engineering and Management (BA + M.Sc)
master in Marketing and minor in Mechanical engineering
• Psychology (BA) Bachelor in Human Recourse Management
Relevant E mployment E xperience
U niversity of Twente (Jan 2011-December 2005)
Teaching master students in marketing, benchmarking and
research analysis in a master class
Reed Elsevier (January 2005-September 2005)
Benchmarking research on university output
A utomotive Industry Development Centre (May 2004-September 2004)
Port Elizabeth, South Africa: Research “Human Resource
Management and Enterprise Resource Planning systems”
Computer skil ls
Word, Excel and PowerPoint Excellent
GSAP/ Business WarehouseExcellent
Visual Basic Basic
Solid works Basic
Auto CAD Basic
L anguages
Dutch Mother tongue
English Fluent (wri t ten and spoken)
German Basic
Remaining I nterests
Psychology Leading counseling groups on Alzheimer
Sports: Skiing, Running, Horseback r iding
Traveling: Asia and Europe, backpacking with family