K arol S. Fox
Melbou rne Beach, Fl. 32951
Jupiter Medical Center: H istotechnologist/Immunohistochemistry
M elbourne I nternal Medical Associates: H istotechnologist
Responsibilities: P reparing biopsy and derm slides; t r iage; staining; microtomy and
embedding. I am a valuable employee because I work independently.
Holmes Regional Medical Center : H istotechnologist
Responsibilities: I HC; MOHS; Worked actively as a team member and would work
various shifts.
Decorator’s Corner, I nc.: P resident/Manager
• Developed and coordinated a very successful interior design fi rm which included 9
• Negotiated and provided interior design work for corporations and residential
• Sold and installed custom draperies for Timothy and Malcolm Forbes homes in
O ldwick, NJ
• Fabricated slipcovers for Congressman Har r ison Williams home in Pottersville, NJ
• Helped design and build a 10,000 square foot home in Bedminster, NJ. Designed
and fabricated custom window t reatments. Went on to design two additional homes
i n Dorset, VT., two in Saybrook, CT and helped fabricate and install custom
d raperies in three homes in Nantucket, MA.
• Remodeled Hamil ton Farms. The home of the US Equestrian Team.
• Reupholstered and provided wallpaper, new furni ture and window t reatments for all
of the Weichert Realty offices in NJ, and Pa. Redesigned the Weichert Vice
P resident’s home, which included custom window t reatments and bedding, slipcovers
and new furniture.
• Decorated a condominium overlooking the Hudson River with special lighting and
u pholstered pieces.
• Optimized high end interior designs through excellent team work, consultations and
s tandards. This interior design fi rm featured a sensible approach of integrating
t raditional and modern design, yet understanding scale, space and lighting.
Education: AS Biology/Chemistry at Thomas A. Edison College, Trenton, NJ. BS
B usiness Administration and Marketing
Licenses: H T, ASCP, HTL Florida