Jos Pablo Ram rez Williams
Montelimar, Calle Blancos, Montelimar Condos, apartment number 10.
SAN JOS, COSTA RICA- Single - Id: 111780019 - Age: 29
Phone: 22369849 - Mobile: 70100442- Email: *********@*****.***
Dynamic person, seeking a position in marketing, advertising department or
Web develop department. Able to work in demanding circumstances, hard
worker, team player.
Professional experience. Years of experience: 9
Creativa University Roles and achievements
Professor, course names:
Industry: Education beginnings of Websites and
Date from: January 2012 / Websites analysis.
Position: Professor.
Phone: (506-****-****
National Theater of Costa Rica. Roles and achievements
Industry: Arts and entertainment . Maintenance and administration
Position: Marketing and of the National Theatre website.
advertising manager. . Social Network Management
Date from: February 2012 / (Community Management).
currently . Creation of marketing and
Phone: (506-****-**** advertising campaigns.
. Support T.I. in Internet
technology consulting.
. Managing the corporate image
of the National Theatre.
. Creation of annual marketing
plan and budget.
. Development of manuals for
different processes.
. Preparation of draft
"Fundraising" for the renovation
of the stage.
. Seeking sponsorship for
various projects.
Color Visi n S.A. Roles and achievements
Industry: Communications Creative for all the company
Position: Creative brands (clients) in Central
Date from: June / November 2011 America.
Phone: (506-****-**** Creativity and graphic design of
the outdoor advertising and BTL
for clients in Central America.
Quality control printed arts.
Responsible for the company's
corporate image.
Corporate image development for
different clients.
Webmaster of the company.
Instituto Nacional Roles and achievements
de Seguros (INS) In charge of the production and
promotion, corporate advertising,
Industry: Insurance communications, media strategy,
Position: Publicist advertising budget management,
Date from: February 2008 / graphic design and web design.
December 2010 I developed the Corporate Social
Phone: (506-****-**** Responsibility plan for the
Department of Marketing and Sales.
I developed monthly competitor
advertising control.
I developed different promotions
for product activation, plan
development, logistics,
regulation, among others.
Responsible for communication
between the INS and advertising
I participated in the renovation
of the INS Web site as a
Project Pachangu a, Cervecer a de Roles and achievements
Costa Rica. In charge of design, layout and
end product quality control.
Industry: Food and Drinks Graphic and Web designer at the
Date from: April 2007 / January project.
Costa Rica (freelance)
Position: Web designer, graphic
Phone: (506) 2274 - 2611
Depos publicidad Roles and achievements
Industry: Advertising In charge of the graphic design of
Position: Graphic Designer Ecos de Adep and Revista
Date from: January 2006 / March Magisterio magazines.
Phone: (506-****-****
Grupo Extra Roles and achievements
Industry: Media Graphic designer for the Diario
Position: Graphic Designer Extra and Prensa Libre newspapers.
Date from: April 2004 / February
Phone: (506-****-****
U. Latina
Graduate Degree in Marketing Communication
December 2010
U. Interamericana de Costa Rica
Bachelor in Advertising, specialized in create and production
April 2009
Webmaster technician specialized in Search Engine Optimization Specialist.
December 2012
Technical Degree
Business administration.
Native: SPANISH Second language: English 80 %,
Additional knowledge
PhilanTropics Consultants INA
Fundraising Training. Windows Office 2003
June 2012 November 2009
Colegio de Periodistas Instituto Parauniversitario de
Joomla Web Design Educaci n
May-June 2012 en Seguros y Afines
Internal Control Legislation
C mara de Industrias de Costa Rica October 2009
Seminar-Technical reports. Universidad Nacional
May 2010 Advance Web Design
May 2006
Corporate Social Instituto de Ciencias
Responsibility Seminar Administrativas y Tecnol gicas
April 2010 Web Design Technician
September 2005
Asesor as Creativas
Finances for non-specialist Universidad Nacional
February 2010 Basic-Intermediate Web Design
November 2004
Proficient in design programs Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Ilustrator, Dream
weaver, Flash, web programmer in CSS, HTML, PHP (Basic), Java Script
(Basic), website designing in Joomla and Drupal (intermediate), licentiate
by Colegio de Periodistas de Costa Rica No. 2640.
Leopoldo Pe a Cubillo, Chief of marketing and sales management,
Instituto Nacional de Seguros, (506-********
ILeana Castro Fatj, Head of communications department,
Instituto Nacional de Seguros, (506-********