Matthew N. Ieraci
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
A position as a Histology Technician at Allegheny Valley Hospital.
Pennsylvania State University
• B.A., Biology, December 2011
• Major GPA: 3.66
• ASCP Histotechnologist certification willing and eligible within 6 months of hire.
Histology Technician
University of Pittsburgh Adipose Stem Cell Center June – August 2010, 2011
University of Pittsburgh Department of Medicine - Vascular Medicine Institute January-October 2013
• Tissue preparation and experience
- Excision of sample from model organism.
- Tissue fixation and dehydration.
- Tissue infiltration and embedding using freezing medium, paraffin or JB-4 resin.
- Human Adipose, skin, muscle, vasculature, zebrafish brain, eye, heart and spinal cord.
• Sectioning
- Frozen
- Paraffin
- Plastic (JB-4 resin)
• Basic staining
- H&E, toluidine blue, Masson’s trichrome, AFOG, DAPI etc.
• Immunohistochemistry
- Experience with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.
- PCNA, MEF2C, CD-31, Hgb, Ngb, CYgb-1, CYgb-2, androgens and androgen receptors.
- Experience with protocol creation, optimization and troubleshooting.
Lin, Y.-C.; Grahovac, T.L.; Oh, S.J.; Ieraci, M.N.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* “Evaluation of a Multi-
layer Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Sheet in a Full-thickness Wound Healing Model,” Acta Biomater.