Jaminagar Delhi
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Career objective
To strive for academic excellence and impart quality education with
emphasis on Computer Science.
To inculcate the habit of executing effective implementation and
rectification of Computer Science in the minds of all concerned, with
t hey can apply in their professional life in future.
Work Experience
Organization Du ration Designation Natu re of
E xperience
Insti tute of November 2009- Working as
Computer Science
M anagement December 2011 Teaching Assistant
S tudies, (Guest Faculty).
B undelkhand H andling Class
U niversity,Jhansi Room lectures and
L aboratory
C lasses on various
subjects under
A rya Kanya May 2009- Computer Science Handled Class
Degree College, November 2009 Lecturer Room lectures and
J hansi L aboratory
C lasses on various
subjects under
Science(BA part
I,BA part 2&3)
Witty K ids November 2008- Computer Science Handled Class
I n ternational April 2009 Faculty Room lectures and
School Malad(W) L aboratory
M umbai C lasses on various
subjects under
Science(up to 10th
S td)
Teaching Subjects
Computer Fundamentals, Computer Applications, Management Information System,
D igital logic, Human computer interaction, E- Business, Computer Applications
i n management, Information System, Operating System, Data communication,
C ryptographic Techniques, Theory of compilers, In ternet Programming for e-
Educational Qualifications
M.C.A (Master of Computer Application), in 2008 from Bundelkhand
U niversity, Jhansi with 72% marks.
B.Sc (Physic, Chemistry and Maths), in 2005 Bipin Bihari PG College with
64% marks, Jhansi.
In termediate or 12th (Physics,Chemistry,Maths), in 2002 from U.P. boar
A llahabad with 55% marks.
H igh School or 10th ( Maths,Science),in 2000 from U.P. board, Allahabad
w ith 64% marks.
P roject Undertaken Du r ing MCA
Company Name: W ipro Infotech,
Band Stand, Bandra(W)
M umbai
P roject Name: OFSA Implementation
P ractice: B anking and Financial Solution Group
Client: Centurion Bank of Panjab L imi ted
Team Size : 4
Technology: O racle 9, OFSA 4.5.39
Du ration: January 2008 to July 2008
The purpose of ALM solution is to be establish a comprehensive, sound and
i nternal Risk Assessment Model, which compiles with domestic regulatory
requirement. Apart from Risk Management, the ALM solution provides the
• Data capture on all assets and liabilities from mul tiple systems like
Core Baking.
• M IS reports of the nature of structural liquidity gap report, interest
r ate sensitivity report, simulation reports etc.
Personal P rofile
Name: M rs Ayesha Salma
Husband Name: A ijaz-ul Haque
Nationality: I ndian
05th A ugust 1984
Date of birth:
Sex: Female
Mari tal status: Mar ried
Languages Known: E nglish,Hindi,Urdu
Pass port number: H 2053242
Permanent Account Number: CBSPS2731P