Colleen R. Eade, Ph.D. 315-***-****
Syracuse, NY 13210
Summary of
•Completed six years of graduate research in a competitive
academic setting, culminating in a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science.
•Experienced in scientific communication, having published
•Trained in virology, including primary research and review articles and delivered research
propagation and analysis of lectures and scientific talks.
HIV-1 and -2, SIV and VZV
•Versatile bench scientist with skills in molecular and
•Proficient in bacteriology,
microbiology, immunology, cell biology and proteomics.
having researched aerobic
and anaerobic pathogens
and commensals
March 2013
University of Central Florida - Doctor of
Cell Culture and Cell Philosophy in Biomedical Science; GPA - 3.9
May 2010
University of Central Florida - Master of Science in
•Diverse background in Molecular Biology and Microbiology; GPA - 3.9
mammalian cell culture,
including adherent and Syracuse University - Bachelor of Science in December 2006
suspension cells
Biology; GPA - 3.7
•Trained in PBMC isolation,
cell separation, FACS, and
chemotactic assessment
Awards and Involvement
Dedicated Mentor and Teacher 2010-2012
Molecular Biology •Volunteered to advise undergraduate students in
biomedical research by providing daily laboratory
•Classically trained in isolation
instruction and delivering research lectures
and analysis of DNA, RNA
and protein
•Proficient in PCR, RTqPCR, 2007-2012
Recognized for Academic Achievement
western blotting, ELISA, Co-IP,
•Awarded the Trustees Fellowship, the most
cloning, and PAGE
prestigious academic fellowship offered at UCF
•Voted by faculty as first place research presentation
at the annual Graduate Student Symposium
Advanced Proteomics
Accomplished Leader and Involved Volunteer
•Familiar with non-classical •Led in the creation and organization of the
analytical techniques,
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Association
including AU-PAGE and 2D-
PAGE •Chosen by faculty to serve on the Student Affairs
•Experienced in separation and Committee, a hand-picked committee responsible
analytical techniques, for program policy
including HPLC and mass •Spearheaded the development of UCF’s inaugural
spectrometry Incoming Student Colloquium