M urali Pillai
M obile: +971-**-*-**-****
m urali s pillai@ yahoo.com
I n pursuit of a challenging position where I a m given an opportunity to exhibit my skills and
k nowledge to the best of my ability and achieve both organizational and personal g oals
t hrough learning, dedication, hard work and team work.
H S&E Manager ( Pressure Pumping HSE Champion, 2 00 7 onwards
E nterprise HSE Audit Coordinator & Land
T ransportation Safety)
B aker Hughes, Dubai, UAE
S upport the region Pressure P umping operations to improve and implement HSE MS
p rocedures as part of integration of legacy BH and BJ Services.
M aintain the communication within Pressure Pumping PL to improve the HSE
a wareness.
P rovide detailed analysis of incidents associated with Pr essure Pumping operations
( Cementing, Coil Tubing & Stimulation)
C oordinate and conduct Enterprise HSE MS Audits for Middle East Region.
M onitor the t imely closure of HSE MS Audit findings.
D evelop, maintain and implement enterprise level systems and long term strategies to
r educe the risk associated with r oad transportation and improve the driving behaviors of
t he employees.
D evelop and maintain enterprise wide driving safety & journey management standards to
c omply with Oil & Gas companies recommended best practices.
D evelop maintain systems for trending a nd analyzing vehicle accidents across
e nterprise.
D evelop and maintain strategies for complying customer requirements and OGP
R ecommended Practices – R eport: 365.
D evelop, maintain and implement strategies for In - vehicle Monitoring Systems in
c ompany vehi cles.
D evelop and implement audit protocol to audit the Land Transport Management System.
E stablish and maintain enterprise wide driver training standards.
A ssist in investigations of a ll accidents, near misses and non - conformances.
W ork with region and d ivision teams to develop and implement action plans to reduce
t he frequency and severity of vehicle accidents.
I dentify driver training sources that meet the specified company standards and conduct
q uality audits periodically.
R eview the Land Transportatio n Management System components as per the defined
i nterval.
C hief Instructor/ Trainer 2 005 - 200 7
Q atar Transport Company (Mowasalat), Doha, QATAR
T rain drivers on defensive driving and a ssess them o n existing driving standards.
D eliver h ealth & s afety training to taxi a nd b us drivers.
D evelop and implement ‘Train the Trainer’ program.
M aintain the quality of training and assess the instructors and assistant instructors.
C oordinate with the training development team to update or tailor the t raining package.
T rain the drivers on Games Transport Systems (Doha Asian games - 2006).
A ssigned as Dispatch Manager for ‘ G ames Bus Systems ’ d uring Doha Asian Games.
B ranch Manager 2 004 - 2005
M aruti Driving School (Maruti Udyog Ltd), Kollam, Kerala, I NDIA
M anage driving school’s daily routine .
D evelop instructional staff and driver training package.
M aintain quality of training p ackage and delivery .
D evelop training curriculum for corporate sectors and schedule the delivery of training.
E valuate the t rainers and their mode of delivery.
M aintain public relation.
H igh School Grade T eacher 2 002 - 2004
M ahatma Central School, Kollam, Kerala, INDIA
H igh School grade biology teacher.
S tudent counseling .
E ntomologist 1 995 - 2001
G ulf Chemicals C o. WLL, KUWAIT
I dentify the pest species in the country and their counter measures.
C ontrol of agricultural pest using the appropriate pestic ides.
C ommunity rodent and termite control measures.
I nterpret and validate the MSDS of all pesticides and chemicals.
D evelop p rocedures to mitigate the risk associated with health & safety of operators
w hile handling pesticides .
T rain pest control o perators.
B achelor’s Degree in Life Science (Botany, Zoology & Bio - chemistry) – K erala
U niversity, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA.
B achelor’s Degree in Education & Training – B angalore University, INDIA.
N EBOSH International G eneral Certificate on Occupational health & Safety.
I ATA Dangerous Goods Handling & Transportation (DGCA Approved) – S kyline
U niversity, Sharjah, UAE.
O HSAS 18000 Health & Safety Lead Auditor Training.
I nternational Course on Transportation Planning & S afety – I IT, New Delhi, INDIA.
D iploma in Computer Applications – I TI, Kollam, K erala, INDIA.
S mith System Driver Trainer & Assessor – S mith System International Institute Inc,
A rlington, Texas, USA.
D riving Instructor & Assessor – I nstitute of Driver Tra ining & Research (IDTR), New
D elhi, INDIA.
L icensed Entomologist – M inistry of Public Health, Kuwait.
T otal Quality Management (TQM) Training – B aker Hughes, Dubai, UAE
H S&E Management System Training – B aker Hughes, Houston, USA.
T raining on Presentation S kills – B aker Hughes Education Centre, Houston, USA .
T raining on T eam Power & Effective Team Building – B aker Hughes Education Centre,
H ouston, U SA .
S upervisor Cornerstone Program – B aker Hughes Education Centre, Dubai, UAE.
T raining on Cause Mapping & R oot Cause Analysis – T hink Reliability, Houston, USA.
T raining on Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation & Analysis – D aecher Consulting
G roup, Pennsylvania, USA.
T raining on 5 X5 Step Back H azard R isk Assessment – B aker Hughes, Dubai, UAE.
T eam Lead Program – B aker Hughes, Dubai, UAE
H S&E Leadership Academy ‘ Train T he Trainer Course’ – B aker Hughes, Dubai, UAE.
P assport No : Z 2 510537
D ate of Issue : 2 1 April, 2013
D ate of Expiry : 2 0 April, 20 23
P lace of Issue : Consulate General of India, Dubai, UAE
A ge & Date of Birth : 4 3, 30 May, 1970
N ationality : I ndian
M arital Status : Married
L MV Licenses from India, Kuwait, Qatar & UAE
E nglish, Hindi, Malayalam & Arabic (fair)
R unning, Sight Seeing, T ravelling & C omputer