Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Laura Fuentes Porras
Address General Florencio Montojo n 21 1 D, 11.100 San Fernando
Telephone(s) 856100013 Mobile 661558536
E-mail(s) *****.*************@*******.***
Nationality Spanish
Date of birth 27/02/1986
Gender Female
Desired employment / Chemist
Occupational field
Work experience
Dates 20/01/2013 - 28/04/2013
Occupation or position Chemical control quality
Main activities and -Chemical analysis on water sample: pH, fluorides,
responsibilities nitrites, nitrates, total phosphorus and phosphates,
sulphides, sulphites, animal and vegetable fats, mineral
oils, hexavalent chromium (VI), suspended solids, PPAS,
MBAS, chlorides, ammonia, hardness, dissolved oxygen, total
dissolved solids, COD, cyanide, oxidazability, acid attack,
electrical conductivity and total nitrogen.
-Chemical analysis on solid sample: pH, sample preparation,
fluorides, acid attack, humidity, cyanide.
Name and address of CHEMI-LAB srl. V a Torino 109/B, 30172 MESTRE VENEZIA
employer (Italy)
Dates 12/07/2012 - 11/10/2012
Occupation or position Chemist
Main activities and Training support in the tasks of a clinical laboratory,
responsibilities performing aliquots, dilutions, partitions, acid-base
reactions, microscopic fresh, pH, density and osmolarity,
reagent preparation, filtration techniques.
Type of business or Public administration and defence; compulsory social
sector security
Dates 2008 - 2010
Occupation or position Student Collaborator - Physical Chemistry
Main activities and Support in carrying out the tasks of a physical chemistry
responsibilities lab, aliquots execution, partitions, acid-base reactions,
pH, density, reagent preparation.
Name and address of Universidad de C diz, Facultad de Ciencias (Puerto Real)
Dates 2008 - 2010
Occupation or position Student Collaborator as Professor of Practice
Main activities and Demonstration ebullioscopic constant water and the
responsibilities Clausius-Clapeyron
Name and address of Indoquim 2010, Universidad de Granada
Dates 2008
Occupation or position Collaborator
Main activities and Help in the implementation and organization of events,
responsibilities conferences
Name and address of Universidad de C diz en San Roque
Dates 16/04/2007 - 29/09/2007
Occupation or position Attention to the public
Main activities and Customer service, food and product distribution, logistics
responsibilities and warehouse organization, food handling.
Name and address of Telepizza S.A. Via Cardenal Ilundain, 3, 41013 Sevilla
employer (Spain)
Type of business or Attention to the public
Dates 2005 - 2007
Occupation or position Intermon Oxfam's voluntary
Main activities and Attetion to the public, commercial, products and events
responsibilities organization
Name and address of Intermon Oxfam
Education and training
Dates 2012 - 2013
Title of qualification Master Integrated in Quality Management, Environment, I+D+i
awarded and Occupational Hazards
Name and type of UNED
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2007 - 2012
Title of qualification Degree in Chemistry
Name and type of Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de C diz
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2013
Title of qualification Development Microbiological Techniques of Interest in Food
Name and type of ceiA3 - Universidad de C diz
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2013
Title of qualification Environment, ISO 14001 (50 hours)
Name and type of European Quality Formaci n
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2013
Title of qualification Hydrogen and Batteries of Fuel (120 hours)
Name and type of CEER
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2013
Title of qualification Introduction to the Quality ISO 9001-2008
Name and type of European Quality Formaci n
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2012
Title of qualification renewable energies 2nd Edition (30 hours)
Principal subjects / Solar energy, Wind Energy, Biomass for energy uses, Energy
occupational skills Efficiency and other renewable energies, Analysis of
covered practical cases, energy Context.
Name and type of Universidad de Almer a
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2011
Title of qualification Competencies Communicative (120 hours)
Principal subjects / Oral and written communication, social skills, negotiation
occupational skills skills, ability to manage and transmit knowledge, Teamwork.
Name and type of Certiv&as. Certificaci n de Competencias Profesionales (120
organisation providing hours)
education and training
Dates 2007
Title of qualification Health and Safety in the Chemical Laboratory
Name and type of Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de C diz
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2007
Title of qualification Handling Food
Name and type of Asociaci n Naturaleza y Salud
organisation providing
education and training
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s) Spanish / Castilian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n
European level Listening Reading Spoken Spoken
interaction production
Italian B Independe B Independe B Independe B Independe B Independe
2 nt user 2 nt user 2 nt user 2 nt user 2 nt user
English A Basic A Basic A Basic A Basic A Basic
2 User 2 User 2 User 2 User 2 User
Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and Integration and work in team, social skills, asertividad
competences and empathy; good adaptation to ambience multicultural,
thanks to my experience of work and formation abroad;
capture of decisions; skill of prevention and resolution of
problems; Self-knowledge and personal control of the
emotions; Person in charge
Organisational skills Autoorganization; punctuality, autoefficacy; personal
and competences motivation; Persistence; Solidarity; Cooperation; Respect;
Technical skills and Process mastery of quality control, ion chromatograph,
competences HPLC, ASE, IPA, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, autoclave, atomic
absorption graphite furnace and flame, ICP MS, ICP OES, gas
chromatography mass spectrometry (high resolution and low
resolution), test toxicological and microbiological with
Vibrio Fischer and Daphnia Magna, index of germination of
compost, coliformes entire, E.coli, enterococos,
C.perfringens, Salmonella and Legionella, all this thanks
to my experience of work.
Computer skills and I dominate the components of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel,
competences PowerPoint); programs of graphic design (PhotoShop, Adobe
Illustrator); In addition to other specific programs like
CheBioOffice, AutoCad, Matlab and UWinLab. Knowledge of the
Social Netwoks, Internet, MS DOS, Management of Windows and
Artistic skills and Creativity, Carpentry, Mechanics, Kitchen, Sport, Plastic
competences Arts, Technical drawing.
Other skills and Handling of new languages and codes; handling of writing
competences and foreign languages (14 months in Italy); Handling and
analysis of multiple and complex information; Innovation
and efficiency
Driving licence(s) B
Additional information -Publication: Student collaborator as teacher
trainees,Indoquim 2010 (Granada); Biography Lise Meitner:
Indaganda en la Qu mica a trav s de la Historia, editorial
acad mica espa ola (2012)
-Poster, Second Conference on Nanomaterials Inorganic
Chemistry, University of C diz 2010