Lee Ann Zarzabal
Garden Ridge, Texas 78266
(tel) 210-***-****
San Antonio, TX
PhD in Biostatistics, ABD
- all course work completed and qualifying exams passed
San Antonio, TX
MS in Statistics, May 2004
San Antonio, TX
BS in Mathematics / minor Statistics
Summa Cum Laude
- Statistically analyse all types of data while employing and using
appropriate statistical methods and software.
- Write statistical programs to generate automated reports with
tables and embedded graphics in Microsoft Word using SAS Output
Delivery System and Proc Report.
- Fluent in SAS, SAS Macros, SAS IML, StatXact, LogXact, SQL, R,
SPLUS, Excel, C and C++,
more than 12 years experience coding in various programming
- Write programs to generate any type of publication quality graphs
for MS Word, Powerpoint or any other publishing software.
- Linear / Non-linear / Multivariate regression modeling / Log-linear
- T-tests, Chi-square tests, Fisher-exact tests, and post-hoc tests
- Time series analysis and forecasting
- Time-to-event or survival modeling
- Data mining techniques (neural networks, regression trees, random
forests, Support Vector Machines)
- Power calculations using NCSS PASS
Medpro Technologies Oct 12-Sep 13
Science and Technology Division - 59th MDW USAF
SAS and R programming for statistical analysis
SAS Graphs/SAS Maps/ SAS Macros Programming
Provide statistical support for researchers across WHASC, BAMC, ISR,
and DCI
Perform statistical analysis and provide results and figures for
journal submissions, briefings, and conference/poster
Assist with protocol development and reviews for IRB submissions to
include power/sample size calculations and statistical analysis
Proficient knowledge of military specific medical databases
X Technologies
Sr Epidemiologist / Informaticist II
Oct 11-Oct 12
Health Informatics Division- USAF
SAS programming for statistical analysis
SAS Graphs/SAS Maps/ Macros Programming
SQL Programming
Provide statistical support for Health Informatics Division
Perform epidemiological surveillance of chronic health conditions
Mentor and provide analysis and programming support for junior
Use applicable statistical methodology and modeling to conduct
analysis for military clients/researchers
Proficient/knowledgeable of M2 database, PTSD data, and other
military specific databases
UNIV OF TEXAS Health Science Center
Nov 06-Oct 11
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SAS programming for statistical analysis
SAS Graphs/ Macros Programming
Provide statistical support for UT Department of Surgery and medical
departments within the university and affiliated hospitals.
Provide statistical support to researchers at Greehey Children's
Cancer Research Institute and Cancer Therapy and Research Center
Provide support for PRC (protocol review committee) for CTRC
Provide analysis and assist researchers with manuscript publications
R programming for microarray data analysis
Winbugs Programming for Bayesian Statistical Analysis
Research Fellow
July 05-Oct 06
Department of Molecular Medicine
Programming for microarray data analysis
Experimental design and statistical analysis of microarray data
SNP and Haplotype data analysis
Maintenance of database
IT support for microarray and SNP lab
Research Statistician
Sept 03-May 04
Department of Community Dentistry
Assist dental residents/faculty with statistical research projects
Statistical analysis using SAS/SPSS
Develop and maintain databases for research data
UNIV OF TEXAS at San Antonio Fall
03-Spring 04 Teaching Assistant
Assist professor with four different statistics classes
Provide grading for all classes
Maintain grade books and current web page for all classes.
Research Assistant
Summer 03
Assist professor with statistical research project modeling sports
Statistical analysis using SAS
Used weighted linear regression model
Research Assistant
Fall 02
Assist with a genetics research project
Researched Genbank database for DNA project data
Wrote programs(C/C++) to extract statistical counts from DNA data.
Maintained database for all research data
Raytheon July 01 - July 02
Software Engineer I
DSL Algorithm Dept
Software Development (C/C++)
Develop object oriented design packages to meet all functional
Fix, maintain, test, and implement code.
ASCII Project - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Assist with joint Raytheon/Compaq server installation project at Los
Alamos National Laboratory
Responsible for all phases of hardware connections to include land
line and fiber optic cables
Participated in after-action six-sigma process improvement project
pertaining to installation
Six-sigma trained, received green belt certification
Windows 2000 Upgrade Project - Client Services Dept
Assisted with upgrade of all pc's on unclassified network.
Developed a current inventory and map for location of all pc's.
Configure and install new hard drives.
Install software, hardware, and troubleshoot problems.
Teaching Experience
"Introduction to Statistics"
presented to Ophthalmology residents at WHASC (Aug 2013)
"Microarray Data Analysis", for Dr. Yousin Suh, Department of
Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center.
"Microarray Data Analysis", for Dr. Jan Vigj, Department of
Physiology, University of Texas Health Science Center.
"Poisson Distributions", Masters in Clinical Investigation Course,
University of Texas Health Science Center (Spring 2008)
Business Statistics, University of Texas at San Antonio (Spring 2010)
Survey Sampling and Design, University of Texas at San Antonio (Fall
Ken Kikuchi, Eri Taniguchi, Hung-I Harry Chen, Matthew N. Svalina,
Jinu Abraham, Elaine T. Huang, Koichi Nishijo, Sean Davis, Christopher
Louden, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Olivia Recht, Ayeza Bajwa, Noah Berlow,
M nica Suelves, Sherrie L. Perkins, Paul S. Meltzer, Atiya Mansoor,
Joel E. Michalek, Yidong Chen, Brian P. Rubin, Charles Keller. Rb1
Loss Modifies but Does Not Initiate Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Skeletal Muscle, in press
James D Ross, Christopher J Burns, Eileen M Sangini, Lee Ann Zarzabal,
Johnathan Morrison. A Laproscopic Swine Model of Non-Compressible
Torso Hemorrhage. Journal of Surgical Research, submitted
Kikuchi K, Soundararajan A, Zarzabal LA, Weems CR, Nelon LD, Hampton
ST, Michalek JE, Rubin BP, Fields AP, Keller C. Protein kinase C
iota as a therapeutic target in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma Oncogene,
2013 Jan 17;
DeArmond DT, Simmons JD, Cline AM, Zarzabal LA, Johnson SB, Baisden
CE. Feasibility of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy in
Veterans Administration patients. Am. J. Surg. 2012
Anuradha Soundararajan, Jinu Abraham, Laura D. Nelon, Suresh I.
Prajapati, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Joel E. Michalek, Stanton F. McHardy,
Douglas S. Hawkins, Suman Malempati, Charles Keller. 18F-FDG MicroPET
Imaging Detects Early Transient Response to an IGF1R Inhibitor in
Genetically-Engineered Rhabdomyosarcoma Models. Pediatric Blood &
Cancer, 2012 Sep
Philip C. Spinella, Charles E. Wade, Lorne H. Blackbourne, Matthew A.
Borgman, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Fei Du, Jeremy Perkins, Marc Maegele,
Martin Schreiber, John R. Hess, Ken Jastrow, Ernest A. Gonzalez, John
B. Holcomb, Rosemary Kozar. "The Association of Blood Component Use
Ratios with the Survival of Massively Transfused Trauma Patients with
and without Severe Brain Injury", Journal of Trauma, 2011
Anaradha Soundararajan Juni Abraham, Laura D. Nelson, Lee A. Zarzabal,
Joel E. Michalek, Stanton F. McHardy, Suman Malempati, Charles Keller.
"F-FDG MicroPET Imaging Detects Early Transient Response to
Picropodophyllin in Genetically-Engineered Rhabdomyosarcoma Models",
Pediatric Blood &Cancer, 2011
Jonathan Gelfond, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Tarea Burton, Suzanne Burns, Mari
Sogayar, Luiz Penalva. "Latent Rank Change Detection for Analysis of
Splice-Junction Microarrays with Nonlinear Effects", Annals of Applied
Statistics, 2010
Suresh I Prajapati, Aoife Kilcoybe, Aislynn K. Samano, Dusstin P.
Green, Steven D. McCarthy, Barron A. Blackman, Michelle M. Brady, Lee
Ann Zarzabal, Arum K Tatiparthy, Timothy J, Sledz, Timothy Duong,
Sachiko Ohshima-Hosoyama, Francis J. Giles, Joel E. Michalek, Brain P.
Rubin, Charles Keller. "Micro-CT Based Virtual Histology Evaluation
of Preclinical Medullobastoma". Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2010
(in press)
Hosoyama T, Aslam MI, Abraham J, Prajapati SI, Nishijo K, Michalek JE,
Zarzabal LA, Nelon LD, Guttridge DC, Rubin BP, Keller C. IL-4R Drives
Dedifferentiation, Mitogenesis, and Metastasis in Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Clin Cancer Res. 2011 May
Laura Collins, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Trishana Nayiager, Brad H. Pollock,
Ronald Barr. "Growth in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
during Treatment", Pediatric Hematology Oncology, Vol. 32, Number 8,
November 2010
Joshua L. Walker, Jonathan Gelfond, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Edward Darling.
"Calculating Mixed Venous Saturation during Veno-Venous Extracorporeal
Membrane Oxygenation", Perfusion, 2009
Katie Wiggins-Dohlvik, Ronald M. Stewart, Rachelle Babbit Jonas,
Johnathan Gelfond, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Ross E. Willis. "Surgeons'
Performance During Critical Situations: Competence, Confidence, and
Composure", American Journal of Surgery, 2009
Gifford SM, Aidiniam G, Clouse WD, Fox CJ, Porras CA, Zarzabal LA,
Michalek JE, Propper BW, Burkhardt GE, Rasmussen TE. "Effect of
temporary shunting on extremity vascular injury: An outcome analysis
from the Global War on Terror vascular injury initiative. Journal of
Vascular Surgery, Sept 2009,
Shaun M Gifford, MD; Jonathan L Eliason, MD; W. Darrin Clouse, MD;
Jerry R
Spencer, RVT; Gabriel E Burkhardt, MD; Brandon W Propper, MD; Patricia
S Dixon, MS; Lee Ann Zarzabal, MS; John A Gelfond, PhD; Todd E
Rasmussen, MD.
"Early versus delayed restoration of flow with a temporary vascular
shunt reduces circulating markers of injury in a porcine model".
Journal of Trauma, Aug 2009
Ronald M. Stewart, Pauline K. Park, Joh P. Hunt, Robert C. McIntyre,
Janet McCarthy, Lee Ann Zarzabal, Joel E. Michalek for the NIH/NHLBI
ARDS Clinical Trials Network, " Less Is More: Improved Outcomes In
Surgical Patients with Conservative Fluid Administration and Central
Venous Catheter Monitoring", Journal of American College of Surgeons,
May 2009, Volume 208, Issue 5, Pg 725-735.
Holcomb JB, Wade CE, Michalek JE, Chisholm GB, Zarzabal LA, Schreiber
MA, Gonzalez EA, Pomper G, Perkins JG, Spinella PC, Williams KL, Park
MS. "Increased Plasma and Platelet to RBC Ratios Improves Outcome in
466 Massively Transfused Civilian Trauma Patients", Annals of
Surgery, Apr 2008
Joseph Bartaloni, DDS, MPH, Lee A. Zarzabal, MS. "Measuring the
Validity of Two In-office Waterline Test Kits", Journal of the
American Dental Association.
Rahma Mungia BDS, MS, John P. Brown, BDS, PhD, Schichien C. Dang, MS,
Lee A. Zarzabal, MS, Martha Baez, RDH, MPH, Bennett T. Amaechi, BDS,
PhD. "Epidemiologic Survey of Erosive Tooth Wear in Southwest San
Antonio, Texas", Texas Dental Journal