Em ail: r aymieye ar wo o d@yaho o .co m
Pho ne: 90 8- 33 9- 74 7 7
Raymie M. Ye arwo o d
Pe rs o nal Skill
Highly motivate d to succe e d in all e nde avor s
Wor k e xtr e me ly we llindividually or as par t of a te am
Expe rie nce 2 00 2 - 2 010 & 20 11- Pre s e nt Bo s to n Marke t, Fle ming to n, NJ
Ge neral Manag e r
Manage fullse r vice r e staur ant which involve s tr aining and de ve loping a staff
of appr oxima te ly 25 e mploye es
Re sponsible for we e kly payr oll, e mploye e sche dule s, banking tr ansactions,
food inve ntory, ve ndor invoice s, or de ring and r e ce iving food ite ms and stor e
supplie s
Maintain monthly budge ts
Hour ly quality inspe ction of food to maintain high standar ds and custome r
Se llCate r ing Pr ogr ams to custome r s
Motivate staff to achie ve a high le vel of e fficie ncy and custome r satisfaction
Re sponsible for stor e se cur ity and mainte nance
Re sponsible for stor e mar ke ting, local fundraise r s and spe cial e ve nts
Re sponsible for e xce ptiona l sale s dur ing high volume days such as
Thanksgiving Day, Easte r & Chr istmas Day
Ce rtifie d in Se rvSafe and Food Safe ty`
Frie ndly’Ice Cre am Co rp,
2 010 - 2 0 11 s Be rnardsville, NJ
Ge neral Manag e r
Manage ope r ations of a fullse r vice r e staur ant which involve d tr aining and de ve loping a staff of
appr oxima te ly 27 e mploye es
Re sponsible for we e kly payr oll, e mploye e sche dule s, banking tr ansactions, food inve ntory,
ve ndor invoice s, and or de ring & r e ce iving food ite ms as we llas stor e supplie s
Re sponsible for local stor e mar ke ting as we ll as holding fundraise r s and spe cial e ve nts
Motivate staff to achie ve a high le vel of e fficie ncy and custome r satisfaction
Hour ly quality inspe ction of food to maintain Fr iendly’high standar ds
Re sponsible for stor e se cur ity & mainte nance
Maintain monthly budge ts
Ce rtifie d in Se rvSafe & Food Safe ty
19 96 - 2 00 2 Bo s to n Marke t, Edis o n, NJ
As s is tant Manag e r
Re cr uite d as a cook while in High School & quickly be came Supe r visor, the n Stor e Manage r by
pr oving to be r e sponsible, highly motivate d and a fast le ar ne r
Re sponsible for Culinar y & Hospitality Manage r s
Re sponsible for e mploye es sche dule s and food inve ntory
Educat io n Middle se x Co unt y Co lle g e Edis o n, NJ
Compute r Scie nce