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C Sales

Myrtle Beach, SC
October 27, 2013

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Mi c hael Lo w er y

** ** *** ** *** k Rd A pt ** 6

My rt le Beach, SC 2 95 79

Cel l: (80 3) 2 35 -64 61

** ** ** **@g mail .com

Exc ellent interpers onal, c omm unicat ion and relat ionship-building s kills . Great List ening s kills com munic ate

pers uas ively and follow t hrough diligently .

Tec hnically s k illed -- c ross -plat form expert ise (W in/M ac) and prof icienc y in W ord, Ex cel, PowerPoint,

Quark XPres s and Phot oshop.


Ref erral/R epeat Busines s Generat ion

PowerPoint Pres entat ions

Public Speaking

Sales Report s & C orrespondenc e

Knowledge in all Mic rosof t Off ice pack ages


Co as tal Car ol i na Un iv er s it y, C on w ay, SC

BA i n Sc i enc e, Dec . 2012

Aw ar ds : Lif e Sc holars hip ; Hope Sc holars hip; Pell Grant

I nt ern sh ip : YM CA (2012 t o Pres ent )

St udi es : Hum an Anat omy and Phys iology Lifet ime f itnes s and Phy sic al Ac tiv ity, Sport s c ienc e, Injury

m anagem ent, Sport and Exerc ise Behav ior, Exerc ise Phy siology, N utrit ion, Biomec hanic s, M otor

Behavior, Cardiopulm onary, Pers onal f itnes s


Sal esm an /Pat ien t Sal e Tec h ni c ian / A ug us t, 2013 - Pr es ent

T& T Tec hn ol og y, I nc, My r tl e Beac h, SC

M anaging a large Territ ory

Selling m edical equipment t o hos pit als and pat ient s

Keeping up wit h pat ient inform ation on file

Set ting up m edical equipm ent in pat ient hom es

Cus t omer s ervic e

Sal esm an /J u ne,2013- A ug us t,2013

M ark et so ur c e, M y rt l e B eac h, SC

Selling c ell phones f or all carriers

Opening and clos ing on my ow n

Hav ing great c ust omer serv ice sk ills

Sal esm an / F eb/ 13/2013 – un /1/ 2013


Bl ueg reen Res o rt, M y rt l e Beac h, SC

Tim es hare, Cus t omer serv ice, Clos ing and having great people sk ills.

Spr i nt Tec hn ic i an/ Sal esm an, 2011-FEB 2013

Un it ed Cel lu lar Spr in t, My r tl e Beac h, SC

Handle the set up, serv ice and daily operations t hat our s tore mus t have to keep the cus tom er happy. I have

k nowledge of all devic es and c ust omer serv ice q & a. Meet t he s ales mont hly quot es. I hav e beat en m y exc hange

rat e ev ery mont h whic h inv olves in higher pay and bonuses f or t he whole team .

Sal es A c c om pl i s hm ent s :

Been nam ed one of the best c ust omer serv ice reps at united cellular s print. Out com es included fas ter

s ervic e, im proved eff icienc y and enhanced guest s atis fac tion.

Num ber one on t he boards w hen it c omes t o t he s ales and exc hange quot e.

Hav e w ork wit h m ultiple people at onc e

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